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The Reality of Kharj'ites and their modern counterparts. 

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

Direct Salutations upon Leader of Prophets, Sayyidina wa Shafi'iana Muhammad (Peace 

and Blessings be upon him) 

This following detailed article shall be based on Qur'an, Sunnah, and verdicts of Islamic 
scholars in regards to the world's biggest strife and Fitnah which has struck Ummah i.e. 
Kharj'ite (Hururiyah) cult. 

Table of Contents (Simplified) 

l. Introduction (Who are Khawarij and their modern counterparts?) 

2. The misconception that Najd is Iraq and by no means areas in Saudi Arabia (such as 
Bani Tamim, Banu Hanifa, Mudar, Rabi'a, Riyadh and such areas) be included. 

3. The verdict of Islamic scholars on Khawarij. Also whether they are disbelievers or 

4. Terrorism taking place in our times is orchestrated by same Khawarij and their 
modern counterparts. 

5. Peaceful teachings of Islam Vs the Barbarism of Khawarij. Islam is aloof from their 
beliefs and even jurisprudential opinions. 

The table of contents are kept very simple and precise so that people reading this article 
in order to reach truth are not confused with complicated matter. 


So Who are Khawarij and their modern counterparts? 

Answer: The Great Islamic scholar, Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani (Rahimahullah) gives both 
long and short definition of al-Khawarij. The short one is very simple and easy to 
understand hence it is to be memorized and we will always know how to distinguish 
between genuine Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamm'ah and the extremist Khawarij (irrespective 
of times) 

Translation: "Al-Khawarij" is plural of "Kharija [one who went out]" and it means "A 
FACTION" They are a group of (blameworthy) innovators, who are named as such 
because of their leaving the religion and rebelling "AGAINST THE BEST OF MUSLIMS" 
[Fath ul Bari, Sharh Sahih ul Bukhari, Volume # 12, Page # 283] 

Although I shall cite more definitions of this cult but this precise definition fits on 
Khawarij of all times. You will notice that modern day Khawarij not only rebel against 
legitimate governments to the extent of attacking holy Ka'aba as Juhayman al Otaibi did 
in late 1979 under guidelines of leading Wahabi scholars like Abdullah bin Baaz and 
Muhammad Qahtani (which is also proof of them being Khawarij), but also rebel and 
murder scholars of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamm'ah whom they consider to be infidels 
(Mushrikeen) and thus Jihad against Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamm'ah is justified by them as 
we can now see happening in different parts of the world. 

These people are destroying mosques of Ahlus Sunnah, have intent to destroy the 
shrines of Great Prophets and they recently destroyed the Shrine of great Prophet Yunus 
(Jonah) alayh salam. They have destroyed shrines of many Awliya al Ikraam by calling 
them idol houses (Naudhobillah) in order to create anarchy on God's earth. They always 
do this activity acting as splinter groups without proper backing from even their own 
highly revered scholars (who carry same ideology but cannot speak for open violence 
due to pressure from Governments and genuine Sunni Muslims who refute them 

They are so extreme that they even declare their own scholars like Aasim al Hakeem 
from Saudi Arabia (whom I personally consulted) as Munafiqeen just because he called 
the terrorist Wahabi group ISIS in Iraq a rebellious group. 

A confusion might arise in some minds that how come people like Aasim al Hakeem and 
other Wahabi scholars be included in this cult when they have openly not supported the 
atrocities of killing Muslims and creating anarchy? The answer to this is that we will 
look at Kharj'ite ideology to ascertain for sure that they are Khawarij in a nutshell. 

Imam Ibn Nujaym al-Hanafi (Rahimahullah) describes Khawarij as: 

"Al-Khawarij" are the group having "Strength and Zealotry" who revolt against the 
(Muslims/governments) due to (self styled) interpretation. They believe that 
(Muslims/governments) are upon falsehood, disbelief, or disobedience and thus it is 
necessary to fight against. "THEY DECLARE LAWFUL THE BLOOD AND WEALTH OF 
MUSLIMS" [Ibn Nujaym in his Bahr al Ra'iq, Volume # 2, Page # 234] 

Again important points are to be noted that Khawarij will indeed accumulate Strength 
and Zealotry in order to revolt against Muslims and our government (s). After doing so 
they will start killing even Muslims and consider their wealth (and other sources prove 
that even women) to be legal upon themselves. 

O Dear Muslims, before we go towards Qur'an and Sunnah in order to prove Islam to be 
a peaceful and caring religion, we need to be sure in our minds that there is "NO SUCH 
THING AS JIHAD UPON MUSLIMS" whether the Muslims are extremely sinful + 
transgressors. No group can claim Jihad on Muslim nations assuming itself to be on 

haqq or self assumed Caliphs upon earth as we know that Wahabis in past snatched 
control of Haramayn Shareefayn from Ahlus Sunnah Ottomon Sultanate through force 
and by killing Muslims in great numbers. 

We also know for sure that Saudi government is extremely corrupt having a legacy of 
tyrant Ibn Saud and fanatical religious ideology of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab, but 
this does not give any party from Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamm'ah the right to make up a 
group of rebels to fight against them. They can be only fought against if Muslims in 
majority all over the world agree along with constitutions and countries that Jihad is to 
be waged on Saudi Arabia as the leaders have become disbelievers who stop Muslims 
from Hajj and performing prayers. 

Due to this modest viewpoint of Ahlus Sunnah and we not declaring Jihad on Muslims, 
unfortunately we are sometimes a hidden voice in many parts of the world, because 
remember Wahabism with all it's violence, open beheadings (whether of Muslims or 
non-Muslims under their fake Caliphates), mainstream media showing them often to 
defame Islam, mass circulation of Saudi funded literature and other such reasons have 
become too vocal and many times people in their ignorance assume them to be on truth. 

Let us now come towards overwhelming proofs from Qur'an and Sunnah in regards to 

Proof # l from Qur'an 

JS'dj L«T OjJ^L j«i*Jl ^ Oj^wljJlj dill VI ^Ajjfr b>J ^Xjfr tlittilj ^LsflJl *l*al <Ua 4jL£j U 0^««~i 

Translation: He it is Who has revealed the Book to you; some of its verses are decisive, 
they are the basis of the Book, "AND OTHERS ARE ALLEGORICAL"; then as for 
those in whose hearts there is perversity they follow the part of it which is 
allegorical, seeking to mislead and seeking to give it (their own) interpretation. But 
none knows its interpretation except Allahi and those who are firmly rooted in 
knowledge say: We believe in it, it is all from our Lord; and none do mind except those 
having understanding. [Translation by Shakir: Surah Aali Imraan (3:7)] 

We Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamm'ah have been refuting Wahabis since a long time from this 
glorious verse of Qur'an. The Wahabis take literal meanings of Mutashabihaat and have 
very obnoxious beliefs in regards to Sifaat of Allah. We have talked in detail regarding 
Sifaat of Allah at a separate article which you can read here: 

http : / /www. ahlus- 

Over here our motive is to prove "People with disease in heart" to be Kharj'ite. 

In explanation of this verse Ibn Kathir (rah) says: 

jAia i y '.':'< \j± rjji iTia ^jj ^ (jJ^ Uola} ;<_ r 5l*J AJ j3 <_^a f "\ » » j ^ ^'*- ^li^i ( _ s Jjll (jt j <LoLoi b! ; Jla 

jjt jj^i AjjJj^i (jj! oljj ^3 j «£j!j=JI j»A» Jla |oj4-J ^3^"J °J^J O* 3 ^ ?Jl} '.is^ 3 ^ cs^J 

olja-o j ■>■ ■ — ^ (j" 0 ^ j3 J-° (jj-^J tj' "'^ J^l ClijAiJI lift j co^£jia It ja^-a A-oLal (jt .i-Jlt (jt cA^. j 

^jUt j Ajlt auI ^j-lj-a ^.''^ clw^ Ljj-^l ' . (jl£ j jiJI A_iia ^ cii*a j At.ij J j\ (jla ■ 

<&\ ojj-ajjiJI jj ji> j j=^ijla Jlaa caJILJI o-igj a jj^.laa tA_&uik]l ^ J^*j ^ Ail oJLuilall j^gJ jat ^ I jlj -» iK< 
J^xj liLla Jjit I ; Aj^^Li. 

Translation: Abu Umama (RA) narrates hadith from Prophet (Peace be upon him) that 
the word of Allah {As for those in whose hearts there is perversity they follow 
the part of it which is allegorical} "THESE ARE THE KHAWARIJ" and Allah 
Ta'ala said: {On the Day [some] faces will turn white and [some] faces will turn 
black... (Qur'an 3:106)} "THESE ARE KHAWARIJ" ...Abu Umama narrated it in Marfu 
form, this hadith is in categories of Mawquf and is talk of Sahabi but the meaning is 
Katheer mentions long hadith about Dhul-Khawsira at-Tameemi the first Kharj'ite and 
how he disrespected Prophet. We will mention that hadith in detail in hadith section) 
[Tafseer Ibn Katheer under Surah Aali Imraan Verse # 7] 

Many other Mufasireen also applied this to Khawarij, See Ibn Abi Hatim ar-Razi in his 
Tafsir al Qur'an al Azeem (2/594). Imam al-Khazin in his Lubab al-Ta'wil (1/217). 

There is also a long hadith which mentions this part about Khawarij and calls them 
"DOGS OF HELL FIRE" which we shall mention in the Hadith section In shaa'Allah. 

Proof # 2 from Qur'an 

Qur'an states: O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than 
yourselves, for they will not spare you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. 
BREASTS CONCEAL IS GREATER" We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if 
you will use reason. [3:118] 

This glorious verse of Qur'an outlines how terrorists work against Muslim Ummah. They 
only want to corrupt us, they want our ruin, hatred comes from their mouths and their 
hearts conceal bigger evil. All of this fits on Khawarij and modern day terrorists of today. 
Time is now ripe and we should not shy to call them with the exact name they are 
renowned with especially in the Arab world i.e. Wahabiyoon/Salafiyoon. 

Imam Jalal lid din Suyuti (rah) says in his Tafseer: 

Lgjlj * (jjiiiiaj} <U jS (jC (—Jit L! ' " ■ « ;Jla JaUiJI ^^SJLall (j'^" 0 (jt -^J?- Vl"),l ^'^J.'^ j ^L^- i_g^ (jjl £_>^' J 

Translation: Ibn Abi Hatim and Imam at-Tabrani narrate "WITH STRONG CHAIN" 
from Hameed bin Mahran al-Maliki that he asked Abu Ghalib (RA) about (this verse) he 
said: Abu Umama (RA) narrated from Prophet (Peace be upon him) that he said: They 
are "Khawarij" [Tafseer Dur ul Munthoor under 3:118, also see Ibn Abi Hatim al Razi, 
Tafsir al Qur'an al Azeem (3/742)] 

Imam al Qurtubi (rah) said: It indicates towards Khawarij, and he mentioned that they 
will continuously cause strife, using trickery and deceit. [Tafseer al Qurtubi, Jami li 
Ahkaam al Qur'an (4/179)] 

Note: This verse is also regarding the rebellious Pagans, Jews and Christians who create 
strife in Ummah and we know very well that in current situation USA, Zionist Israel and 
Pagan Hindus in India are strongly funding the Wahabi terrorists to create strife in 
Muslim Ummah. Pakistani Army and armies of Muslim nations are fighting these 
Khawarij and they confirm that terrorists are provided with weapons and training from 
USA, Israel or India. 

Proof # 3 from Qur'an 

jl L_s!/li. (j-o J 1 J j^fcpjl ^Ua' j) Ijjlwaj j\ IjIjSj (jl bLji3 (_>*a - )Vl (j J» > njj AJ^jajjj <d)l (j_jJjL^J (jJ^ll fcl^? - 

fijht*. l—lljlC. 3^>i.VI ja^J J laii]! fS^ U^J^' 

Qur'an states: Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His 
Messenger "AND STRIVE UPON EARTH [TO CAUSE] CORRUPTION" is none but that 
they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or 
that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them 
in the Hereafter is a great punishment [5:33] 

This verse is indeed in regards to Mushrikeen, Jews, Christians, Munafiqeen and all 
those who wage war upon Allah and his Prophet (Peace be upon him). This verse also 
applies to those who go out of Islam by disrespecting Allah and his Apostle (Peace be 
upon him). This is a verse used by Ahlus Sunnah against degraders of Prophet (Peace be 
upon him) and is a Nass from Qur'an that insulter of Prophet is a disbeliever who is to 
be killed. 

In Tafsir of this verse Ibn Jarir at-Tabri (rah) narrates: 

4j»!)Lu:VI ^!>LJ! { 3 aS j^jj s&l (jjjjLij (jjill ^"j} !^ i_s^ chW^ clw' Cfi- * ^ c?^ tl^' AjVI 

Ai^jj !>.!} £^ (jjj 4<Jj^a f-Lui (jlj <Jj3 (.Lui (jl jUiJlj 4j3 (jj^luiAll 

Ibn Abbas (RA) said: Whosoever takes up arms against the Muslims and spreads fear on 
the roads and is absiquently apprehended and caught, his fate is at the discretion of the 
ruler of Muslims whether he decides to kill him or decides to "CRUCIFY HIM" or cut off 

his hands and feet from opposite sides. [Tafsir at-Tabri (6/214,) Ibn Katheer in his 
Tafsir (2/51)] 

This is also mentioned by Sa'eed bin Musayb the leading Tabi'i, Mujahid, Ata, and 
Hasan al Basri, so it is a clear explanation of this verse and waging war upon Allah and 
Prophet is fulfilled even by waging war on Muslims and killing them due to false 
ideology or to establish self assumed Caliphate as Wahabis perceive. 

Wahabis/Khawarij should fear such a severe punishment, if they do not fear Shariah on 
earth then Indeed Allah will give them far severe punishment in hell fire. 

The important parts to note in this verse are: 

a) Those who wage war against Allah, 

The ideology of modern day Khawarij is that Allah has "PLURAL SHINS/LEGS" [See 
footnote in Muhsin Khan's translation of Noble Qur'an under 3:73 Published from Saudi 
Arabia], that Allah has a shadow (See Bin Baaz crusader's fatwa here: ), that Allah does literal Running/ Jogging [See Ibn 
Uthaymeen al-Wahabi's Aqida section of his Fatawa (Pg. 112) and this is also mentioned 
in Lajna (3/196)] and such anthropomorphic beliefs. Some modern Khawarij also 
believe that "Allah is capable of doing bad acts as that makes him superior to creation 
[See Ismail Dhelvi al-Wahabi in Yak Rozi, followed by sympathetic towards Wahabism 

Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi in Fatawa Rashidiyyah]" this and similar beliefs by them is 
their declaration of war upon Allah. 

b) War upon Prophet (Peace be upon him) 

In this regard the modern day Khawarij (i.e. Wahabis) have highly disrespectful beliefs. 
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab went to the extent of declaring Adam (alayh salam) as 
someone who did "SHIRK IN OBEDIENCE OF ALLAH" and he (Ibn Abdul Wahab) did 
this to prove his perverted Tawhid (See: Kitab at-Tawheed English version Published by 
Dar us Salam, Page # 156-158, he relied on a forged quote from Qatada which he 
hypocrticially called as "SAHIH" although the publisher in footnote accepts that it is 
Da'eef according to Ibn Kathir and even Albani. Ibn Abdul Wahab in his ignorance and 
vigor attributed this absurdity towards Adam alayh salam by saying in his comment 
that Adam alayh salam did do Shirk in naming, Naudhobillah] Please see Tafsir Ibn 
Kathir under Qur'an 7:190 where he does detailed analysis and proves from same 
Qatada and other narrations that It does not refer to Adam (alayh salam) nor Hawwa 
(alayh salam) but rather their offspring who commited this shirk. Ibn Katheer then calls 
this kind of Bani Israelite narrations to be "LIES" according to Qur'an and Sunnah. We 
know Wahabis keep Bughz for Anbiya so they will try to find excuses in order to defend 
their pseudo Muwahid. Hence the best Tafsir of Qur'an is Qur'an itself. Qur'an itself 
proves Adam (alayh salam) to be sinless let alone attributing Shirk towards him. Read 
Qur'an 20:115 which states in context of Adam (a.s)'s honest mistake (not sin): 
And certainly We gave a commandment to Adam before, "BUT HE 
FORGOT" and We did not find in him any determination. (20:115) 

Or that the final Prophet is intermingled with dust [Fabrication to a hadith done by 
Ismail Dhelvi in Taqwiyatul Imaan] and has nothing to do with us anymore as he is dead 
[whereas Ahlus Sunnah believes from Qur'an and Sunnah that Anbiya are alive "IN 
THEIR GRAVES" and "PRAYING" see Qur'an 2:154, Qur'an 3:169, Qur'an 30:52 along 
with unadultrated Tafsir Ibn Kathir not the fabricated and abridged English translation 
by Salafis, see Qur'an 45:21, see Sahih Muslim Hadith # 2375 about Musa alayh salam 
being seen praying in his grave, see Musnad Abu Ya'la with Sahih Isnad, Volume No. 6, 
Page No. 147, Hadith No. 3428 which proves Prophets are alive in their graves and 

praying. See Sahih Muslim Volume # 2, Page # 184-185, Hadith # 274 - English 
translation by Mahdi al Sarif published by Beirut, Lebanon (Kitaab ul Imaan) along 
with Sharh Sahih Muslim of an-Nawawi having the very first answer from Qadhi 
Iyaadh that Prophets still do Hajj. Plus many more proofs] 

They believe Prophet cannot hear us at all whether at his grave or from far [whereas 
authentic hadiths prove he indeed does, see for example the "SAHIH" hadith which 
states: Narrated by Abu Hurayra (RA) that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) 
said: If any one of you greets me, Allah returns my soul to me and I 
respond to the greeting. (Sunnan Abu Dawud Hadith # 2043) and many 

His intercession is either shirk or Bidah (whereas authentic hadiths directly from 
Prophet and from Tawatur prove his intercession, hence the modern day Khawarij are 
directly accusing the Prophet of Shirk and Bidah without realizing. See for example 
Qur'an 4:64 along with Imam an-Nawawi's Al-Majmu', Volume No. 8, Page No. 274 in 
regards to this verse, see Qur'an 5:35 along with explanation of Ibn Muflih al-Hanbli's 
al-Furu (2/159), Qur'an 2:248 along with Tafsir al Jalalyn, Qur'an 3:193. Also see Sahih 
Muslim Hadith # 5149, see Sunnan Ibn Majah, Hadith # 1785 in the chapter of 
"SALAAT AL HAJAH" and many more verses and Sahih hadiths ). 

He was like ordinary human beings [whereas Qur'an proves that he received revelation 
in the same verse (18:110) which Wahabis misuse, now it is refutation of those who say 
he is like us, if they persist then they should claim to be receiving revelation as well, plus 
the Prophet is Rehmat al lil Alameen (see Qur'an 21:107) which nobody else could be, he 
is Khatam an Nabiyeen (see Qur'an 33:40) again something superior to even previous 
Prophets, he is both Nur and Bashr (see Qur'an 5:15, Qura'n 24:35, Qur'an 33:46 and 
many more verses and hadiths), he went on miraculous Mi'raaj journey and saw Allah 

(see Qur'an 53:7-22 along with Tafsir of Ibn Jawzi called Za'd al Maseer where he proves 
from Sahih Bukhari and Muslim that Prophet saw Allah for sure) and many more noble 
attributes which distinguishes him from ordinary Muslims, plus in many Sahih hadiths 
of Bukhari and Muslim the Prophet said: " Ayokum Misli" i.e. Who amongst you is like 
me? (See Sahih Bukhari: Vol. 9, Book 90, Hadith 348). Hadith also proves that his sweat 
had best fragrance (See Sunnan Tirmidhi Book 27, Hadith 2147 with Sahih Chain) and 
many more things which prove that he is not like ordinary human beings]. 

The modern day Khawarij believe that he did not know of Unseen at all (Whereas 
Qur'an and Sunnah prove his immense knowledge of Unseen and future events, see for 
example Qur'an 3:179, Qur'an 72:26-27, Qur'an 81:24, Qur'an 4:113, Qur'an 6:75, Qur'an 
16:89 and many more verses and Hadiths of Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, one 
reference of Bukhari is Volume 8, Book yy, Number 601, another reference is Volume 
2, Book 23, Number 428, another is Sahih Bukhari Volume 5 Number 24 
and many more. We know Wahabis love to find faults in Prophet whereas we should 
always remember that genuine Ahlus Sunnah study Qur'an and Sunnah to uplift the 
status of Prophet and we consider him to be "ABD-ULLAH" whereas Wahabis always 
spend days and nights to somehow find his faults, decision is your who is right. Also 
refer to Qadhi Iyaadh's Ash-Shifa where he made a whole chapter with title: Chapter 
regarding grant of Ghuyub (Unseen) to Prophet (Peace be upon him) and of 
things which have to happen in future :See Ash'Shifa Volume N0.1, Page No. 

They believe he made mistakes in great number (Whereas deep understanding of Qur'an 
and Sunnah prove that he along with all Prophets are Ma'soom i.e. infallible. See Qur'an 
68:4, Qur'an 20:105, See Sahih Bukhari Volume 6, Book 60, Number 260 and many 
more proofs). 

They believe it is haram to visit his grave with the intention to visit it (Ibn Taymiyyah al 
Mujasmi championed this belief and wahabis till today follow him blindly), one should 
turn his back towards his grave (Modern day Khawarij standing at grave of Prophet even 
are strict to get this implemented). 

See our article in response to Salafis here: http://www.ahlus- 

sunna. com/index. php?option=com_content&view=article&id=89&Itemid=i5i 

They believe his grave should be destroyed and shrine toppled (championed by leading 
Mubtadi from modern day Khawarij i.e. Nasir ud Dhalalah Albani) and not to forget that 
his grave is the biggest idol in this Ummah Naudhobillah, such disgusting beliefs of 
Khawarij are actually their war upon the Messenger of Allah. 

See our article in response to Salafis here: http://www.ahms- 

sunna. com/index. php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6i&Itemid=i63 

c) This verse mentions the trait of fitnah creating disbelievers and also 
Khawarij as: (they) strive upon earth [to cause] corruption 

Remember the word used in Arabic is Fasaad and every time Israel/ America and their 
agents i.e. Wahabiyoon wage their Baatil Jihad on Muslim Ummah (with funding from 
Saudi Arabia) they always make Fasaad on earth by destroying mosques, shrines, 
heritage, burning Qur'an while bombing places and etc... 

d) They be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from 
opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. 

When I turned religious I used to wonder in past why such a strict punishment on 
rebels? But now after seeing the atrocities of Wahabis/Khawarij it is absolutely clear 
that these Barbarians deserve such a severe punishment. If Wahabis show that 
governments are oppressing them or killing them then be sure in your minds that 
Wahabis are proving themselves wrong by showing oppression upon themselves 
because Qur'an itself orders such a punishment on Khawarij. 

Proof # 4 from Qur'an 

f-jjji j 4jtlll ( a^J tilj] jl (jijVI ijjJLuiSJj (Jj-ajJ q\ <J Jii\ ja\ La (jjaJaijj ^illl/i ^aj (j-o dill ^C- /jj. (jjill J 

Qur'an states: But those who break the covenant of Allah after contracting it and sever 
that which Allah has ordered to be joined "AND SPREAD CORRUPTION ON EARTH - 
FOR THEM IS THE CURSE" and they will have the worst home. [13:25] 

In Tafsir of this verse Imam al-Qurtubi (rah) said: 

Sayyidna Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas (RA) said: By the One besides whom there is no other 
god, "THESE ARE THE HURURIYYAH [KHAWARIJ] [Tafseer al Qurtubi (9/314)] 

Allama Abu Hafs al-Hanbli (rah) states: As for Allah's statement "And those who spread 
corruption on the earth" this is either by inviting to something other than God's religion 
AND LAYING WASTE THE LAND" [Abu Hafs al Hanbli in al-Lubab fi 'ulum al Kitab 

If we look at atrocities committed by Wahabi cult in the name of Islam or Jihaad we will 
find them doing exactly as mentioned in this verse and commentary of it. This verse is 
also a refutation of people like Yazeed bin Mu'awiya regarding whom Salafis are 
confused, many Salafis consider him their role model & Ameer-ul-Momineen, they even 
say Radhi Allah Anho with his name like Zakir Naik did, whereas very few like Zubayr 
Zai had refuted Yazeed. 

Proof # 5 from Qur'an (Wahabis/Khawarij will assume 
to be on Haqq but Qur'an calls them wrong) 

Qur'an states: Say: Shall we inform you of who are the "GREATEST LOSERS" with 
respect to their deeds? It is those whose entire struggle is wasted in the life of this world, 

In Sahih Bukhari and Tafseer at-Tabri it is proven that these verses are in regards to 
people of the Book. However Imam at-Tabri showed another great Tafseer with direct 
proof from Sayyidna Ali (RA) as: 

(jj -ijt (JLui ijla t(J_iilall ( _ s _jI jc. (jj & " ^ " jc. "* " ^ " (jLiiui jc t ( _ s J^j Li!! ijla t^-^ (jj " Uii-i^. 

(JaI L - ''i ; Jla VLacI jjjui-^VLj ^v"' 3* lJ^ jc L_lc plJSJI. 

Translation: When Ibn al Kawa (a Kharj'ite) asked Sayyidna Ali (RA) about these 
losers, Sayyidna Ali (RA) replied: It is you O people of Hurrura [See Tafseer at-Tabri 

Another chain says: 

£.L-i£j-a]l ( _ s -l\ jC ' ^.'^ "Si^-*- 0 (_s-)\ (jC ' ' "* (_5-jl jC "-T^Jjl (jJ uJ^J ^ !(J^ 't_SA J (jjl Ljj±kl |(Jl3 CjjjijjJ '* ^ 

dui i^j-lc Jlaa Vl-acl jjj^i-^VLj 3* l3> j jc ^1 Jj3 jc 4<lLui (jjl ji 4i_JUa ^g-il jj ^-Ic jc i^jSLJI 

Translation: When Ibn al Kawa (Kharj'ite) asked Sayyidna Ali (RA) about Allah's 
saying "these are the losers" Sayyidna Ali (RA) replied: You and your companions, [ibid] 

Hence Khawarij and their ilk like Wahabis of today are all included, now no matter how 
cleverly they claim to be following Qur'an and Sunnah but in reality Allah has proven 
them as Losers and delusional people who "ASSUME TO BE DOING GOOD" 

Proof # 6 & 7 from Qur'an 

Qur'an states: And when it is said to them, "DO NOT SPREAD CORRUPTION ON 
THE EARTH" they say "WE ARE ONLY REFORMERS" Beware it is they who truly 
spread corruption although they perceive it not [2:11-12] 

This verse refers to the Munafiqeen, Mushrikeen and also Jews, you will notice Israel 
and Modern Media doing exactly as this verse tells about them. The Khawarij are also 
their agents rather one should remember that Jews also reject intercession of Prophets 
just like Wahabis reject today. 

Qur'an also states: 

Translation: Is he, the evil of whose deeds is made fairseeming unto him so 

that he deemeth it good, (other than Satan's dupe)? Allah verily sendeth whom He will 
astray, and guideth whom He will; so let not thy soul expire in sighings for them. Lo! 
Allah is Aware of what they do! [Pickthall translation: 35:8] 

Abu Hafs al Hanbli said: Qatada said: Amongst them are the Kharji'ites who declare 
lawful the blood and wealth of Muslims [Abi Hafs al Hanbli in al Lubab fi ulum al-Kitab 

We will always notice that Wahabis/Khawarij will say to people as if they are forbidding 
evil and ordering good but in reality they are the major fitnah creators on this earth. 
They misinterpret Qur'an, they accuse Majority of Muslims to be Mushrikeen whose 
lives and properties are Halaal upon them as Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab al Najdi at- 
Tameemi al Kharji believed and since then wahabis have been enforcing their Baatil 
ideology upon Muslims across the globe. 

They are heavily funded by monarchs in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and such places, they are 
very vocal about their beliefs. Due to this many unaware women and children are mostly 
attracted to this sick ideology and they do not realize that it is far better to remain 
misguided in worldly matters rather than becoming a Wahabi and ruin their Akhiraah 
forever by disrespecting Allah and his Noble Apostle (Peace be upon him). 

Now let us come towards overwhelming hadiths which are about Khawarij and their 
modern counterparts. If you read these hadiths you will be first of all sure about 
immense knowledge of unseen being given to Prophet (Peace be upon him) which is also 
something these lunatics deny emphatically and are thus Warriors upon Prophet. 
Secondly you will see how Wahabis have exactly same concepts like that of Khawarij. 

Hadith # l f Athar from Ibn Umar RA which is very 
important to understand) 

Jbu &\ Jjii j p$jfc> <a\1\ Jju Jj^AaJI j £ j! jail Jjfl ujL 


Chapter in regards to "KILLING THE KHAWARIJ AND HERETICS" after confirming 
proof upon them: 

Imam Bukhari mentions verse of Qur'an: Allah T'ala said: And Allah will not mislead a 

people after He hath guided them, in order that He may make clear to them what to fear 
(and avoid)- for Allah hath knowledge of all things. 9:115) 

Bukhari relates from 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar (Allah be well pleased with him) "Ibn v Umar 
considered the Khawarij and the heretics as the worst beings in creation, and he said: 
They went to verses which were revealed about the disbelievers and applied 
them to the Believers . TSahih Bukhari, Chapter of Killing the Khawarjites and 
Mulhideen, Volume No. 6, Page No. 2539] 

Please read the beautiful verse which wahabis grossly contradict and oppose in order to 
declare majority of Muslims as Mushrikeen. Then read the absolutely stunning Sahih 
Athar which proves that Wahabis use exactly the same approach of Khawarij i.e. they 
use verses revealed about Mushrikeen/Idols and apply them upon Muslims. The 
Wahabis are known to have even applied those verses on Sayyidna Muhammad (Peace 
be upon him) in order to deny the Ahlus Sunnah legitimate concept of Tawassul. 

Many times Wahabis are so stubborn that they say that the above Athar is not present in 
Sahih Bukhari. They say this due to some English translations of Sahih Bukhari present 
online which does not include chapter titles. Some even call it weak when they are left 
with no escape route. 

Hence it is important to quote the detailed commentary over this Athar from Fath ul 
Bari by Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah). He states: 

Translation: Imam at-Tabri (rah) has mentioned it in Musnad of Ali with the chain of 
Bakeer bin Abdullah in Tahdhib al Athaar, He asked Nafi' that what was the opinion of 
Abdullah Ibn Umar (ra) regarding Haruriya (Khawarij), he replied that he (Ibn Umar) 
used to consider them worst creations of Allah because they applied ayahs revealed for 
disbelievers on believers. 

(Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani) said: The sanad of this is "SAHIH" It is also proven from 
the Sahih Marfu hadith of Imam Muslim which he narrated from Abu Dhar (ra) in 
characteristics of Khawarij, the hadith states: They are a creation of worst kind, and 
Imam Ahmed has also narrated a similar hadith from Anas bin Malik (ra) with a strong 

Imam al-Bazzar (rah) has narrated it from Aisha (ra) who narrates from Prophet (Peace 
be upon him) that he said: They will be the worst of my ummah and they will be killed 
by the best of my ummah, The chain of this is "Hassan" [Fath ul Bari, Sharh Sahih ul 
Bukhari, Volume No. 14, Page No. 289, Published by Dar ul Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon] 

We would like to mention few more proofs over here to make it absolutely clear that 
Wahabis with their false Takfir upon Muslims are proven as Mushrikeen themselves 
rather than the Muslims whom they accuse, because remember False Takfeer bounces 

Qur'an states:: Q ye who believe! When ye go abroad in the cause of Allah, 
investigate carefully, and say not to any one who offers you a salutation: 
"Thou art none of a believer!" Coveting the perishable goods of this life: with 
Allah are profits and spoils abundant. Even thus were ye yourselves before, till 

Allah conferred on you His favours: Therefore carefully investigate. For Allah is well 
aware of all that ye do. (4:94) 

This verse is very important to understand in order to refute the sick ideology of 
Wahabism. It has been noticed that Wahabi barbarians have been seen killing Muslims 
who give testification to faith (as ISIS terrorist organisation does often). 

On the other hand Islam is such a beautiful religion that even when we are on 
"LEGITIMATE" Jihaad against known disbelievers we are taught in Qur'an not to 
consider them disbelievers straightaway if they submit and say salutation. In 
comparison to this the Wahabis consider even the Muslim scholars of high rank as 
Mushrikeen and consider their lives, women and properties to be Halaal 
(Naudhobillah). They consider even Muslim women of "MUSLIM COUNTRIES" as 
spoils of war, they have no justification whatsoever to commit obscene adultery with 
them so they turn towards pseudo scholars who have passed verdicts which allow a 
marriage called "Misyaar" (In reality it is another name for temporary marriage where 
dowry is not to be given to women and they can be kept as prostitutes. Salafis have 
allowed this for their disgusting Shuyookh, rich people and Rebels who declare false 
Jihad on Ummah) 

In relevance to this verse a Hadith in regards to Usama bin Zaid (RA) is a must read. 
That hadith also destroys the Baatil Tawheed of Wahabiyyah as they have made 
Tawheed very complicated by dividing it into 3 or 4 parts which is in contrast to Prophet 
(Peace be upon him) who had kept it very simple. 

Bukhaari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 568: (Sahih Bukhari) 

5>uij I nt'i JjAj - I ifl V- aU) ^^ia j - JjJ jjj 4jsLujI ("iTnin Jli i^LjjIa jjj Ujoii t^jjiVi^ Ujo^i t^jnife Luii. (XaikJa ,jj Jjj)C- ^ n*S 
.Ail) VI AJ1 V Jli aliuifr Ul2 t^La iUj jluxiVl o- 4 54 JJ ^ ^ J ^U^j^i ^jill I iVn>i«l (AijaJI ^1 ^lu j <Ulc ajiI ^ji^a 

Narrated Usama bin Zaid: Allah's Apostle sent us towards Al-Huruqa, and in the morning 
we attacked them and defeated them. I and an Ansari man followed a man from among them 
and when we took him over , he said, "La ilaha illal-Lah." On hearing that, the Ansari 
man stopped, but I killed him by stabbing him with my spear. When we returned, the 
Prophet came to know about that and he said, "O Usama! Did you kill him after he had said "La 
ilaha ilal-Lah?" I said, "But he said so only to save himself." The Prophet kept on repeating 
that so often that I wished I had not embraced Islam before that day. 

In another hadith it says: "Did you open his heart and look inside it?" 

The Wahabis with their Baatil Tawheed say that saying Kalima is not enough and they claim to 
know the inner heart feelings of Muslims by calling them disbelievers in majority. However O 
Dear people always remember the fact that nobody could know the Tawheed better than 
Sayyidna Muhammad ur Rasool Allah (Salallaho alaihi wasalam). We shall now show some 
more hadiths which will prove to the extent that Prophet had declared "THE ACCUSER OF 
SHIRK" to be Mushrik rather than the one accused. 

This following Beautiful hadith with "STRONG" chain of narration is worth mentioning 
here so that Muslims stand clear of all the false accusations which Wahabis make upon 

Translation: Hadrat Hudhaifa i.e. Ibn al Yaman (ra) said that the Prophet (Peace be 
upon him) said: Verily, I fear about a man from you who will read the Qur'an so much 
that his face will become enlightened and he will come to personify Islam. This will 
continue until Allah desires. Then these things will be taken away from him when he will 
disregard them by putting them all behind his back and will attack his neighbor 
with the sword accusing him of Shirk. T he Prophet was asked - which of the two 
will be deserving of such an accusation? - The attacker or the attacked? The 
Prophet replied - the attacker (the one accusing the other of Shirk) 

[References with Authentication on Hadith: It is Narrated by Ibn Hibban in his Sahih, 
Volume No. 1, Page No. 282, Bukhari in his Tarikh ul Kabir, Volume No. 4, Page No. 301, 
Haythami in Majma uz Zawaid, where he declared its chain to be "Hassan", Imam Ibn Kathir 
declared the Chain as "Jayyid (strong)" in his Tafsir al Qur'an al Azim, Volume No. 2, Page No 

What a beautiful hadith without doubt. Indeed the Wahabis who accuse majority of 
Muslims of Shirk are directly proven as Mushrikeen themselves according to Sayyidna 
Muhammad (Salallaho alaihi wasalam). If Wahabis still persist in their Baatil taweel 
then here are other Hadiths which we Muslims should always keep handy to prove 
Wahabis as cheaters and Liars. 

ill VI aJ] V Ja Jlia tiljJjJlj (>? ic. ,^ *n ljL> J jl jxc (jjV Jli ^>L>j jl ^aL jc- j-»t jj ill auc jc 

From v Ubayd Allah ibn v Umar, from Nafi v : A man said to Ibn v Umar: "I have a 
neighbor who bears witness against me that I commit shirk." He replied: 
"Say: 'La Ilaha ill Allah,' you will make him a liar."[Imam Ibn Asakir in Tibiyeen 
al Kidhb al Muftari, Page No. 373] 

Lai jal (jl jmc jjl L Jlia J^j *L>a jjl lis IacU Cii£ Jla l _ s ^.jc'^\ * ; 'j; *■ jj jl Lii! Jli jLac jjl ^j-ixj <La^£c 
cjjJI ^jjl ^ ill VI aJI V Cinll JaI Jlia Jli ill VI aJI V cJi Mil Jlia d j£A\j JSJL lik jjAfrAi 

Translation: Akrama i.e. Ibn Ammar said that he heard Sawwar ibn Shabib al-A"raji 
say that he was sitting in Ibn "Umar's house when a man came and said: "O Ibn 
v Umar! There are groups of people bearing witness against us and 
attributing to us kufr and shirk." Ibn 'Umar replied: "Woe to you! Did you 
not say: 'La Ilaha IllAllah'?!" Whereupon the entire household began to say 
La Ilaha 111 Allah until the house was shaking. [Ibid] 

So Muslims should instantly testify to Tawhid and Risalah to prove Wahabis as Liars no 
matter how fancy interpretations they give. 

Let's look at another glaring and fabulous hadith: 

(jLaJ^I J J^lc J^C V j __>jL?. JJ^. AikjJ V JLi.JI (^lol (Jjli) jl .ail ( - ; iia (_>aUs ^ ; ?■ ^ J (J^*J ^^-^V' 

Translation: Anas bin Malik (ra) narrates from the Prophet (Peace be upon him) who 
said: Three things are the roots of faith (l) To refrain from (killing) a person who says 
"La ILaha IL Allah" (2) Not to declare him unbeliever whatever sin he commits (3) and 
also not to declare him out of Islam due to any of his deed. Jihad continues from the day 
I was sent as Prophet to the day that last member of my community fight with the 
Dajjal. The tyranny of any tyrant and the justice of any just (ruler) will not invalidate it. 
One must have faith in Divine Decree. [Sunnan Abu Dawud, Volume No. 2, Hadith # 

Now no room for justification is left for extremists and there is no need to write long 
commentary over this and similar hadiths because they are explicit and clear. We go 
with the Prophet (Peace be upon him) not the Baatil taweel of extremists. 

Hadith # 2 (Long hadith but a Must read to understand 

the ideology of Khawarij) 

Book 005, Number 2319: (Sahih Muslim) - Mutafaq Alaih (In Bukhari see: Vol. 5, 

Book 59, Hadith 638) 

'^j'^H )JT 1 11 U! l"n;nl (Jll ^xj (jj (JA^_jJI 4.JJC. LnSi t^laiiJI (jj ojLttC. (Jt i-lajjil ^It liiia. t l 11 (jj <lii3 Ljjii. 

(Jla - U^j' JJ (j-9 (Jj-^J^J J^- 0 csi ^4*^4 (j- 0 ^' L>? f^'" J ^.^ r - ^ LS^ 3 ^ <J J^J LS^! (c^' lW cs^- ( '"' '* Jj^J - 

(Jjlial! (jj j-olt Lajj "Ci!/lc- (jj A-allc La] £jlj]!j (JjJ^JI -JJJJ (J^^ (jj ^J^'j U' T~ LW ^ 'JJ* - (jJJ J^J ^*^j' (JJJ ^ $ 

l>? 13^-' lP^ ^ - " ' — ' (j* 34 j (J^ss - u^?l Ijlj (ejjj^^ " (3-^ . ,aiui j aJc. A\ ^,\<<-i ^jjll i23Jj ^ija - Jla 

^j-^ti) ^ j°'^t J>uiU (jlljAjIt uij^ia (jijjiiSt U^J tj" . " il^i-aj La.Uu-a s-LaUl jii. <^jjjlj cLaUl ^2 (j-o 

Jj p Jl! . " M (jijj (jl (jijSfl JaI ijaS iliUji " (Jlia . M (jjl jjjI ij jLj U Jlia jtjVt jauui (jjjlt (jjla-a 
JjSj Jj-al (j-a iLL (Jll . " ^jl-aj (Jj£j (ji 41*] V " Jlia 4ljc. ^J^' VI (J j^j U ^Jjil (jj -jILL Jlia (Jiji' 
(Jla . " jlaj (jjuil V j (jullll t_i jJa (jt ' _ «'l (jl ja j\ ^1 (^jj " ^l.o j <ulc auI ^jJj-a &\ (J j-^j ijlla . <Ja (juJ La AjLluij 
La£ (jj^JI (j« (jjajAj ^Ajj^lli jjLkj V Lij ■ _ «l "'5 (jj^JJ j» j3 I^a ^ (j^i ^jjLj Ajj " (Jlaa ■ °° * ji> j aJJ jjaj ^j 
<lojl! (j^i *«N (3j-°j- ^ j^j (Jj3 - \ ""^ V -j'i^j^ (JjJ - (Jla (Jli 

Abu Said al-Khudri reported: 'Ali b. Abu Talib sent to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be 
upon him) from Yemen some gold alloyed with clay in a leather bag dyed in the leaves of 
Mimosa flava. He distributed it among four men. 'Uyaina b. Hisna, Aqra' b. Habis and Zaid al- 
Khail, and the fourth one was either Alqama b. 'Ulatha or Amir b. Tufail. A person from among 
his (Prophet's) Companions said: We had a better claim to this (wealth) than these (persons). 
This (remark) reached the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) upon which he said: Will 
you not trust me, whereas I am a trustee of Him Who is in the heaven? The news come to me 
from the heaven morning and evening (A: This part is wrongly translated by both Abdul Hamid 
and also Muhsin Khan Wahabi to claim that Allah is inside heaven- Naudhobillah although 
Arabic is proving that it is referring to Jibreel alayh salam who brings news from the skies in 
morning and evening. Best translation of this part is by Aisha Bewley Hadith # 4094 of Sahih 
Bukhari). Then there stood up a person with deep sunken eyes, prominent cheek 
bones, and elevated forehead, thick beard, shaven head, tucked up loin cloth ( j-^ 
J jV'L and he said; Messenger of Allah, fear Allah. He (the Holy Prophet) said; Woe 
to thee, do I not deserve most to fear Allah amongst the people of the earth? That man then 
returned. Khalid b. Walid then said: Messenger of Allah, should I not strike his neck? Upon this 

he (the Holy Prophet) said: Perhaps he may be observing the prayer. Khalid said: How many 
observers of prayer are there who profess with their tongue what is not in their heart? Upon this 
the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: I have not been commanded to pierce 
through the hearts of people, nor to split their bellies (insides). He again looked at him and he 
was going back. Upon this he (the Holy Prophet) said; There would arise a people 
from the progeny of this (man) who would recite the Qur'an glibly, but it would not 
go beyond their throats; they would (hurriedly) pass through (the teachings of 
their) religion just as the arrow passes through the prey. I conceive that he (the 
Holy Prophet) also said this; If I find them I would certainly kill them as were 
killed the (people of) Thamud. 

-End of Hadith 

We would mention the exact location from where that person (i.e. Dhul Khuwisira) 
came from in next hadith. This hadith outlines major traits of Khawarij and there is 
glaring similarly between them and their modern counterparts i.e. Wahabis. Before we 
show those clear similarities we want to clarify that keeping long beard is part of Sunnah 
and even people from Ahlus Sunnah can have prominent cheek bones, elevated 
foreheads and etc... But the point to understand is the complete hadith itself along with 
other hadiths which combined together only point towards the Wahabiyoon and their 
extremist ideology which is not shared by Ahlus Sunnah as we are people of modesty 
and truthful teachings. 

a) The Khawarij were the first Munafiqeen from within Muslims who disrespected 
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as we can clearly understand from this 
hadith. Remember Wahabis also follow similar approach on Prophet as we establised 
under Proof # 3 from Qur'an, which you can see above. 

b) Thick Beards (Wahabis are known to be extremely strict on beard issue and their 
beards go wild although according to Shariah and many hadiths It is proven part of 
Sunnah to keep the beard groomed & well kept) 

c) Tucked upon loin cloth (You will find wahabis lifting their trousers or dresses very 
high from their ankles and lift them at times close to shins, we agree that the 
Masnoon way is to keep ankles uncovered, but Wahabis will be most extreme in 
this regard and sometimes they even punish people who have their trousers below the 
ankles. This extremism of Wahabis is wrong as it is proven from many hadiths that 
actual reasoning behind lifting our clothes above ankles is "NOT TO RESEMBLE THE 
AND ARROGANCE" this is proven from Sahih Bukhari where Prophet Peace be upon 
him allowed Sayyidna Abu Bakr to drag his cloth as Prophet said "YOU DO NOT DO IT 
IN PRIDE" Remember Wahabis never understand the essence and spirit of Islam, they 
are just barbarians who follow the literal meanings of Qur'an and Sunnah without 
realizing that many times literal meanings are not to be taken) 

d) Deep sunken eyes, prominent cheek bones, and elevated foreheads. To understand 
this let us see some pictures of Wahabi leading authorities. 

Here is picture of the Grand Shaykh of Saudi Arabia called "AAL ASH SHAYKH" i.e. 
biological descendent of Kharj'ite Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab at-Tameemi. 

Bin Baaz from Najd Riyadh (the blind man from eyesight and also truth) is considered 
the top notch authority in Wahabis. He died back in 1999. Let's look at his picture and 
see resemblance to depiction of Dajjal let alone Khawarij. 

Here is picture of yet another leading Wahabi authority called Ibn Uthaymeen at- 
Tameemi. He died back in 2001. 

e) Many other hadiths in Bukhari and Muslim prove that "We will find our prayers 
inferior to them" ...You will notice extremist Wahabis claiming to know all about prayer 
and creating havoc over issues like Raful Yaddain, whether to recite Fatiha behind the 
Imam or not. On these basis they declare the prayers of majority of Muslims to be Baatil 
(they do not realize that Muslims follow schools of Jurisprudence and in Hanafi + 
Maliki School Raful Yaddain except in first Takbir is considered abrogated from Nass of 
hadiths, plus in Hanafi school and one Qawl of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal the recition of 
Qur'an is not binding upon Muqtadi while he is standing behind an Imam). 

They especially hate Hanafi school of thought which does Tark of Raful Yaddain and do 
not tie hands on the Chest. Wahabis will be noticed tying hands very close to neck upon 
chest (which is actually a Bidah according to all 4 schools, even in Shaf i and Hanbli 
schools the hands are to be tied below the Chest but above navel), they will spread legs 
wide and claim to be imitating Sunnah, they will say prayer of woman is exactly same 
like that of men and they will be very strict to impliment their own procedure of prayer 
upon others. 

Hence unaware Muslims getting misguided towards Wahabism by considering their 
prayer superior to themselves is a big testimony to Prophetic knowledge who had 
already told us about such people. 

Hadith # 3 CMention of Dhul Khuwisira at-Tameemi) 

Volume 4, Book 56, Number 807: (Sahih Bukhari) - Mutafaq Alayh 

J jIaJ Ij dJlaS - -J «" ^yjj £y> £j^J j - jjuOJJ^l] jj aljt UaLi3 ( Lji£) jA j ( alui j AjIc <&l Jk-i <&l J jiuj Ait jjaj LaJJJ (Jll 
4Aj3 ,J (JAjI <&l J J^iJ Ij ^>aC. (JljlS djac-i (jj Clljui-^ j dui. A3 djAC-l |j| c]a*J (J-oj "ASJjj " (JIjU .l]ac.I M 

JjLkj V (jljall (jji jsj ^-g ^3' " 4-^3""*J Aj^LLo ^aSAkl tOS < fit 4j jjli Acj " Jlsi aiv, CjjjJala 

<j3 Akjj La3 AiLLaj J] ^J 'J^j-^ Aj3 Akjj b(l 4Aj-aj c4j^/>]I (j-a '"^ (3^>*J U^aII Cy UJ^^i ' ? z'j.^ J)" 

~\ 4^aJ!j Clsjlll tjjii) A3 tfr^jji Aj3 Akjj bll eAAS jlaJJ 'c^i Aj3 AkjJ bll - jAj - AjlJoJ j'^'ij 

A^iill AutLu jjl (Jll (jjilill (j^i <3^>a (JJ^. ^jit £)ji/)ijj JJjA!i ^» °'— Ml ^Jla jf 4sl jiJI ^Jj ^J5-a <jjliat <_£AaJ JjjjJ 
t(Ji/}]| iaIIaj ^ill 4<!ti Ulj * ' _ 'ti 'k> ^1 (jj ^ic (jl A^ijIj t^lu) j Ajlt <&l (J-a (J _J*".J (j-? liyAaJI IjA <"v» «iiii Jl 
- 4j*j <_£a!I yilin j Jilll Jj-a |^"^ ^jAC- AjIJ ClljJaj Jii. Aj (J' 1 ?^^ 

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: While we were with Allah's Apostle who was distributing 
(i.e. some property), there came Dhu-l-Khuwaisira, a man from the tribe of 
Bani Tamim and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Do Justice." The Prophet said, 
"Woe to you! Who could do justice if I did not? I would be a desperate loser (A: Wrong 
and disrespectful translation by Muhsin Khan Wahabi) if I did not do justice." 'Umar 
said, "O Allah's Apostle! Allow me to chop his head off." The Prophet said, "Leave 
him, for he has companions who pray and fast in such a way that you will 
consider your fasting negligible in comparison to theirs. They recite Qur'an 

but it does not go beyond their throats (i.e. they do not act on it) and they 
will desert Islam as an arrow goes through a victim's body, so that the hunter, 
on looking at the arrow's blade, would see nothing on it; he would look at its Risaf and 
see nothing: he would look at its Na,di and see nothing, and he would look at its 
Qudhadh ( 1 ) and see nothing (neither meat nor blood), for the arrow has been too fast 
even for the blood and excretions to smear. The sign by which they will be recognized is 
that among them there will be a black man, one of whose arms will resemble a woman's 
breast or a lump of meat moving loosely. Those people will appear when there will be 
differences amongst the people." I testify that I heard this narration from Allah's Apostle 
and I testify that 'Ali bin Abi Talib fought with such people, and I was in his company. 
He ordered that the man (described by the Prophet ) should be looked for. The man was 
brought and I looked at him and noticed that he looked exactly as the Prophet had 
described him 

Please Note: We shall cite more hadiths which prove that these Khawarij will keep on 
emerging and shall try to destroy Muslim Ummah from within, they will emerge even 
with Dajjal (i.e. Wahabis will be on side of Dajjal) 

Also note that Dhul Khawaisra at-Tameemi was the first insulter of Prophet (Peace be 
upon him) after having accepted Islam, and people like Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab al 
Najdi at-Tameemi al-Khariji revived this heresy in Ummah again. Muhammad bin 
Abdul Wahab was also from same Najd area i.e. Bani Tameem from where Dhul 
Khawasira emerged and regarding "HIS FRIENDS AND ILK" Prophet had said: For he 
has friends (who would outwardly look to be so religious and pious) that everyone 
among you would consider his prayer insignificant as compared with their prayer, and 
his fast as compared with their fasts. They would recite the Qur'an but it would not go 
beyond their collar-bones. They would pass through (the teachings of Islam so 
hurriedly) just as the arrow passes through the prey 

We know that Wahabis try to praise the Bani Tameem tribe and quote a hadith from 
Abu Hurraira (RA) that Bani Tameemis would be most stern against Dajjal and so on. 
This is trick of Wahabis because this merit will be evident when Dajjal comes and 
Imam Mahdi will be with Sufi Abdaal having genuine Muslim army, hence even Bani 
Tameemites would become proper Muslims at that time. This does not mean by any 
chance that Fitnah and worst cults cannot emerge from Bani Tameem before it. 

We know for sure from many hadiths that Musaylma Kadhaab was from Najd which is 
within Saudi Arabia and he declared to be a Prophet. We also know that many other 
misguided people including those who planned to martyr Sayyidna Umar (RA), Imam 
Hussain (RA), those who fought against Sayyidna Ali (RA) and many others were from 
Bani Tameem and Najd within present day Saudi Arabia. So there is no unrestricted 
praise on Bani Tameem rather it is a predominately cursed clan due to majority of 
Fitnah always emerging from it. 

We will further expose the Wahabi trickery in regards to Bani Tameem in the section " 
The misconception that Najd is Iraq and by no means areas in Saudi Arabia (such as 
Bani Tamim, Banu Hanifa, Mudar, Rabi'a, Riyadh and such areas) be included. " 

Hadith # 4 (Young Foolish people shall emerge during 

last days) 

Volume 4, Book 56, Number 808: (Sahih Bukhari) 

X7i w | j| _ <it ^ inj _ ^jic <Jll (Jll tAilt (jj jjJj" j^ ^T''' ij^- (jc- 4(jUaLi Ijjj^i ' (jj ^ UHia. 

t_i^kJI (jll ' ~^\;;j 1^ jj) f I ->Jj "0 s-i^l (jl (j^ ' . pLiUl (j« __>i.l (j^i yilui j <Jc <_ ? lj-a (J j-^j (jc- 
U* 9 (llv^J^ t^A^t f 1 ^*''! t^jUlaV) fliS^A ftjS tjl-ajl) jaI ^ ^jjlj " (JjSj jiLu j Aalc A\ ^U.-i jil <J t"i4^ui t^c-ii. 
jll t^A jlSlI -Jl> y*."ja\ Liiiti i^Ajalja. j^jLajj V ''^j-aj^l (j« (jjj-^i ^blLiVI (j« (jj^J"^ '*SL>^ (Jj^ 

_" "LoUall ^jj -3 fa (ji] j\^J |S4Jj3 

Narrated 'Ali: I relate the traditions of Allah's Apostle to you for I would rather fall from 
the sky than attribute something to him falsely. But when I tell you a thing which is 
between you and me, then no doubt, war is guile. I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 
" In the last days of this world there will appear some young foolish people 
who will use (in their claim) the best speech of all people (i.e. the Qur'an) 
and they will abandon Islam as an arrow going through the game. Their belief 
will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have practically no belief), so wherever you 
meet them, kill them, for he who kills them shall get a reward on the Day of 

Note: They will appear in "THE LAST DAYS OF THE WORLD" and also shall be 

The brackets (i.e. the Qur'an) in front of statement " who will use (in their claim) 
the best speech of all people " are added by Wahabi Muhsin khan, whereas the best 
speech is not only Qur'an but also Sunnah. We know Wahabis often misguide people 
that they only follow Qur'an and Sunnah. Also see that Prophet (Peace be upon him) 

YOUNG FOOLISH PEOPLE" this is mostly true about Wahabis who incite youngsters to 
go bizzerk upon other Muslims, young Wahabi kids are spread on internet like offspring 
of snakes and they try to misguide many people. 

Hadith # 5 (Khawarij /Wahabis shall emerge from Arabs 
and shall be well spoken in Arabic) 

Book 020, Number 4553: (Sahih Muslim) 

jlLlI (jc. jjjj j Ajlc ^ A\\ (J JJJJ j_jlLuij (jAill (jlSi (JjSj tjLajll (jj Aiji^ i " W a 1 ji (JjSJ i LS^ LrtJ"^! ^ 

jjiLJI Iua ixj jj^JI I^-j iil lis-Lii jjj J ^S^^? 1 tsi ^! ^ cJ y ciiisa ( _ s i£jiij jl 4iLL« jlill (jc. 4JLLJ ciiis> j 
^jjlLi jj"'-; £ Ja " (Jll Li j dila . " (j^J 4j| j f*^ " c^l jji. (j* jiill i2llj i*j ciiiaa " ^xj " (JLa jjj 

lfr.ll I g^j^j O" 9 Sr^J^ Lf^ 1**-^ " (J^a jjj (ja JjiJI i2llj iij 3* tlllSa . " j ^ iLsjxj ^-JA jjju jjjlgjj 

(j) (_j jj L»a ^iil (J jiuj Lj ciila . " 1 *; l)J jj ^j^^ lH> ftjs " tj^ Lil ■;«■ ^ ^iil (J jjjj Lj ciiiaa . " Lfrj2 9jSJ2 
JLa lillj ^J^" ^ l3J^' ^ djjjc-li " Jli £Lil V j <cl«i ^ (j£i ^ jji ciiiia , " gjjUlj (JjaLul^) Ac-Laa- ^jjj 

" i2llj (^jit Clljl j Cll jaII i21£jjj ^J? (Jj-oI (_jic- (j'— »' (jl jl j 

It has been narrated on the authority of Hudhaifa b. al-Yaman who said: People used to 
ask the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) about the good times, but I used to 
ask him about bad times fearing lest they overtake me. I said: Messenger of Allah, we 
were in the midst of ignorance and evil, and then God brought us this good (time 
through Islam). Is there any bad time after this good one? He said: Yes. I asked: Will 
there be a good time again after that bad time? He said: Yes, but therein will be a hidden 
evil. I asked: What will be the evil hidden therein? He said: (That time will witness the 
rise of) the people who will adopt ways other than mine and seek guidance other than 

mine. You will know good points as well as bad points. I asked: Will there be a bad time 
after this good one? He said: Yes. (A time will come) when there will be people 
standing and inviting at the gates of Hell. Whoso responds to their call they 
will throw them into the fire. I said: Messenger of Allah, describe them for 
us. He said: All right. They will be a people having the same complexion as 
ours and speaking our language. I said: Messenger of Allah, what do you 
suggest if I happen to live in that time? He said: You should stick to the 
main body of the Muslims and their leader. I said: If they have no (such 
thing as the) main body and have no leader? He said: Separate yourself 
from all these factions, though you may have to eat the roots of trees (in a 
jungle) until death comes to you and you are in this state. 

-End of Hadith. 

This is a beautiful hadith and foretells the extremely bad situation of Muslims today. 
The Wahabis are standing at the gates of hell and inviting people to it (hell) and some 
people are responding to their call without realizing that they would be thrown in hell. 

The next important point to note is when Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: There will 
be a people having same complexion as ours (i.e. they will be Arabs) and speaking our 
language (i.e. Arabic). You will notice that Wahabism is spread in Arab world like wild 
fire (except for Yemen and few more countries which were praised by Prophet Peace be 
upon him) and also many times people get impressed by their recitation of Qur'an in 
prolific Arabic language. 

The next important point is about sticking to Jamm'ah which is understood from other 
hadiths that it refers to Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamm'ah which is Sawad ul Adham (highest 

ranking scholars and their majority fellowship who hold onto 4 schools of 
jurisprudence, Ash'ari/Maturidi in creed and also followers of Tassawuf) 

This following hadith proves that even if we do not find genuine Sunni scholars and 
leader of Muslim Ummah, then Porphet did not say wage Baatil Jihad on Muslim 
nations like Wahabis perceive, rather he told us to isolate ourselves even if we have to 
eat the roots of trees until death comes up upon us. 

Hadith # 6 (This hadith also destroys the Wahabi Baatil 

Jihad completely) 

Book 020, Number 4555: (Sahih Muslim) 

Jl! 4jl ( aLa j A\\c. Jii\ ^jLo tjfi^" ^4^- ^ J tJ^'-S L>° J AjAfclA AllA £i\ji CjLafl A£.LaaJ) (Jjljj <&Ua]l L>° 

VJ lAj^lij U>jj i—ij^3j LKj . (J?sa " A y ^<~- jj-^jj Jl jcij jl AjLaxJ ' / ■ ; 

It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may 
peace be upon him) said: One who defected from obedience (to the Amir) and 
separated from the main body of the Muslims-if he died in that state-would 
die the death of one belonging to the days of Jahiliyya (i. e. would not die as 
a Muslim). One who fights under the banner of a people who ate blind (to the cause for 
which they are fighting, i. e. do not know whether their cause is just or otherwise), who 
gets flared up with family pride, calls, (people) to fight for their, family honour, and 

supports his kith and kin (i. e. fignts not for the cause of Allah but for the sake of this 
family or tribe) -if he is killed (in this fight), he dies as one belonging to the days of 
Jhiliyya. Whoso attacks my Umma (indiscriminately) killing the righteous 
and the wicked of them, sparing not (even) those staunch in faith and fulfilling not 
his promise made with those who have been given a pledge of security-he has nothing to 
do with me and I have nothing to do with him. 

Note: I have read this hadith many times in my life and By Allah this refutes the 
extremist Wahabis word by word. Especially the last passasge starting from: " Whoso 
attacks my Umma (indiscriminately) killing the righteous and the wicked of 
them..." is very revealing. 

Hadith # 7 

Book 020, Number 4565: (Sahih Muslim) 

^jlS UiLS ualuJU ijjjiiali 4 ^jA j <JaSft 9 jA j^t ij^j o' ^0' ' <- | 'jAj CjUA" 

It has been narrated on the authority of Arfaja who said: I have heard the Messenger of 
Allah (may peace be upon him) say: Different evils will make their appearance in the 
near future. Anyone who tries to disrupt the affairs of this Umma while they 
are united you should strike him with the sword whoever he be. (If 

remonstrance does not prevail with him and he does not desist from his disruptive 

activities, he is to be killed.) 

Hadith # 8 

Volume 9, Book 83, Number 2: (Sahih Bukhari) 

(Jjajij (Jli (Jlii _ I *fl '"*- Alii ( _ s jJaj _ ^aC <_jjl (jC 4^Jjl (jt Cjj^alaJI (jj i it (jj J^)-aC- (jj ,)Jt i it (jj JjLi_uiJ 1 " ^ ' ( _ S 4 C ' ^ ' 

Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Allah's Apostle said, "A faithful believer remains at liberty 
regarding his religion unless he kills somebody unlawfully." 

Note: The Prophet (Peace be upon him) made a beautiful point and he mentions "Killing 
SOMEBODY unlawfully" rather than only saying "Killing MUSLIM unlawfully" 

This includes all kinds of people whether Sunni, Shia, Christians and even polytheists. 
Islam teaches proper guidelines not indiscriminate killing of even animals let alone 
polytheists. Hence how could Wahabis with their so called Jihaad against Ahlus Sunnah 
or Shias and their mass murdering be justified? This Baatil ideology of Wahabis is 
exposed like a bright sun even by this short hadith. 

Hadith # Q 

Volume 9, Book 83, Number 7: (Sahih Bukhari) 

(Jll j AjIc Alii i_g^-a Jj. 1 '^ (jc- t^aC. (jj ^<u« (Jc- ^^jij alll .AJC. (jj ^al j (Jll t4 i* Lxiii. t Jj1_jJI jjI Liiii. 

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: The Prophet said, "After me (i.e. after my death), do not 
become disbelievers, by striking (cutting) the necks of one another. 

Note: This hadith does not apply on Sahaba but Khawarij who always incited Sahaba 
and Ahlul Bayt to fight with one another. The Wahabis are following the legacy of 
Khawarij too and inciting Muslims to fight with one another rather than we putting full 
concentration to make high standard weaponry to confront Zionists. 

This hadith also proves that stricking heads of other Muslims (i.e. Killing them) makes 
one a disbeliever. 

Hadith # 10 (Not to rebel against even worst of Rulers) 

Book 20, Number 4573: (Sahih Muslim) 

(jjill "'^ jLji. " (Jll j»lui j AjIc <)Sll ( _ s -lj-a dill (Jjjoij (jC- "ilJLa (JJ ^ jC. (jt ciiaja (jj -] ■ (jC. '(jLji. 

U>"0 ^ fcjrfj . "" ^J^jJ ^J^ 3 *^ Lgffi ffi*^ ffi^ Jj^-^J (Jj^ij f^J^Jj 

(ja |jJ I jC. jii VJ I jA jili AJjA jij Luii p£jVj (>a pjij I ijj 'obLLall ^LiS I jilll La V " 'JUS L "'b ^illij Sli! jjit 
" ^LL 

It has been narrated on the authority of 'Auf b. Malik that the Messenger of Allah (may 
peace be upon him) said: The best of your rulers are those whom you love and who love 
you, who invoke God's blessings upon you and you invoke His blessings upon them. And 
the worst of your rulers are those whom you hate and who hate you and 
whom you curse and who curse you. It was asked (by those present): 
Shouldn't we overthrow them with the help of the sword? He said: No, as 
long as they establish prayer among you. If you then find anything detestable in them. 
You should hate their administration, but do not withdraw yourselves from their 

Even though description of worst rulers apply on Wahabi Saudi Kingdom today but still 
the Prophet (Peace be upon him) forbade us to use sword against tyrant rulers. On the 
other hand wahabism was founded on brutality when they attacked the last Muslim 
Ottomon Sultanate and they spilled the blood of thousands of Muslims even those who 
were worshipping in Haramayn. Wahabis even today do this and declare Ahlus Sunnah 
as disbelievers and thus Jihad upon us and governments is necessary (Naudhobillah). 

Hadith # 11 (Same topic as in 10th hadith) 

Sahih Muslim Chapter title: 

The obligation of staying with the Jama'ah (main body) of the muslims when Fitan 
(tribulations) appear, and in all circumstances. The prohibition of refusing to obey and 

on splitting away from the Jama'ah 

Book 20, Hadith 4554: (Sahih Muslim) 

jliJI tiU j f-ljj cJ* ^2 . ^ju Jli j^i jl^St lift l>* LS^ 2 ^as o^js A^ai j^ij US Uj <oil Jj*jj Lj c±£j 

(JjjiLu tslJ^ Oj-^&i ^ ^Jai h& " <J^ ilii . " fau " ijll J*^t *0j tlii . " ^ju ■■ jii 
Jll till j tliijii (jl <oil Jj*^j Lj ^ luai lJu£ Jll . " lH"! L)Uua (jj LlJ^'j t IJU>j ^jfl * 0 .Vi' "j 

It his been narrated through a different chain of transmitters, on the authority of 
Hudhaifab. al-Yaman who said: 

Messenger of Allah, no doubt, we had an evil time (i. e. the days of Jahiliyya or 
ignorance) and God brought us a good time (i. e. Islamic period) through which we are 
now living Will there be a bad time after this good time? He (the Holy Prophet) said: 
Yes. I said: Will there be a good time after this bad time? He said: Yes. I said: Will there 
be a bad time after good time? He said: Yes. I said: How? Whereupon he said: There will 
be leaders who will not be led by my guidance and who will not adopt my ways? There 
will be among them men who will have the hearts of devils in the bodies of 
human beings (a*"! Ci^k- uj^A 2 ' 4^ ffb^ l)L>j). I said: What should I do. 
Messenger of Allah, if I (happen) to live in that time? He replied: You will listen to the 
Amir and carry out his orders; even if your back is flogged and your wealth is snatched, 
you should listen and obey. 

-End of Hadith 

Again this refutes the Wahabi ideology completely, please note at the Hadith as it says to 

Now no matter the ruler is Shia or even Kafir as long as the rulers do not stop the 
Muslims from establishing prayers in mosques they cannot be fought against. This has 
marvelous wisdom because once you start the fight in Muslim countries then only the 
Yuhud, Nassara and polytheists benefit from it. I have personally heard Christians and 
Americans laughing over the Muslim countries and mocking at Islam (Naudhobillah) 
that look they are killing themselves. The Zionists only want to eliminate Muslims and 
they do not care whether you are Sunni or Shia. 

Wahabis are thus biggest allies of Zionists, their leaders who incite young wahabis for 
Baatil Jihad are many times taking funding from Zionists but the ordinary wahabis in 
lower hierarchical chain assume as if they are fighting against Yuhud and Nassara ( but 
they do not realize that they in reality are fighting "FOR" them) 

Hadith # 12 (An exquisite Hadith) 

Volume 2, Book 23, Number 428: Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Amir: 

One day the Prophet went out and offered the funeral prayers of the martyrs of Uhud and then 

went up the pulpit and said, "I will pave the way for you as your predecessor and will be a 
witness on you. By Allah! I see my Fount (Kauthar) just now and I have been given 
the keys of all the treasures of the earth (or the keys of the earth) By Allah! I am 
not afraid that you will worship others along with Allah after my death, but I am 
afraid that you will fight with one another for the worldly things 

This hadith destroys Wahabism from variety of Angels. 

a) It proves immense knowledge of unseen being given to Prophet (Peace be upon him) 
to the extent that he saw fount Kawther right from earth. This proves he can see from 
near and far. Many hadiths above also prove that Prophet (Peace be upon him) knew of 
future events. The Wahabis deny Ilm ul Ghayb of Prophet in "Mutlaqqan (total)" terms 
when they are with their own Shayateen (I have experienced this myself) but when they 
are refuted they hypocritically say "Ahh he had some" so in a nutshell Wahabis are 
confused about Nubuwah and are insulters of Prophet. 

b) The Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him) took an oath that we will not worship 
other than Allah after him. Whereas Wahabis say majority of Muslims as Mushrikeen, 
the wahabis say exactly opposite to Prophetic understanding of Tawheed (as proven 
from many hadiths as shown before and shall be shown again in this article) 

c) Prophet (Peace be upon him) was afraid that we will fight with one another "FOR 
WORLDLY THINGS" . This again destroys Wahabi ideology because when Wahabis 
declare Muslims as Mushrikeen then fighting is bound to happen as Muslims consider 
Ilzaam of Shirk to be far worst than cussing at our mothers or fathers. Please remember 
that Wahabis misquote Fath ul Bari cleverly by not stressing on the point that Ibn Hajr 
himself said that "SOME WILL FALL IN SHIRK" which by itself proves Wahabi 
ideology to be wrong. 

They often reject sayings of same Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah) in a very insulting 
way to the extent of saying that Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah) was "CONFUSED IN 
REGARDS TO SIFAAT OF ALLAH" and he gave "ASH ARI" like interpretations, but 
when it comes to justifying their own viewpoints they rely on Qawl of same scholar that 
too by misinterpreting it. 

Here is what Ibn Hajr (rah) said according to famous islamqa Wahabi website: 

Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar al-'Asqallaani (may Allah have mercy on him) said: The words 
"I do not fear that you will associate others with Allah" mean: (I do not fear that 
you will do that) en masse, because that happened with some of them - may Allah 
protect us. This hadeeth is one of the miracles of the Prophet (blessings and peace 
of Allah be upon him), hence the author narrated it under the heading of the signs 
of Prophethood. 

End quote from Fath al-Baari, 3/211 

Please note at red highlighted part which destroys Wahabi ideology itself. The Islamqa 
website uses the word en masse which could be a difficult word to understand for people 

who do not know English well. They should have kept that word simple and easy to 
understand just like they kept the remaining passage simple. 

En masse = In totality. 


Hence majority of Muslims i.e. Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamm'ah (those who do Taqleed, 
those who are Ash'ari/Maturidi, those who follow Tassawuf) are not indulged in shirk by 
any means. It is just false understanding of Tawhid and Shirk by Wahabis which forces 
them to hurl Baatil fatwas upon us and I take an oath that their Baatil takfeer bounces 
back on their own minority barbaric sect as it was proven above through many hadiths , 
one of which proves from Prophet (Peace be upon him) that "ONE WHO ACCUSES IS 

Hence this hadith has to be taken in general. If we start believing that it only applies to 
Sahaba as Wahabis misquote scholars then Naudhobillah it has to be accepted that 

Plus to make it specific one has to cite a categorical Nass from Prophet (Peace be upon 
him) in regards to "SAME ABOVE HADITH" where he clarified that "HE ONLY 
TALKED ABOUT SAHABA TENURE" not even explanation of Ibn Hajr can work 
according to Usool ul Hadith (Wahabis are ignorant of Usool ul Hadith as they are just 
fake Ahlul Hadith) 

To expand a little more we would like to show some more hadiths which establish that 
Shirk al-Akbar will not enter this Ummah "IN MAJORITY" the wahabis accuse the 
majority of being indulged in Shirk al-Akbar so none of their interpretation or counter 
refutation is to be given any weight. 

First Hadith in explanation of this is found under chapter title of Sahi Muslim which 

Chapter: The Mischief Of The Shaitan And How He Sends His Troops To Tempt People, And 
With Every Person There Is A Qarin (Companion From Among The Jinn) The Hadith states: 

Book 39, Hadith 6752: (Sahh Muslim) 

feu Q^jaolt ^ tffij ". 

Jabir reported: I heard Allah's Apostle (Afe) as saying: Verily, the Satan has lost 
all hopes that the worshippers would ever worship (him) in the peninsula of 
Arabia, but he (is hopeful) that he would sow the seed of dissension amongst them. 

Satan had sown exactly that into Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab who contrary to this 
hadith believed that Arabian peninsula was engulfed in Shirk al Akbar (Naudhobillah) 
and thus he started dissension amongst Muslims (i.e. Arabs first and then this fitnah 
spread everywhere through Saudi funding) 

Allah's Merciful Prophet is saying that Satan has lost all hope that Muslims will worship 
him (i.e. commit shirk) but Wahabis say: Wait a minute let us become helpers of Satan 
to make Muslims fight by calling them Mushrikeen. 

We Ahlus Sunnah slap Satan Khabeeth by exposing him and his ilk (Wahabiyoon) 

Let us look at another Sareeh hadith: 

Lai iiiii 'Sjutfl {^e. Li Jijt L« Li Jli " - pLu j AJc- M . ^jit 'Jj^O (J^ t)^ '<_>" j' L# J'^" L£ 

Prophet (sallallahu alayhi was'sallam) has informed us: "T/ie thing that I fear most 
for my Ummah is associating others with Allah. I do not say that they will 
worship the sun or the moon or idols, but deeds done for the sake of anyone 
other than Allah, and hidden desires." [Ref: Ibn Majah, Vol.1 B37, H4205] 

Note: This hadith and the next hadith which we will show from Mustadrak al-Hakim are 
both weak in "SPECIFIC CHAINS" however they become authentic due to many 
Shawahid and hadiths from Bukhari, Muslim and others which were shown above. 

Let us look at yet another hadith (not quoting scholars yet) 

It is recorded in Al Mustadrak Ala Sahihayn (4/366) 

(jC ' Jjj (jJ -i^l^l Jjfr Lu t ^jAIjjI (jj (j&a Lu ( (^uail\ (jj Uifill .lit Lu t (jlia^, £u ' " <jj j£j Xa^i jj! 1 " 
^iSI La (jA^jJI JoC LjI Lj i^Juj jA j e^L^a <ji AaC jilt cr^J LKj' JlAui ililLJ ; Jli j^u <jj sJlaC 

;ilila2 ^fLui j^i Cuij jj a>i) Jj>uj Aic Lit Laiu ; Jli ?j4 Uj ;Ciii2 t a>j) Jj^j lh> tlu-Ia. ; Jli 

CilS ,«^Jxj £ja < _ J lai ^^ic Aijaji jii» ;JlS (^ji (^jJt La <ii5l J>" J Lj <^Wl aj2iJt» ;Jli ^j* Laj 

LuJ VJ tj-aS VJ Llu Ju j ^jjJjsj V Lai Jilui Lj» ; Jli ?djau <j-a lilla) ajjI Jj^uj Lj ;ilil2 ; Jli Sj^uJ 

CiIS t« ^ju» ; Jli t jA tilj^ii fLjjJt iill Jj**j Lj ;diia .«,>j 'I .icU ^jjjUII (jjjljj 5^ J ija^ Vj: ^AaiaJI Sjj nilt La£ 
»L>jij jjJ j jLL-jVI ^j^'^i w lift ,«jkLa Lulll dilj^-Ju (jj> » J^*i <U (jijauS L i iUa ^Si&i ^ ; Jli. 

Shadad bin Aws (RA) narrates that he was crying one day. Thereupon, someone asked 
him why he was crying? He replied: It is because of something I heard the Prophet 
(Peace and Blessings be upon him) saying; it's memory is making me cry. He says that 
he heard the Prophet (Peace be upon him) saying: " I fear upon my ummah the 
"SMALLER" from of Shirk (polytheism) and desire. Shaddad (RA) asked the 
Prophet (Peace be upon him); Would your Ummah associate partners with 
Allah after you? The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said; Yes, (but) "THEY 

of Allah, showing off is shirk? The Prophet said; Yes ...Tal-Hakim in 
Mustadrak ala Sahihayn, Volume # 4, Page # 366I 

Imam al-Hakim (rah) said after this hadith: 

»\ajsu j JliuiVl ■ ^ w lift 

Translation: This hadith has "SAHIH CHAIN" but is not narrated (by Bukhari and 

Wahabis in opposition to such ahadith, say that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon 
him)'s tomb is the biggest idol (Naudhobillah). Actually these Wahabis have claimed 
their own new Nubuwah where they claim to know more than Prophet (Peace be upon 
him). This is not to be taken lightly as I am serious because such opposition to Prophetic 
teachings can only be done by people who claim their intellect to be superior to that of 
Prophet (Peace be upon him).. Naudhobillah. 

This hadith from Mustadrak could be called weak or even rejected due to presence of 
"Abdul Wahid bin Zaid" in chain. The point arises why Imam al-Hakim (rah) called it 
Sahih? Although Imam al-Hakim (rah) is considered soft in authenticating hadiths but 
this judgement against him is not true in Mutlaqan terms. Imam al-Hakim (rah) was 
amongst the top notch Muhaditheen, rather he was amongst those great scholars who 
compiled the Usool of Hadith initially for Ummah which benifit us till today. 

The reason why Imam al-Hakim (rah) authenticated the chain is because Muhaditheen 
do not work like Wahabis work i.e. If you stumble upon 1 weak chain then you start 
calling the "MATN" of hadith as weak. This is never a proper way to judge "MATN" of 

any hadith. It is a fact that many times Muhaditheen were keeping in mind different 
turaq (chains) and Shawahid present on same hadith in their minds and thus declare it 
Sahih or Hasan. Even aqwaal of some Muhaditheen on some narrators will not work 
because when the "MATN" is proven authentic then hadith becomes authentic. This is 
why Ahlus Sunnah prove the Matn of hadith which states: "Sahaba are like Stars" to be 
authentic although none of it's chain is authentic (Rawafidh also reject that hadith by 
saying look none of the chains are authentic) 

I would like to quote Ibn Taymiyyah the so called Shaykh ul Islam over here: 

SjjiiSlI jjjl J^jll ^jt Jj ,^a.V J j t^lij jISj V j i^lUJI A-ttLu i_u£]l ^ U JS (_>u^ '■^ Ujl J "SA 0 ^ i^"" 1 «&l J 

V jaA^jc ^^=a j ^{tIi Lo-o IjJjS (jV i JJJ^J (jJ_^^J*il (j - llMj' J-^ ' Oi^ <Jj 'W 3 Kl** J ^ J* J 

V __>ai IjlAj ijjjlj-ill ^ La t iU..,^! ^jjll ^jji^a ja^jjjljj t4jl£l\j 1 it In V jl i^iaaio jli^jj jl ijjug > V) 1 'it In 

4 hill ^ <ua > j l 

Translation: It is not allowed for the claiment to confine himself to (all) hadiths of Prophet 
(Peace be upon him) which are in "CERTAIN COLLECTIONS" If we should believe that all 
Ahadith from the Prophet were confined (to certain books only) then no scholar has knowledge 
of all that is in books nor is it possible for anyone to know (them all). Rather at times a person 
may have many books with himself but he does not know everything which they contain. Instead 
those who came before the compilation of Books were much more knowledgeable than those 
who came later (Ibn Taymiyyah praises likes of Imam Abu Hanifa here), this is because "MANY 
CHAIN, OR IT DID NOT REACH US AT ALL" Their books were (preserved) in their hearts 
which contained more than what we have with us now (i.e. present books). "THIS IS 

KNOWLEDGE UNDERSTANDS IT" [Majmua al Fatawa (20/239)] 

Although Ahlus Sunnah strongly refutes Ibn Taymiyyah but here he has talked like a Sufi. The 
people of Tassawuf strongly believe that knowledge does come from "heart to heart" and this is 
indeed the traditional and appropriate way taught by Prophet (Peace be upon him). 

The Wahabis even after seeing beautiful explanation of Ibn Taymiyyah might assume 
that I do not have "AUTHENTIC" Shawahid from "present daybooks of hadith" and 
thus Ummah will indeed get into Shirk al Akbar (in majority i.e.) Naudhobillah. 

To their surprise, here is witness # 1 

The previous hadith in Ibn Majah states: 

i_ajji.l jA LaJ jaSijfiJ V " (JlaS (JLL^J' ^-Uii^II - J A ^} r - ^ - ^ i) J^J ^ '.. - £J^- t,\;ir in ^1 (jc- 

It was narrated that Abu Sa'eed said: "The Messenger of Allah came out to us 
when we were discussing Dajjal (False Christ) and said: 'Shall I not tell you of that which 

I fear more for you than Dajjal?' We said: 'Yes.' He said; 'Hidden polytheism, 
when a man stands to pray and makes it look good because he sees a man 
looking at him.'" [Ref: Ibn Majah, Vol.1 B37, H4204] 

This hadith is declared "HASSAN" by so called leading Muhadith ofWahabis Zubayr 
Zai [Darussalam English Version of Ibn Majah, Hadith # 4204] 

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) feared "SHIRK AL-KHAFI (HIDDEN/MINOR 
SHIRK)" more than he feared Dajjal and this is a proof that Prophet (Peace be upon 
him) did not fear of Shirk al-Jalli (Shirk al Akbar) to become prevelant in Majority of 

Hence we agree that Ummah even in majority can get indulged in "Riya (showing off) 
which is minor shirk" but cannot indulge in Shirk al Akbar (Major shirk) "IN 
MAJORITY" no matter how fancy interpretations Wahabis give. 

Note: Yes "SOME" people will get into Shirk al Akbar too like for example believing in a 
sky god with "LEGS/SHINS", god who has a shadow, god who sits on the throne and 
sound of quaking is heard, god who has a "HADD (LIMIT)" which he himself knows, 
god who can be pointed with a direction, this world being beginingless and always 
existed (like Ibn Taymiyyah believed contrary to belief that only Allah exists from Azl), 
god who laughs literally, god who runs/jogs, god who capable of doing wrong deeds 
(These beliefs are and were upheld by Wahabi leading authorities) 

Also the apostates like Nusayriyah (who are not part of Muslims) and some Indian 
actors and cricket players who are Muslims just by name, they do strange things on 
hindu temples due to pressure from hindus. These people were never Muslims at first 
place, the actor Shahrukh married a hindu woman and his house contains hindu idols 
along with Qur'an (Naudhobillah). Also we Ahlus Sunnah are honest people and we are 
against some wrong acts taking place on some graves of Awliya, however we have 
clarified that even if some Muslim is seen prostrating towards a grave then according to 
Shariah the fatwa of Shirk/Kufr cannot be passed instantly rather there are strict pre- 
requisites to be followed. 

Also those who indulge in black magic and do not repent from it, they turn apostates. 

Please read this important article on "Sajda controversy" 

http : / /www. ahlus- 

The solution is simple: Go in line with teachings of Nabi (Peace be upon him) not 

More hadiths could be shown but due to brevity issue these should suffice to suffocate 
even an extremist Kharj'ite Wahabi. 

Hadith # 13 (The Khawarij ideology may attract even 
good people towards them but Beware!) 

Sp>! (LJaI clt d% lij of $yi\ J%. JS cJr\ of}! l)I cuTJi*- Jii CJ^" : <j>u44- J^*- 1 

^jlj^Jl ^jjj ii' CTljt 3oLi U J">L tj! U cJi : cJUi .OlSjJiJ ililp. 

37895 : ?M '555 / 7 "-^' ^ cs 1 ^ cs^i o^ 1 

Translation: Sa'eed bin Juhman (rah) narrates: The Khawarij used to invite me (towards 
their idology) and It was close that I had joined them (by getting influenced) but Abu 
Bilaal's sister saw a dream that Abu Bilaal is "IN A FORM OF BLACK DOG WITH LONG 
HAIR" and his eyes were overflowing. She said: O Abu Bilaal may my father be 
sacrifised on you, what is the reason that I saw you like this? Abu Bilaal replied: We 
people after you have been turned into "DOGS OF HELL FIRE" and this Abu Bilaal was 
one of the leaders in Khawarij [Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah (7/555), Hadith # 37895 
with Sahih chain] 

Hadith # 14 (Bani Tameemi person said "No Hukm But 

of Allah") 

Note: Khawarij used same approach like Wahabis that only Allah is al-Hakim, please 
note this is a categorical verse in Qur'an that indeed "THERE IS NO HUKM EXCEPT OF 
ALLAH" but this does not mean that great Prophets and Awliya cannot be Hukaam. 
Similarly Wahabis say only Allah is the one whose Tawassul and Istighatha is to be 
taken although Ahlus Sunnah believes that Anbiya and Awliya could be called for 
intercession and it is proven too from Qur'an and Sunnah. 

M^} V ?£JL*.jll ^i" _>»i cs4 (jji^j : » jjc- tJ^-Sa ^-aj 'j** tJ^j <«j> J^i. 

Translation: Imam Ibn Atheer (rah) narrates in his "Al-Kaamil": Ash'aat bin Qays 
started to read the written (treaty between Sayyinda Ali and Ameer Muawiya) to all 
URWA BIN ADIYA (A KHARJ'ITE)" who was brother of Abi Bilaal, Urwa exclaimed: 
You make men as Judges between us in the Amr of Allah? There is no Hukm except of 
Allah! [Narrated by Ibn Atheer in al-Kaamil (3/196) and Ibn Jawzi in ^ jjjti ^ ?k"\<M 
r Vt X5/i23)] 

This proves that even the Khawarij who fought with Sayyidna Ali (RA) had their roots 
laid in NAJD Bani Tameem. Moving to Iraq and fighting Sayyidna Ali (RA) does not 
mean Khawarij had their roots from Iraq. 

Hadith # 15 (The Khawarij will kill Muslims and leave 

the idolaters) 

Vol. 9, Book 93, Hadith 527: (Sahih Bukhari) 

^jlwa (_j-uJl Jl\ i*J Jl2 i \ \\ i ii ^jj ^jC- - 4^aoo2 <2l»i ^jju ^ji Ji - ^kl ^\ qi\ <j£ £)C ' j'J " Ujii, t4 n-ijj^ Uji^, 

£jaVl dyj Uj Au iia tl^ajjj <^a Ajjftjj ^iuj <ul& <usl ^La ^jlJl ^Jl oa^Ij ji j ^fc Jla ^jiiJl jlju- f*j 

Lajj " Jli Uftjjj ixi Jit jjJlLd 4 jht j IjJlSa jUajVI J (JSjJS '"';' ; '«'* ^ J^i ^3 ^UaJI JjiJI Jjj U£J 

<Jl3a u-nk L JlSa <jJjJI jjjia^ 'li}** 1 ? j^ 1 uijA* iAiaJJl dt£ t(jo-uaJI 'lijv*^ jlfr O^j J^ala ." ^ilUi 

AM . ? JSll 34j 'J-*-^ ." ^J^ 9 ^ ^ J 'U^J^' J*' cf^" AiluaC- lit ait £jiu " ^lui j M Jua lf±& 

... . S J, , i j < j, ; , , , ! 

Jii ajg^j j>^"Vt 'Jii uj^j ' ^0^ a? Hh**' 0* uj^j^ 'p* j*^* Jj^ ^ u'j^ uj*j% 

Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri: When "Ali was in Yemen, he sent some gold in its ore to the Prophet. The 
Prophet (fytL) distributed it among Al-Aqra' bin ITAbis Al-Hanzali who belonged to Bani Mujashi, 
'Uyaina bin Badr Al-Fazari, Alqama bin 'Ulatha Al-'Amiri, who belonged to the Bani Kilab tribe and 
Zaid AI-Khail at-Ta'i who belonged to Bani Nabhan. So the Quraish and the Ansar became angry and 
said, "He gives to the chiefs of Najd and leaves us!" The Prophet (j£gt$>) said, "I just wanted to attract 
and unite their hearts (make them firm in Islam)." Then there came a man with sunken eyes, bulging 
forehead, thick beard, fat raised cheeks, and clean-shaven head, and said, "O Muhammad! Be afraid of 
Allah! " The Prophet (Afe) said, "Who would obey Allah if I disobeyed Him? (Allah). He trusts me over 
the people of the earth, but you do not trust me?" A man from the people (present then), who, I think, was 

Khalid bin Al- Walid, asked for permission to kill him, but the Prophet (X-s^) prevented him. When the 
man went away, the Prophet said, "Out of the offspring of this man, there will be people who will recite 
the Qur'an but it will not go beyond their throats, and they will go out of Islam as an arrow goes out 
through the game, and they will kill the Muslims and leave the idolators. Should I live till they appear, 
I would kill them as the Killing of the nation of 'Ad." 

Now see Volume 6, Book 60, Number 368 :(Sahih Bukhari) with prorf from 
hadith itself that Bani Mujashi was from Najd within the present Saudi 

With all the fake Jihad hurled at Muslim countries the Wahabis get refuted due to above 
hadith of Khawarij killing Muslims but sparing the Idolaters. When wahabis are shown 
this hadith they give lame excuse that Muslims are the idolaters (Naudhobillah). There 
are videos of ISIS (terrorist group in Iraq) sparing an Indian Nurse out of so called 
Mercy. The Wahabis were seen shouting, look how merciful and generous these people 
are but soon the Ahlus Sunnah used this above hadith and the Wahabis were 
dumbstruck. The same point is tied around their necks as necklace of thorns. 

2. The misconception that Najd is Iraq and by no means 
areas in Saudi Arabia (such as Bani Tamim, Banu 
Hanifa, Mudar, Rabi'a, Riyadh, and such areas) be 


I have only mentioned a single hadith in detail which uses the word "NAJD" for a very 
specific reason i.e. Wahabi ideology is proven to be Kharj'ite from overwhelming other 
texts of Qur'an and Hadith and they have no excuse whatsoever to defend their vulgar 
ideology which is exactly like that of Khawarij. 

Wahabis have always been shouting that Iraq is Najd not areas inside Saudi Arabia, they 
deny presence of Cursed Najd to be inside Saudi Arabia in "MUTLAQQAN TERMS" 
which is a blunt lie without any shadow of doubt. 

But still this wrong viewpoint is tied around Wahabi necks today due to terrorist 
organization called ISIS/DAEESH which is spreading violence "EVEN IN IRAQ" and 
killing Sunnis who differ with their Baatil Khilafah. The leader of that cult is Abu Bakr 
al-Baghdadi who was released by USA to spread violence in Iraq. 

Here is proof from pictures that root cause of even Fitnah in Iraq were always Khawarij 
and people with beliefs like that of Wahabis today. 

Picture # l 

Look ISIS is spreading this pathetic book of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab in Iraq to 
deceive people. This proves that no matter where these Khawarij come from the root 
cause is always pseudo scholars like Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab and his Wahabite 

Picture # 2 (Proof that Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab was "NAJDI" right from their own 
Wahabi publishers) 

Look clearly they themselves write the name of their pseudo reviver as "Shaykh ill Islam 
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab at-Tameemi an-Najdi" 

We will refute this Kharj'ite Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab al Najdi at-Tameemi directly from 
his own literature and what his own brother Shaykh Suliman bin Abdul Wahab (Rahimahullah) 
said of him. Remember we accept that not everyone who comes from Najd Saudi Arabia is a 
lunatic and misguided let alone Iraq. However people like Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab were 
indeed lunatics who created biggest havoc in Muslim Ummah on basis of "FALSE 

Shaykh Suliman bin Abdul Wahab the very brother of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab wrote a 
whole book against him with the name: " As-sawa'iq al-ilahiyya fi'r-raddi'ala 'i-Wahahabiya " 
meaning: The Divine Thunderbolts Concerning the Wahhabiyah" 

Imam Abu Zuhra al-Misri (Rahimahullah) whom the Arab world recognizes to be a Master 
scholar as he wrote a magnificent book on all 4 schools of Jurisprudence with the name of 
"Tarikh al Madhahib al Islamiyyah" he refutes Wahabism and Salfis emphatically and proves 
them as radicals who are utterly misguided (Read from Volume # 1, Page # 177-188 and also 
199-202. Published by Dar al Fikr al-Ar'abi, Qahira Egypt) 

It should be known that Wahabis give to themselves names such as: Muwahhidun (So called 
monotheistis), Islahiyyun (So called reformers) and Salifiyoon (so called followers of Salaf us 
Saliheen) but their opponents (i.e. Ahlus Sunnah) call them as: 

a) Hashwiyyah (Illiterates or Visceralists) 

b) Mujasmiyyah (Anthropomorphists) 

c) And Khawarij (Those who went out or as hadith calls them) 

These (Wahabis) call Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab as "Shaykh ul Islam" whereas he according 
to his own Hanbli school is a "MINOR FIGURE". They name his descendants as "Aal-al-Shaykh 
(house of the Shaykh)" whereas his own brother Sulayman bin Abdul Wahab "DECLARES HIM 
A HERETIC" in his Fatwa published under the title "Fasl al Khitaab min Kitab Allah wa-Hadith 
al Rasool (Salallaho alaihi wasalam) wa Kalaam uli al -Albab fi Madhab Ibni Abdul Wahab (The 
final word from the Qur'an, the Hadith, and the sayings of the high ranking scholars concerning 

the school of Ibn Abdul Wahab), also known as "Al-Sawa'iq al ILahiyyah fi Madhab al 
Wahabiyyah (The Divine Thunderbolts Concerning the Wahhabi School) 

Now you should read the remaining proofs with clarity in your minds that 

a) Wahabis are Khawarij no matter where they emerge from and the root cause of evil remains 

b) The Wahabis have themselves accepted Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab to be a Najdi from 
Bani Tameem. 

Let us now see hadiths in regards to the generally cursed area called "NAJD WHICH 

We know very well that Wahabis try to divert the attention of people towards Iraq by 
misusing "VERY FEW AHAAD" hadiths which say that "POINTING TOWARDS EAST 

Let us first see 99% of the hadiths in regards to Najd which is "EAST OF MADINA" 

Hadith # 1 (From Sahih Bukhari with wording of Najd) 

Vol. 9, Book 88, Hadith 214: Sahih Bukhari [Arabic word having Najd is highlighted, 

followed by translation] 

." jl Wftilt Cj'J ^ik l^j t( ^al!j 0 jVjll OIUa " £pl ^ Jll U jaa <Jj M IjjL'j U I Jll 

Narrated Ibn 'Umar: The Prophet said, "O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham! O 
Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen." The People said, "And also on our 
Najd." He said, "O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow 
Your blessings on our Yemen." The people said, "O Allah's Apostle! And also on 
our Najd." I think the third time the Prophet said, "There (in Najd) is the place 
of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the 
head of Satan." 

Also See 

Book 17 Hadith # 147 - Sahih Bukhari 

Narrated Ibn 'Umar: (The Prophet) said, "O Allah! Bless our Sham and our Yemen." 
People said, "Our Najd as well." The Prophet again said, "O Allah! Bless our Sham 
and Yemen." They said again, "Our Najd as well." On that the Prophet said, 
"There will appear earthquakes and afflictions, and from there will come 
out the side of the head of Satan. 

Hadith # 2 (This one is important and it even mentions 
the areas INSIDE SAUDI ARABIA in regards to Najd) 

Book 55 Hadith 558 - Sahih Bukhari 

Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet said, "I have been made victorious with As-Saba (i.e. 
an easterly wind) and the people of 'Ad were destroyed by Ad-Dabur (i.e. a westerly 
wind)." Narrated Abu Said: Ali sent a piece of gold to the Prophet who distributed it 
among four persons: Al-Aqra' bin Habis Al-Hanzali from the tribe of Mujashi, 
'Uyaina bin Badr Al-Fazari, Zaid At-Ta'i who belonged to (the tribe of) Bani 
Nahban, and 'Alqama bin Ulatha Al-'Amir who belonged to (the tribe of) 
Bani Kilab. So the Quraish and the Ansar became angry and said, "He (i.e. the 
Prophet, ) gives the chief of Najd and does not give us." The Prophet said, "I 
give them) so as to attract their hearts (to Islam)." Then a man with sunken eyes, 
prominent checks, a raised forehead, a thick beard and a shaven head, came (in front of 
the Prophet ) and said, "Be afraid of Allah, O Muhammad!" The Prophet ' said "Who 
would obey Allah if I disobeyed Him? (Is it fair that) Allah has trusted all the people of 

the earth to me while, you do not trust me?" Somebody who, I think was Khalid bin Al- 
Walid, requested the Prophet to let him chop that man's head off, but he prevented him 
When the man left, the Prophet said, " Among the off-spring of this man will be some 
who will recite the Qur'an but the Qur'an will not reach beyond their throats (i.e. they 
will recite like parrots and will not understand it nor act on it), and they will renegade 
from the religion as an arrow goes through the game's body . They will kill the 
Muslims but will not disturb the idolaters. If I should live up to their time' I will 
kill them as the people of 'Ad were killed (i.e. I will kill all of them)." 

Hadith # 3 (Hadith with variation of wording and 
deserves separate reference) 

Book 4, Volume 56, Hadith 714: Sahih Bukhari 

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: I heard Allah's Apostle on the pulpit saying, "Verily, 
afflictions (will start) from here," pointing towards the east, "whence the side of the 
head of Satan comes out." 

Note at the mention of Prophet (Peace be upon him) being on "PULPIT" and pointing 
towards east. 

Just keep on reading and at the end there will be no doubt left in your minds that 
Prophet while standing on his pulpit and pointing towards east can only refer to "NAJD 
INSIDE SAUDI ARABIA" and by no means towards Iraq. 

Hadith # 4 (Hadith with variation of wording and 
deserves separate reference) 

Volume 4, Book 53, Number 336 : (Sahih Bukhari) 

(jSLuu» Jj^j jUili 1 ;jk-<- ^aiui j 4j1c Jii\ ^U^i lgQ\ ^li _ <jc .dill ^ 1^1 j . Alii (jt (jc- Ijjii tJjcLalu! (J4 ( _ r ui ji> Ijjik 

» jl U°,,';,\l UU\ ^ . . Ua " (Jlaa 

Narrated by 'Abdullah 

The Prophet stood up and delivered a sermon, and pointing to Aisha's house (i.e. eastwards), he 
said thrice, "Affliction (will appear from) here," and, "from where the side of the Satan's head comes 
out (i.e. from the East)." 

This hadith is very important to understand the knowledge of Prophet (Peace be upon 
him) in regards to cardinal points (i.e. East, West, North, South). The Wahabis with 
their utter propaganda say that Prophet (Peace be upon him) was clueless of cardinal 
points such as "NORTH AND SOUTH" which is why he considered Iraq to be east 
although on map it is towards Northern side, AstaghfirUllah!! They also misuse a verse 
of Qur'an which mentions Allah to be Lord of "2 EASTS AND 2 WESTS" 

This is a disrespect of Islam and it's Prophet, due to such pathetic viewpoints of 
Wahabiyyah the disbelievers and anti Islamic propagandists laugh at Islam and mock at 
our Prophet by saying look their Prophet did not even know of cardinal points properly. 

However here is a shock to Anti Islamic propagandists and their allies i.e. Wahabis. 

Prophet (Peace be upon him) did indeed known of Cardinal points called "NORTH AND 
SOUTH" as we know today. 

Proof that Prophet (Peace be upon him) indeed knew. 

Book 040, Number 6792: (Sahih Muslim) 

5^2 jLI . Sfu^j uLa uj«j ^jjjji .& iit j ^Ajifci ^ (jjLI Sfu^j uLa IjjijjI jIj &tfa°jjk S?u*j ULA 

VUaj ULia. Ujju ^JJjI M iitj f^lj". 

...Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: In Paradise there is a street to which 
they would come every Friday. The NORTH wind will blow and would scatter 
fragrance on their faces... 

Here is another on South! 

Bukhari: Volume 1, Book 4, Number 167: (Sahih Bukhari) 

...'Abdullah bin 'Umar said, "What are those, O Ibn Juraij?" I said, "I never saw you touching any 
corner of the Ka'ba except these (two) facing "SOUTH" (Yemen) and I saw you wearing shoes 
made of tanned leather and dyeing your hair... 

As this part is clear let us come back to Hadith # 4 mentioned above. Unfortunately this 
hadith is misused by Rawafidh who literally point towards Sayyidah Aisha (RA)'s house 
and claim: Look the Prophet called it house of Fitnah (Naudhobillah), on the other hand 
Wahabis hide this hadith and never show it when they are grabbed in regards to location 
of Najd. 

Alhamdolillah I have performed Hajj and I answered a Wahabi about whereabouts of 
Najd from this hadith. Now if you point towards Sayyidah Aisha (RA)'s house and we 
know Prophet (Peace be upon him) pointed towards east and "THERE IS NO WAY 
IRAQ COULD BE NAJD" rather only and only areas towards Riyaadh, Bani Tameem, 
Banu Hanifa, Uyayna are towards that direction. 

Let's prove this from sophisticated google earth maps (The white pure mosque in the 
middle is Masjid an Nabwi and red arrow is pointing towards East from Pulpit of 

•You Search Images Maps Play You Tube News Gmail Drive Calendar Uo«c • 

Also see this Map of Masjid an Nabwi (I have practically confirmed that Hujra of 
Sayyidah Aisha (RA) is towards east of Pulpit. Also Bab al-Baqi and Bab Jibreel are 

towards eastern side of Masjid. I have had the privilage of entering through Bab e 
Jibreel Alhamdolillah although it remains mostly closed). 

Also see hadith in Sahih Muslim 

Book 41, Hadith 6941: (Sahih Muslim) 

Ibn Umar reported that Allah's Messenger came out from the house of 'Aisha 

and said: It would be from this side that there would appear the height of unbelief, viz. where 
appear the horns of Satan, i.e. the east. 

This hadith has clarification "I.E. EAST" and by no means it refers to literal house of 
Ayesha (RA) unlike what Rawafidh try to assert. These hadiths combined together refer 
to "NAJD, EAST, FROM WHERE SUN RISES" and that is only and only Najd within 
Saudi Arabia. 

Hadith # 5 & 6 (Regarding tribes of Rabi'a and Mudar. 

Very important hadith) 

Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith: 5.672: 
Narrated Abu Huraira: 

The Prophet said, "Belief is Yemenite while afflictions appear from there (the east) from 
where the side of the head of Satan will appear 

Note: Keep this hadith in mind because in reference to Belief being Yemenite, Prophet 
(Peace be upon him) mentioned the tribes of "SAUDI ARABIA" i.e. Rabi'a and Mudar. 

Wahabis always hide that hadith and only show this abridged version by linking it to 
Iraq. Misguided persons called Abdullah & Asim (authors of sol website who shall be 
refuted soundly later on) have done this Dajl too. 

Here let's see the longer hadith from Sahih Bukhari once and for all: 

Volume 4, Book 54, Number 521: (Sahih Bukhari) 

^IJaj liyi. i<JjVI 4-^' J j'"^ (j^'^' tS? M J^' -^C-J (j) S/l 'l^A lA (jl-oJ jjLijVI " (3^3 3^ f^'" J 

Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Umar and Abu Mas'ud: Allah's Apostle pointed with his hand 
towards Yemen and said, "True Belief is Yemenite yonder (i.e. the Yemenite, had 
True Belief and embraced Islam readily), but sternness and mercilessness are the 
qualities of those who are busy with their camels and pay no attention to the 
Religion where the two sides of the head of Satan will appear. Such qualities 
belong to the tribe of Rabi'a and Mudar." 

The wording "Such qualties belong to" is inserted by Muhsin Khan Wahabi although the 
wording actually used is ">^>j oUaJulil Ojl ^ik; " which means From where will 

emerge two horns of Satan "IN RABI'A AND MUDAR" 

This hadith is a Wahabi backbone breaker in many ways. 

a) It is Sharah of hadith from hadith and first hadith proves that after mentioning Belief 
to be Yemini the Prophet (Peace be upon him) talks about east from where horns of 
Satan would appear. 

b) In the second hadith shown above the Prophet (Peace be upon him) outlines the 
barbaric nature of such Camel herding Bedouins and these qualities to be from tribes of 
"RABIA AND MUDAR" The Wahabis are challenged to prove these tribes to be 
from Iraq and not Saudi Arabia. As I know they cannot confront us real Ahlus 
Sunnah and always fail to answer our challenges, hence I will present undeniable proofs 
for convenience of our audience. It comes from Wahabi's own highly revered Shaykh ul 
Islam called Ibn Taymiyyah. Yes I say again Ibn Taymiyyah, yes you read it right "IBN 
TAYMIYYAH" whom they follow like mad people follow other mad people. 

Ibn Taymiyyite sword on necks of Wahabiyoon in regards to Najd! 

Ibn Taymiyya cites the report of Ibn 'Abbas as: 

,jjo ^j_>9 _ ^jOl^ptj Qsu>s> ^JuJuoJI <^suas> Jl2j />\Luj\JI i_s\3 Gaoc> <*szx>s> J9I :,jjjLlC Jls Lo>5 
V| dJU| J-£>J V UI9 cjdtfCLO j\jlS fJA v^Sv^tJI \i£> dJLyjs Ljyj u| !eUj| U :lgJlSg _ OJ>=tJI «-S_>9 

iJJi «JlSW J^>l» dJUju l^ljlg <Licljg ^jjo cuJJ gCAjg Jjojzj >joU \jjjo3 </>!>> j4-^J v_S\3 

Ibn Abbas (RA) said: "The first Jumu'a that gathered in Islam after the Jumu'a of 
Madina was that of Jawathi, one of the towns of al-Bahrayn. They said: 'O Messenger of 
Allah! Between us and you are those regions of the disbelievers of Mudar , and [we] 

cannot come to you except in a sacred month. Therefore give us a decisive order which 
we might put into practice and by which we shall call those who are behind us.' 
Meaning: the people of Najd from them Itribes ofl Tamim , Asad, Ghatafan, 
and others. («jo£>j+£$ oUkr-s a^jIs /xjjoJ qjo «A=*j J.&I)" [Ibn Taymiyya, Majmu'a al- 
Fatawa (7/552)] 

And again Ibn Taymiyyah establishes: 

y_plc jo^jo$19$ </JLuJ3 cuJLc «UJl l _svJLo v_sy-JI i_sJ-C Is-XSs G^-*-" ASSgJI j\->s> u-^sg-ll A«x -^33 
vIs-^JIs <8r^ '^j^j ^c^gJI PJl^jo I^joAS JjS AS3 igpJI t^b^ JjlS u\S /JLjjs cuic «UJl l _sJL^> <_sy-JI 
LJs - JUci . la)l u»*gj - jyJeua jlaS lj jb vjo*JI Ias> ^Iaus Loj ul I9JL9 <dJUi J+s I^aS 

"The delegation of 'Abd al-Qays was one of the best delegations ever to come to the 
Prophet - Allah bless and greet him and they said: 'Between us and you there 
are those regions of the disbelievers of Mudar - and they meant Najd - and 

we cannot reach you except during a sacred month."'[Ibn Taymiyya, Majmu'a al-Fatawa 

And again: 

l _sJLc ciSLo qjs JJs p^o^JS u\£$ iu-uuiJI JulC A93 />JLjj3 cuic <U)I j_sJLd v_syAJI !_sJLc />A9 A93 
i-JJjU O^iSU j*AO jlsS iJjD s^OtJI ljoi> ^JLaJ9 LlJlU ul !qjj| Jg.uj j L I I3J I33 <oLaj Ad Lo>5 £lc*j^JI 

qjo /x£> ujuujjJI AjlC3 iCLuaoJI c^^^l uUdaf £ JUuul^ jxuoj ,jjo :jl?u J^>l 

"The delegation of 'Abd al-Qays came to the Prophet - Allah bless and greet him and 
said: 'O Messenger of Allah! Between us and you there are those regions of the 
disbelievers of Mudar' meaning by that, the people of Najd such as Tamim, 
Asad, and Ghatafan, because those were between al-Bahrayn and al-Madina, while Abd 
al-Qays are from Rabi'a and not from Mudar. [Ibn Taymiyya, Majmu'a al-Fatawa 

This is an atom bomb thrown on Wahabiyoon, but hold onto your eyeballs 
hydrogen bombs are on their way too. 

Hadith # 7 (Battle in Najd during tenure of Prophet 

Peace be upon him) 

Volume 1, Book 8, Number 451 : (Sahih Bukhari) 

2)1 VI 5QI V 

Narrated by Abu Huraira 

The Prophet sent some horsemen to "NAJD" and they brought a man called Thumama bin Uthal 
"FROM BANI HANIFA" They fastened him to one of the pillars of the mosque. The Prophet came and 
ordered them to release him. He went to a (garden of) date-palms near the mosque, took a bath and entered 
the, mosque again and said, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah an Muhammad is His Apostle 
(i.e. he embraced Islam)." 

Clear proof from Prophet (Peace be upon him) that Najd is inside Saudi Arabia and Bani Hanifa is Najdi 
tribe within Saudi not in Iraq. 

Hadith # 8 (Same point as above) 

Volume 2, Book 14, Number 64 : (Sahih Bukhari) 

lie, (jl ^JLiLu ^^jij (Jli L_s oblLa ^^ixJ aim j <&! ^Ur-i /L^l ^U.-i (Ja <CilLuj (Jli 4(_^jAj>l! (jC ( ' ■ La li^)fi.i (Jli 4(jUiJ^' 1 

alui j Ajlc. <&l ^jlj-a <&l (J jiij ^lla ^ 1 ~k lij j| Ja t -la-i (Jjfl ^luij A^Ifr am! LS L^a AUt Jj^j g-a d Jjc. Jli . La^jc. ^ _ jxc. (Jj 

(jl£-o I j3jj-ajl C(jjjAi_ui la i aj 4<jLo (j-aj aluij 4jle a (J^jj-uj £^JJ j-iill (_s^C 4 8jl la CllLalj c ( _ s lLaJ 4jLo 4 8j1 la dial S3 ill ( _ s lLaJ 

^■f ■ "j j uifljj £^3^ f S ' ? 4^ilu (Jj3 laujj la i a j alui j 4j1c Atll a J&l (J jj^J £^3^ C(JLa!i ^al ( _gjll j 8j1 Lall 

Narrated by Shu'aib 

I asked Az-Zuhri, "Did the Prophet ever offer the Fear Prayer?" Az-Zuhri said, "I was told by Salim 
that 'Abdullah bin Umar had said, 'I took part in a holy battle with Allah's Apostle "IN 
NAJD". We faced the enemy and arranged ourselves in rows. Then Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) stood up to 
lead the praver and one party stood to prav with him while the other faced the enemv. Allah's Apostle 

(p.b.u.h) and the former party bowed and performed two prostrations. Then that party left and took the 
place of those who had not prayed. Allah's Apostle prayed one Raka (with the latter) and performed two 
prostrations and finished his prayer with Taslim. Then everyone of them bowed once and performed 
two prostrations individually.' 

I challenge Wahabis to prove that Prophet (Peace be upon him) ever went to battle in 
Iraq, open challenge. Hence directly proven from Hadith with Marfu Hukm that Najd is 
inside Saudi Arabia. 

Hadith # q (70 Hufaadh were martyred by Najdis within 

present day Saudi Arabia) 

Volume 2, Book 16, Number 116 : (Sahih Bukhari) 

.412 Jll sAxj Ji ^ j^jll Ciiii .tli (jl£ ia Jlla >Cj jjall (jc. lillLo qaA dlLLi Jll cjL-alc. liiik Jll Jll Ajc. Luis. Jll cliLii liila. 
(Jlaj li Ja CLuu (jlS _ si j\ . I j^ji ^ j^ji' j cs^- 3 'S- 1 ^ j^jJ' ' ^1 tSlic. (^jjikl libla (jla Jll 

Narrated by 'Asim 

I asked Anas bin Malik about the Qunut. Anas replied, "Definitely it was (recited)". I asked, "Before 
bowing or after it?" Anas replied, "Before bowing." I added, "So and so has told me that you had 
informed him that it had been after bowing." Anas said, "He told an untruth (i.e. "was mistaken," 
according to the Hijazi dialect). Allah's Apostle recited Qunut after bowing for a period of one month." 
Anas added, "The Prophet sent about seventy men (who knew the Quran by heart) TOWARDS THE 
PAGANS (OF NAJD) who were less than they in number and there was a peace treaty between them 
and Allah's Apostles (but the Pagans broke the treaty and killed the seventy men). So Allah's Apostle 
recited Qunut for a period of one month asking Allah to punish them." 

The Najdis as again mentioned in this hadith are within Saudi Arabia. Wahabis would 
be utter liars if they say that 70 Hufaadh of Qur'an were killed in Iraq. This also proves 
that Najdis were people who broke treaties with Prophet (Peace be upon him) and 
caused him pain. 

Next hadith will prove that Najdi Bani Tameem tribe "EVEN CHANGED THE COLOUR 
OF PROPHET'S FACE" i.e. they were so bad and disrespectful to Prophet just like 
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab. 

Hadith # 10 (Bani Tameem changes the colour of 
Prophet Peace be upon him's blessed face) 

Volume 4, Book 54, Number 413: (Sahih Bukhari) 

tA^Aj jjfciS US^uij Ijllj S^'juaS tfti<u ^^jj U " Jlaa ( aiui j AjIc- .ill ls \j-£> J) ftH" igjj Li"* 

^ j AjIc. ill ^ji-a ^jill iLli .liLa I jlli ." pu-aj ^jj 1 J . J gj ^! iSJ*^ I jffi 'Q-«^t Jftt U " 'JUtS t£>a2t 'J&i 
.^1 ^ ^ j'^ iddiaj 4(jljJttC- Li (Jlls ci?-j 'lAj*^' J l3°^^ 1 

Narrated 'Imran bin Husain: 

Some people of Bani Tamim came to the Prophet and he said (to them), "O Bani 
Tamim! rejoice with glad tidings." They said, "You have given us glad tidings, 
now give us something." On hearing that the color of his face changed then 
the people of Yemen came to him and he said, "O people of Yemen ! Accept the good 
tidings, as Bani Tamim has refused them." The Yemenites said, "We accept them. 
Then the Prophet started taking about the beginning of creation and about Allah's 
Throne. In the mean time a man came saying, "O 'Imran! Your she-camel has run 
away!" (I got up and went away), but 1 wish I had not left that place (for I missed what 
Allah's Apostle had said). 

-End ofHadith 

This prove that Najdis of Bani Tameem were so disrespectful of Prophet (Peace be upon 
him) that they asked for money and wealth rather than glad tidings of Prophet (Peace be 
upon him). This hadith is also Sharh of Hadith of Najd which says "O Allah Bless 
Yemen" It was actually Bani Tameemi Najdis who were void of blessing from Prophet 
(Peace be upon him) 

We will come towards singular "HADITH OF ABU HURRAIRA" in regards praise of 
Bani Tameem and answer it from "OVERWHELMING OTHERS WHICH INSULT BANI 
TAMEEM" and we will also clarify that "ONLY" the rebellious sects emerging from Bani 
Tameem Najd are refuted by Prophet but not every person. Both the father of 
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab and his brother Shaykh Suliman bin Abdul Wahab 
(Rahimahullah) were great people who refuted Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab (Lanat 

Hadith # 11 (Mention of Ghazwa in Najd) 

Volume 5j Book 5Q, Number 455 ; 

Narrated by Ibn 'Umar 

I took part in a Ghazwa towards "NAJD" along with Allah's Apostle and we clashed with the enemy, 
and we lined up for them. 

Again open challenge to Wahabis that Prophet (Peace be upon him) had gone to Iraq for 

Hadith # 12 (Musaylma Kadhaab was from Najd not 


Volume 9, Book 87, Number 158 : (Sahih Bukhari) 

Narrated by 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas 

Allah's Apostle said, "While I was sleeping, two golden bangles were put in my two hands, so I got scared 
(frightened) and disliked it, but I was given permission to blow them off, and they flew away. I interpret 
it as a symbol of two liars who will appear." 'Ubaidullah said, "One of them was Al-'Ansi who was killed 
by Fairuz at Yemen and the other was Musailama (at najd). 

Again It is a challenge to all Wahabis to prove their spiritual forefather i.e. Musaylma 
Kadhaab was from Iraq. It is a universal fact proven from many Athaar and history that 
Musaylma Kadhaab who claimed to be Prophet was from Bani Hanifa Najd which is in 
current Saudi Arabia. 

Hadith # 13 (Clear proof from Prophet refuting Bani 

Tameem Najd tribe) 

Volume 4, Book 56, Number 718 : (Sahih Bukhari) 

(jUhfc i£ Hi\ JUG (j^J t Ami <-J jjJ fO<u < _ J jj (ja t jIa jlifrj 4 n j ^ (jli (jj ^Jjiji " ^iuij AjIc a>J| (J^ 

L>*J njlthfr (JJ ^ilt JJC <^JJ £>*J 'A"! ftMJ ^ " .'jJ"^J U4j ." 4juax*tf (jj ja\S- qaj 

Narrated by Abu Bakra 

The Prophet said, "Do you think that the tribes of Juhaina, Muzaina, Aslam and Ghifar ARE BETTER 
THAN TRIBES OF BANI TAMEEM, Bani Asad, Bam Abdullah bin Ghatafan and Bani Amir bin Sasaa?" 
A man said, "They were unsuccessful and losers." The Prophet added," "(YES), THEY ARE BETTER 
THAN THE TRIBES OF BANI TAMIM, Bani Asad, Bani Abdullah bin Ghatafan and Bani Amir bin 

This hadith has come from many different companions and is important to understand 
as I shall show a Sahih hadith where Prophet (Peace be upon him) was very strict to 
prove Bani Tameem Najdiyyah as utter losers. As I said before the hadith about praise of 
Bani Tameem shall be tackled too. 

Hence Bani Tameem is amongst unsuccessful and loser tribes as proven from Marfu 

Hadith # 14 (Word Ummah has been used which proves 
Khari'ite fitnah to be blamed not Iraq) 

4AiLkllj (JjiaJI jl^^ 1 (** ^ UJ^J*^ ^ L>? ^i'"^ L3^y Ud"^ L>? UJ^J^ <*$^v9^ Jj^j " tlH ^ l3-* . 

Aalc All! - Alii (J J-^J (j-^ AjjLaLi .33 1 *'->jl Lj! j (JlaS c5J^3«JI JJ-^ J^)"^- lW ClsjSjlS ClLalLall 

■ - f^J 

It was narrated that Abu Dharr said: "The Messenger of Allah said: 'There will be people among 
my Ummah (nation) after me who will recite the Qur'an, but it will not go any deeper than 
their throats. They will pass through Islam like an arrow passing through its target, then they 
will never return to it. They are the most evil of mankind and of all creation.' " Abdullah bin 
Samit said: "I mentioned to Rafi' bin Amr, the brother of Hakam bin Amr Ghifari and he said: 'I 
also heard that from the Messenger of Allah.' {Sahih) [Sunnan Ibn Majah, Hadith # 

Please note at the word "UMMAH" being used by Prophet (Peace be upon him) in this 
hadith. Wahabis often misuse word Iraq but there are many hadiths which even 
mention word Ummah so what about such hadiths? 

It stands proven from above hadith that Kharj'ite ideology is refuted by Prophet (Peace 
be upon him) no matter where it emerges from. Hence it is clear that root cause of evil 
will remain Najd (i.e. tribes and areas within Saudi Arabia like Bani Tameem, Banu 
Hanifa, Rabi'a, Mudar, Riyaadh and others) as established from many Marfu and 
Mawquff hadiths which have been mentioned respectively. 

I want to clarify yet again: It does not mean they would only emerge from there, this 
ideology will emerge from different places even the Khawarij from Pakistan are far worst 
than Khawarij from Arabia, the simple way to find out whether they are Khawarij or not 
is by knowing whether they consider Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab an upright man. 
Regarding Ibn Abdul Wahab there is no doubt he was "QARN ASH SHAYTAN" 

Hadith # 15 (Khawarij are dogs of hell fire) 

It was narrated that lbn Abu Awfa said: "The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) 
said: "The Khawarij are the dogs of Hell" [Sunnan lbn Majah, Hadith # 173] 

Wahabis are challenged to prove that Prophet (Peace be upon him) was refering to Iraq 
in this hadith. The Khawarij have an ideology irrespective of places, hence they are all 
cursed. Their modern counterparts are Wahabis and from Nass of Hadith it stands 
proven that they are indeed dogs of hell fire as they follow the same ideology. 

Hadith # 16 (Hadith with important last clarification) 

It was narrated from lbn 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: 
"There will emerge people who will recite the Qur'an but it will not go any deeper than 
their collarbones. Whenever a group of them appears, they should be cut off (i.e. 
killed)." lbn 'Umar said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say: 'Whenever a 
group of them appears, they should be killed' - (he said it) more than twenty 
times - 'until Dajjal emerges among them.'" [Sunnan lbn Majah, Hadith # 174] 

This hadith is a great proof that Khawarij will keep on emerging. I have confronted 
many Wahabis who are so stubborn and they say that "NO NO, HADRAT ALI HAD 
FOUGHT THEM AND THAT WAS END OF THEM" Such logic from Wahabis itself 
proves that they are baffled on this issue and they know themselves that hadiths about 
Khawarij do apply upon them. 

Hadith # 17 (Iraq cannot be Najd proven yet again) 

Abu Ghalib narrated that Abu Umamah said: "(The Khawarij) are the worst of the 
slain who are killed under heaven, and the best of the slain are those who 
were killed by them. Those (Khawarij) are the dogs of Hell. Those people 
were Muslims but they became disbelievers. " I said: "O Abu Umamah, is that 
your opinion?" He said: "Rather I heard it from the Messenger of Allah (PBUH)." 
[Sunnan Ibn Majah, Hadith # 176] 

This hadith is Wahabi backbone breaker through many angles and it also proves that 
Najd cursed by Prophet (Peace be upon him) was not Iraq. 

a) A Kharj'ite is worst of people being killed, whereas those who are martyred by them 
are the best of those who are killed. So God Bless Pakistan Army and all Muslim 
governments who are fighting against Wahabis. 

b) Khawarij / Wahabis are dogs of Hell fire. No Doubt in that. 

c) They were Muslims before but became disbelievers (Remember Hadrat Abu 
Ummama proves this as Marfu hadith). Wahabis would have just turned blind eye to 
this part of hadith without realizing that it proves Iraq cannot be Najd. Iraq was not a 
Muslim country during the time of Prophet (Peace be upon him), hence they could not 
have been Muslims first but then turned apostates. 

Hadith # 18 & iq f Different Mawaqeet for Najd and Iraq, 

hence Iraq cannot be Najd) 

The Prophet [Peace and Blessings be upon him] had proven "NAJD" and 
"IRAQ" to be separate places. 

Book 007, Number 2666: (Sahih Muslim) 

ifl Cw — .» I - 0 I iS o ' ""II" o Cw -~ J5 o — I — ■ "\ I ° — - .9 .» o .a o — — 1— JJ o J5 Oj JJ . oj 

AjOOfcjO U_)j3-I : AjlC (Jl9 . _p_l ,JJ JuOOfcX) ,JX LodSjiJlS . AjjOJ> ,JJ AjlC 9 yOJL> ,JJ AOOtO !_S\juA>9 _ 


CJLii CsvlUI ^sJI %3~j <*11jjJ>\ Oaxkjjj :Jlii« ^p*\JI ^^JoJIs .^-allSeJI i^Si ,>o ^LjuoJI Jibl J^jO 
v-9>P dli O-P iJjlS^JI J-^l .QJixxil. />JjoJL (j-P OJ^f-" J-^l J-£-°3 -y>5 <j-o J-^l J-P^S*- 

Translation: Abu Zubair heard Jabir b. 'Abdullah (Allah be pleased with them) as saying 
as he was asked about (the place for entering upon the) state of Ihram: I heard (and I 
think he carried it directly to the Apostle of Allah) him saying: For the people of Medina 
Dhu'l-Hulaifa is the place for entering upon the state of Ihram, and for (the people 
coming through the other way, i. e. Syria) it is Juhfa ; for the people of Iraq it is 
Dhat al-'Irq ; for the people of Najd it is Qarn (al-Manazil) and for the people of 
Yemen it is Yalamlam. 

This is a Marfu hadith which proves beyond doubt that Najd and Iraq cannot be same 
places. If Wahabis have problems in believing the Sahabi Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) then 
here is another hadith. 

Sunnan an-Nasaa'i, Hadith # 2657: 
Chapter 22- The Miqat Of The People Of Al-Iraq 

. ^fcij (_>aI3l JaV j Uj3 ±aJ J&Sf J (jjC- tilit j <jt jxlt 

Translation; It was narrated that 'Aishah said: "The Messenger of Allah (Peace 
be upon him) designated Dhul-Hulaifah as the Miqat for the people of Al-Madinah, Al- 
Juhfah for the people of Ash-Sham and Egypt , Dhat 'Irq for the people of Al-Iraq, 
Qarn for the people of Najd and Yalamlam for the people of Yemen." 

Before I shed more light on this, I would like to expose a recent pseudo Muhaddith 
called Zubayr Ali Zai over here. Many people outside Pakistan do not know how much 
deception this person had spread (he has died due to paralysis). Zubayr Zai al-Bakistani 
al-Mubtadi has done Takhreej of many books published by Dar ul Harb (cannot call it 
Salam as they have done immense forgeries to Islamic literature and I shall write a 
complete article on this too In shaa'Allah). 

There is a hadith in Ibn Majah which I have seen some Wahabis misusing against 
brother Andrew Sanders (convert Sunni brother who is now named as Muhammad Abd 
ur Rasheed) who had defeated Wahabis in a debate over this issue but Wahabis cleverly 
cut pasted extracts of his debate on multaqa forum from where I along with many 
genuine Ahlus Sunnah have been banned after I talked to Ayman bin Khalid who is one 
of their admins. I have chat logs saved with me where Ayman accepted Sufis to be on 
Haqq, Tawassul being a correct viewpoint in Ahlus Sunnah, Taqleed to be fine, Ash'aris 
to be from Ahlus Sunnah, tark of Raful Yaddain in prayer being a valid jurisprudential 
opinion based on Sahih hadiths and etc.). 

Asim (author of sol website) also hypocrtically used it. Here is Scan proof: 

$ www^ Imam Ibn Hajr asqalani 

' Google 

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Created on Monday, 26 November 2012 19 00 
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InshaAllah I am going to quote a narration which proves that east 
refers to the Najd of Iraq, after that I will quote classical scholars for my claim. 

"The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) addressed us and said. The Talbiya h of Ihe people of Al-Madmah begins at Dhui-Huia.fah T'le Talbivah ul the people of Sham 

begins at Juhfah. The Talbiyah of the people of Yemen begins at Yalamlam | The Talbivah of the people of Najd begins at Qarn 

| people of the east begins aH JhaiMrq^Theri he turned to face the (eastern) horizon and said 0 Allah, make their hearts steadfast 

/ The Talbiyah of the | 

Sunan Ibn Maja Vol 1 Book 25, Hadith 

Now here the hadith says clearly "The Talbiyah of the people of the east begins at Dhat Irq 

and we know one hadith is a commentary of another hadith See the hadith below 

Abu Zubair heard jabir b 'Abdullah (Allah be pleased with them) as saying as he was asked about (the place for entering upon the) state of Ihram I heard (and I think he earned 
it directly to the Apostle of Allah) him saying. For the people of Medina Dhu'l-Hulaifa is the place for entering upon the state of Ihram. and for (the people coming through the 
other way, i e Syria) it is Juhfa," j> j# jtjJt Jit hj-j" for the people of iraq it is Dhat al-'lrq; for the people uf Najd it is Qarn (al-Manazil) and for the people of Yemen it is 
Yalamlam (Sahih Muslim Book #007 Hadith #2666) 

Hadith is as follows (with chain and Matn): 

Jibl J-^jc>3 .Pji^JfcJI o-9 />L^JI J-^l J-^>3 .gA^L^ll ^.o gJuJuoJI Jibl J-^jo» iCJl&i gill 

Translation (Salafi): It was narrated that Jabir said: "The Messenger of Allah 
addressed us and said: 'The Talbiyah of the people of Al-Madinah begins at Dhul- 
Hulaifah. The Talbiyah of the people of Sham begins at Juhfah. The Talbiyah of the 
people of Yemen begins at Yalamlam. The Talbiyah of the people of Najd begins at Qarn. 
The Talbiyah of the people of the east begins at Dhat 'Irq.' Then he turned to 
face the (eastern) horizon and said; 'O Allah, make their hearts steadfast. 
(Sahih)'" TSunnan Ibn Mai ah (English) V ol. 4, Page #133, Hadith # 2915, Dar us 
Salam Publishers (Riyadh Najd) Saudi Arabia] 

In Takhreej they cleverly said: 

J ' 3934 -C ' t^^J^' 3/342 l<«Ajje. j 

My Translation: Takhreej : [Authentic] And declared Da'eef by al-Busayri (rah) due 
to Ibrahim bin Yazid al-Khozi'i H: 1521. However witness of this is present from Ibn 
Jurayj from Abi al-Zubayr which is with (in) Muslim , Al-Hajj, The Mawaqeet of Hajj, H: 
183 and others. (As to what) it says in end: "O ALLAH ACCEPT" the witnesses of it are 
in Tirmidhi H: 3934, and Ahmed: 3/342 and others [ibid] 

Salafi comments: Nowadays, Dhul-Hulaifah is known as Bi'r ' Ali, Juhfah is known as 
Rabigh, Yalamlam as Sa'idiyah. Qarnul-Manazil is called Sail, while the current name 
for Dhat 'Irq is Zuraibah. The Prophet made supplication for the Islam of the 

inhabitants of Iraq as he warned about disturbance of this area. 

There are at least 7 deceptions/frauds done by Zubayr Ali Zai and his bandwagon from 
Dar ul Harb. 

1) This Hadith of Ibn Majah has "SEVERE IDHTIRAB IN CALLING DHAT 'IRQ TO BE 
MIQAT OF EAST" The Salafis hypocritically called this hadith Sahih due to this strange 
occurance. They became blinded due to this even though hadith is severely weak. 

2) The translation is wrong as nowhere is the word "TALBIYYAH" being used in hadith. 
The hadith is talking about Miqaat and from where to tie Ihraam. 

3) They cleverly quoted Imam al-Busayri (rah) partially although he proved emphatic 
Jarh on one "MATROOK" narrator. 

4) They mixed this strange rather fabricated hadith with that of Authentic hadiths in 
Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ahmed and others which do not mention Dhat 'Irq to be Miqaat for 
people from east, rather it is Miqaat for people from Iraq (very technical point because 
Iraq is not in East of even Makkah let alone Madina. Plus Miqaat of Najd is a seperate 
Miqat called Qarn and Miqat for Iraq is a seperate Miqat called Dhat 'Irq) 

5) They hypocritically called the hadiths in Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ahmed to be "VALID" 
Shawahid over it. 

6) They gave a pathetic comment in English too and tried to deceive as if Prophet (Peace 
be upon him) only tentively prayed for Iraq whereas in reality it is area of disturbance. 

7) Remember the praying of Prophet (Peace be upon him) is proven in regards to Iraq, 
Yemen, and Syria altogether, so the Wahabis tried to decieve that Prophet's prayer was 
just tentative whereas Iraq is area of disturbance. If that is the case then Syria and 
Yemen are to be called as such as well. Remember we agree that all areas on earth could 
be areas of disturbance (even Makkah was attacked by Juhayman al Otaibi al-Wahabi 
and Ameer ul momineen of Wahabis i.e. Yazeed made Madina Munawwara Mubah for 3 

days to commit heneios crimes therein) but this does not mean they are not blessed in 
general (it would not apply on Bani Tameem and Najd though as those areas are cursed 
in general and only few selected good people came from there) 

All these 7 are clear cut frauds of Wahabiyoon, but I would like to expose especially 
Zubayr Zai al-Mubtadi as he is considered a champion scholar by Wahabiyoon of sub 

This hadith containts Ibrahim bin Yazeed who is "MATROOK" "DAEEF" "MUNKAR UL 
HADITH" and not to forget Imam Bukhari (rah) himself used wording "Sakatu 'anhu" 
upon him which proves him to be a worst kind of narrator. 

Jarh on Ibrahim bin Yazeed from Tahdheeb ut Tahdheeb of Hafidh Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani 

djjjaJI iil jjlo ; Jli 

<"<jVv W ' "° j» ■ 4tlula_JI ; - *il ■>■ jjl j Ac jj Jj\ (Jli J. 

4_ic. \ ■ « ; (_5 jliJI Jli j. 
aj£jj cr ixj ; ^gj^fjJI Jli. 
tlu^aJI iil jjIa ; j-jUaill Jli j. 

Translation: Imam Ahmed said: "MATROOK UL HADITH" 
and Ibn Ma'een said: "He is not Thiqa" and "HE IS NOTHING" 

and Abu Zura' and Abu Hatim said: "MUNKAR UL HADITH", "DAEEF IN HADITH" 

and Imam Bukhari said: "SAKATU 'ANHU" (They remain silent on him, note: this is 
extreme Jarh by Imam Bukhari) 

and Imam al-Dawlabi'i said: It means "Rejected" 

and Imam an-Nasai'i said: "MATROOK UL HADITH" 

[Detailed extract from Tahdheeb ut Tahdheeb (1/116), Published by Dar ul Ma'rifah, 
Beirut, Lebanon] 

Imam Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani (rah) in at-Taqreeb said regarding him: 

Translation: Ibrahim bin Yazeed al-Khozi'i... Abu Isma'il al-Makki "THE FREED 
SLAVE OF BANI UMMAIYA" he is "MATROOK IN HADITH" [Taqreeb ut Tahdhib, 
Narrator # 306, Published by Dar ul Kutb al iLmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon] 

Plus he was from Banu Umaiya too. We know that Prophet (Peace be upon him) went 
angry with such Banu Ummaiyad people as I shall prove from authentic hadith. 

Imam al-Bukhari (rah) said " ^ I for him in 2 of his books 

a) Du'afa as-Sagheer (1/ 18) 

b) Tareekh ill Kabeer (1/336) 

Now this narrator is a total "GONER" and it stands proven that Zubayr Ali Zai along 
with bandwagon of Wahabiyoon were utter cheaters and liars while doing Takhreej of 
our precious hadith books. Zubayr Ali Zai was a total Jaahil who did not know Ilm ur 
Rijaal properly and died after confusing his blind followers on the issue of Tadlees (I will 
write elsewhere about the Dajl of Zubayr Ali zai in regards to issue of Tadlees) 

Plus nowhere in Muslim, Tirmidhi and authentic hadiths of Ahmed is it found from 
same Sahabi Hadrat Jaabir (ra) that Dhat 'irq is Miqaat for people from east. 

Remember people coming from Riyadh Najd and such Najdi tribes within Saudi Arabia 
in east then their Miqat would be "QARN" and not Dhat 'Irq. Whereas people coming 
from Iraq directly to Makkah will have Dhat 'Irq as their Miqaat. 

Hence by this it is also proven that Iraq is not in East which is why it's Miqat was set 
seperate from cardinal eastern Miqat called "QARN" 

- End of discussion on "fabricated wording" in Ibn Majah. 

Now remember the "MARFU" hadiths on Miqat for Najd and Iraq to be seperate is 
established from same Hadrat Jabir (RA) and also Sayyidah Aisha (RA). Hence there 
remains no doubt that Prophet (Peace be upon him) himself "DISTINGUISHED 

There is no way Najd and Iraq could be same places as Prophet (Peace be upon him) had 
set different Miqat for both places. Anyone who has done Hajj or knows how Hajj is 
done would call Wahabis to be totally bonkers by assuming that Najd and Iraq are one 
and the same places. Now remember not even judgement of some scholar is going to 
work because the Hadiths which mention Iraq instead of Najd are all "ODD" and this 
can happen due to memory of narrators (in spite of being Thiqa). 

Hadith #20 (This Hadith Wahabis can misuse in 
response to above hadiths which were shown, but we 
will leave them no excuse In shaa 1 Allah ) 

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 606: (Sahih Bukhari) 

Narrated Ibn Umar: When these two towns (Basra and Kufa) were captured, the people 
went to 'Umar and said, "O the Chief of the faithful believers! The Prophet fixed 
Qarn as the Miqat for the people of Najd, it is beyond our way and it is 
difficult for us to pass through it. " He said, "Take as your Miqat a place situated 
opposite to Qarn on your usual way. So, he fixed Dhatu-Irq (as their Miqat).". 

First of all this hadith practically proves that Iraq and Najd cannot be same places. Look 
what people of Basra and Kufa (i.e. Iraqis) said: ..It is beyond our way and it is difficult 
for us to pass through it 

This proves that Najd is towards east and thus beyond the way of Iraqis whereas Ihraam 
would become necessary upon Iraqis while traveling towards Makkah even before 
reaching Najd's Qarn. 

Secondly Wahabis can misuse the part that Sayyidna Umar (RA) was the one who set 
new Miqaat for Iraqis. This also refutes Wahabis but they do not realize, because he had 
set a different directional Miqaat for Iraqis than Qarn and by no means Prophet (Peace 
be upon him) could have set Qarn (such a distant Miqaat) for Iraqis, which is simply 
illogical to believe. 

Plus Miqat for Iraq was already set by Prophet (Peace be upon him) and this hadith 
could be explained in this fashion: Just like temporary marriage was forbidden by 
Prophet (Peace be upon him) himself but there is a hadith in Sahih Muslim which is 

misused by Shi'ites and it does show as if it was Umar (RA) who forbade it (Wahabis 
have also imitated Shi'ites by innovating a marriage called Misyar). 

Also 3 divorces in time of Prophet (Peace be upon him) were considered as 3 but still a 
hadith in Bukhari tends to prove as if Umar (RA) started this practice. I have written 
elsewhere on issue of divorce and refuted Wahabism (who differ with all 4 schools on 
the issue of divorce and have shattered Muslim unity even on this point). 

Refuting Asim of Sol website. Picture # 2 (Wahabis accept that Prophet 
Peace be upon him prayed for Iraq) 

|lMote: Prophet peace be upon him also prayed for Iraq by facing it 

f. ^jj ^ Jji-. ^ *<,~\\ Jjl j ^ 'il i "nl" 1 1" w " \ '\J^ I ^ "*'■ **»^ - t"' jj pLiiA Lll-la. ilW w ^ ' l3 to j-jVijI ^jll <J_jSLi. ^jj jlajjll UjA^ 

^jj ^LiA V! Vj ^>< u «- 0 VI u^jjII r 1 ^ (* Ac 'jJ ^""* J ft U^' J ^Liillj jl^)*]! JjS j 4 j^*- jfol — ^jjM 

Narrated Anas bin Malik: 

Prophetfpeace be upon him) saw towards "IRAQ" "Shaam" and "Yemen" and said (supplicated) : " O Allah .accept their hearts for your obedience and place firmly your mercy 
around them "[Al Mu'jam al Sagheer: Volume #01 , Hadees # 273] 

In Musnad Ahmad it states 

Narrated by Jabir that He heard Prophet peace be upon him one day, He saw towards alShaam and said "O Allah .accept their hearts for your obedience" He saw towards Iraq 
and said same and he saw towards all the ways and did same and said "O Allah grant us the fruits of the earth and bestow your blessings in u&LLajiili" 

The Wahabi gave his personal Taweel after seeing that indeed Prophet (Peace be upon 
him) prayed for Iraq, then he turned towards a "SHAADH" hadith of Tabraani (which is 
not in Sihah Sitta and this hadith was not taken by Imam Bukhari nor Imam Muslim, 
neither any other of 6 compilations). I will prove it Shaadh from many Sahaba and it will 

be confirmed that only "NAJD, EAST & FROM WHERE SUN RISES" are actual words 
used whereas the word of Iraq is an error (Shaadh) 

Here are Hadiths on praise of Iraq: 

i_sO LaJu^aJ I v-O-ijjgj jj />Lujl& LjJo jj _p*j jj >_sJ-C LjA> i_s\_b_ujlc)JI c U$i\s> jj >Jjbe_«jjl LjA> 

LuiJi> jJXSLO Li>iJ>l 

pj /x^clj9 jjo ia>9 dliclLo ^sJLc /x^jglaj J-^sl AjdJI JLaS jjo>jJI9 />LJjJI9 vjjl^^JI J-*9 ^Jdj /J_uj 
(jj >_sJ-C cue co ij^j v _sv J JoLaJI ^-g-»-ogj jj /)Lujl& \Jj cue V9 _>asio \)l v_s\jo>jjJI j£ ^9_>j 

[ i_sOljjikJI " j-iiL^lll /3J*SjoJI] 

Translation: Narrated Anas bin Malik (RA): The Prophet (Peace and Blessings be 
upon him) "LOOKED TOWARDS IRAQ", Syria and Yemen and made the dua: O Allah 
accept their hearts on your obedience and "PLACE FIRMLY YOUR MERCY AROUND 
THEM"... [Al Mu'jam as-Sagheer , Hadith # 273] 

Imam al-Haythami (rah) said after this hadith: 

cLaJ 9^9 iSjj jj jSxli jj v_sJ-C j+c. Jl>j cJL>j9 ii-ujgVlg jj^aJI v_s\3 v^lx^bJI 

Translation :At-Tabrani narrated it in his As-Sagheer and Al-Awsat and "THE MEN 
OF OF THIS ARE MEN OF SAHIH" except Ali bin Bahr bin Bariy "WHO IS THIQA" 
[Majma uz Zawaid (10/57)] 

This Hadith is also proven from another Sahabi Zayd bin Thabit (RA) with a different 
chain of narrators, hence the Hadith becomes "GHAYR WAHID (MULTIPLY 

Now this proves beyond doubt that Prophet (Peace be upon him) kept Iraq along with 
Yemen and Syria and prayed for them, hence the hadith about Najd only mentions word 
Najd/East/From where Sun rises, and cannot refer to Iraq. 

Asim Mubtadi tried to deceive bigtime after he showed the above "SAHIH" hadith from 
Mu'jam as-Sagheer. Look how Allah made me grab him as he also shows a "DAEEF" 
hadith from Musnad Ahmed to say as if Prophet (Peace be upon him) turned 

Here is screen shot of Asim's blunder 

4- -> C Q 

9. Conclusion: Finally we conclude that Najd means part of Iraq Anyway it does not mean at ail that this place is disparaged totally and that those who live there are dispraised But 
whoever Irves there should be patient dunng hardships and keep himself away from afflictions No doubt such persons will be considered amongst the best people of this Ummah 
There are numerous eminent scholars of Qur'an. Hadith Fiqh and other fields of Shanah who belong to that place thanks to AJIah Allah knows best [Islamweb) 

Note Prophet peace be upon him also prayed for Iraq by facing it 

jj /-1a V! **->C Vj V — »Jjl' jC- « JJJ fl i** 4 ' JJ U)* i *&J& (Jjtl pfjfi J'Jii ^jAjil j /Jj]! j J)l jjiil ^ ^>iaj - j -ult jjjl ^ - ^j-lJ 1 

Narrated Anas bin Malik 

Prophetlpeace be upon him) saw towards IRAQ" "Shaam" and 'Yemen" and said (supplicated) " O Allah accept their hearts for your obedience and place firmly your mercy around 
them "[Al Mu'jam al Sagheer. Volume #01. Hadees ft 273] 

In Musnad Ahmad it states 

ftB " xMj *3lJ5 jfi jji dgS >^ jia -J'>^ J) j^j »" 3$ ^ " Jj j^j J>o :Jtf j& 

Narrated by Jabir that He heard Prophet peace be upon him one day He saw towards alShaam and said "0 Allah accept their hearts for your obedience' He saw towards Iraq and 
said same and he saw towards all the ways and did same and said "0 Allah grant us the fruits of the earth and bestow your blessings m ic_=i i& " 

Another hadith states 

Ibn Umar narrated that the Messenger of AJIaah(sallallaahu alayhrwa sallamt prayed Fair and then faced the people and said "O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Madeenah O 
Allaah bestow your blessings in our measuring O Allaah bestow your blessings m our Shaam and our Yemen " A person said. "And Iraq O Messenger of Allah?" He said "from there 
arises Earth Quakes trials and tnbulations would come the Horn of Satan "|AI-Muuam Awasaat Tibraani Hadrth-4230) 

Comment There is no contradiction in these ahadith because m one narration Prophet peace be upon him is informing us that the frtna is in Iraq but in another narration He peace be 
upon him is praying for them in fact he prayed by facing all the ways including Iraq and Saudi Najd 

Weak HJfaith 

Look how cleverly he shows weak hadith by "HIDING THE COMPLETE CHAIN IN ARABIC 
AND ONLY SHOWING IT FROM JABIR (RA)" What a clever trick indeed. 

He also did not give exact reference from Musnad Ahmed (another deceptive technique of Asim 
is caught). Asim assumed as if we Sunnis would not be able to trace it. 

Plus in comment below Asim tried to praise "SAUDI NAJD" look at his comment he himself 
accepts "SAUDI NAJD" ... ALLAH HU AKBAR! ! ! 

Now here is proper reference of it along with "CLASSIFICATION" of the hadith. 

Ill t^ijUj o^jVi <-*[y& t>o LjSj^I JlSj diii (jal (Jjs jlajj lilli jaj Jtfa jl^Jt ffrO^ iS^ Ju5l\ 

Translation: Narrated by Jabir that He heard Prophet peace be upon him one day, He saw 
towards alShaam and said "O Allah , accept their hearts for your obedience" He saw towards Iraq 
and said same and he saw towards all the ways and did same and said "O Allah grant us the 
fruits of the earth and bestow your blessings in Uc.U*o 

Shaykh Shu'yab al-Arna'oot said: It is Sahih "OTHER THAN ITSELF (I.E. FROM OTHER 
HADITHS)" [Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal (3/342), Hadith # 14731] 

Let us first address Shaykh Shu'ayb al Arna'oot who is a scholar who blasted fake Muhadith 
Nasir ud Albani when he saw Albani had called Imam Abu Hanifa (rah) and his students as 
weak. Shaykh Shu'ayb literally blasted Albani into pieces. 

Some people might get wrong impression that " yjil said by Shaykh Shu'ayb could mean 

that there is some other sahih chain of this same hadith. The answer is "NO", the authentic 
chain is of the hadith from Anas bin Malik (RA) which I showed above and it does not mention 
the wording that Prophet looked towards all ways (this is illogical to believe too). This specific 
Sanad and other Asaneed from Hadrat Jabir (RA) are all weak. 

Now let's see Dajl of Asim why he had cleverly hidden the complete chain. The chain of this 
hadith is as following: 

Note at the red highlighted narrators i.e. 

l. Ibn Lahiyah 

2. Abu al-Zubayr 

Regarding Ibn Lahiyah Muhaditheen said (Jarh on first narrator is taken from islamweb wahabi 

Imam al-Bayhaqi (rah) said: 

Translation: He is not taken as proof and once he said: The Ashaab of hadith had consensus on 

Imam an-Nasai said: 

Translation: He is "WEAK" "NOT STRONG" 

Imam Daraqutni (rah) said: 

Translation: His hadiths are "WEAKENED" and once said: Proof is not taken from 
his hadiths, and once said: He is "NOT STRONG" 

Yahya bin Ma'een said of him: 

Translation: He is "WEAK IN HADITH" and proof is not taken from his hadiths and Once (he 
said): "ALL HIS HADITHS ARE NOTHING" His hadiths are not-strong and once (he said): He 

2nd Narrator Abu al-Zubayr has narrated this hadith with "AN" and this is called Tadlees. To the 
surprise of Salafis this Abi al-Zubayr is in 3rd category of Mudaliseen (i.e. Confirmed cheater) 

Many Muhaditheen also called him "WEAK" but let's see in what category of Mudaliseen has Ibn 
Hajr (rah) mentioned him. 

Under 3rd Category of Mudaliseen i.e. 

:Ibn Hajr (rah) says 

(Jlaa 1 "\; ^ ^ jit ■ _ '1 ^^i ^L^JI jj (JjJ^jIIj jjg ina (jjaJJill (j-o jjI ^^"^ ^jjjJj jjj ■ (jj " ^ [ 101 ] 

(jjiil^illj ojjC-j ^Luull AJu-aj JSj (jjiil-lillj (jjajjx-a JJC- (Jl^_j 4j^J o^i^ <_s^ 

Translation : Muhammad bin Muslim bin Tadras al-Makki Abu al-Zubayr who was amongst 
successors (but) "FAMOUS IN DOING TADLEES" ...[Tabaqat al Mudaliseen .Narrator # 101 
under 3rd Category] 

Wahabis have severe problem with Mudalis narrators and they even do not accept great 
Muhaditheen and Awliya like Sufyan ath-Thawri (rah) although Sufyan ath-Thawri (rah) was 
not a cheater by any means, just because Imam Bukhari (rah) mentioned that "HE DID LITTLE 
TADLEES" the wahabis go bizzerk and reject him completely whenever he narrates with "AN" 
even if he is narrating from "THIQA" narrators. 

Although this is also Dajl of Wahabis especially against Sufyan ath-Thawri (rah (and Mr. Asim 
and Abdullah also follow the dead Mudil person Zubayr Zai who has misguided many of his 
blind followers in regards to Tadlees issue .however in this case Wahabis can have no excuse 
because this narrator is present in 3rd "REJECTED" category of Mudaliseen and not in the first 
2 categories (Mudaliseen of first two categories are accepted) 

This hadith is also narrated in Adab ul Mufrad, but that chain has even more problems due to 
presence of Ismail bin Abi Aws an extremely weak narrator and again Abi al-Zubayr is narrating 
with "AN" 

This Asim is proven as a total Jaahil and fabricator. I am 100% sure that he did this act to fool 
his blind followers who are ignorant just like him until they leave the Wahabi cult In shaa'Allah 

It stands proven that Prophet (Peace be upon him) never considered Iraq to be Najd or East or 
Place from where sun rises but rather blessed it as proven from Sahih hadith of Anas bin Malik 

Also look that Asim was stumbling already by trying to defend "SAUDI NAJD" he knew that 
Najd cursed by Prophet is the Saudi Najd, hence he misused this hadith to say as if all places are 

Here is another proof that Wahabi Asim and Abdullah got caught from their own proof which 
they showed against Iraq from Imam Ibn Abdul Barr (rah) 

^ Imam Ibn Abdul Bar (368h-463h) said: 

Allah knows best that the reason behind pointing of Prophet peace be upon him towards east regarding fitna is that the biggest fitna which was the key of troubles 
was the martyrdom of uthman bin affan radhi Allaha nho and that was the reason behind the warofJamaland Siffeen, these troubles started from the east. Then 
Kharjities emerged from the land of najdjraq and it's regions. [AHStadhkaar 8/519] 

Quran mentions Evil of Bani Israel and Some times their Virtue but we cannot 
TrV say every Children of Israel was a Sinner in the Same way we have wrecked Banu Tamim as well as 
Pious Banu Tamim. 

Abdullah and Asim do not realize that they have refuted themselves. Let me grab them from 
their own translation (both Asim and Abdullah used same translation which means they were 
writing in co-operation): 

They quoted as: 

Imam Ibn Abdul Bar (368h-463h) said: 

Allah knows best that the reason behind pointing of Prophet peace be upon 
him towards east regarding fitna is that the biggest fitna which was the key of 
troubles was the martyrdom of uthman bin affan radhiAllahanho, and that 
was the reason behind the war of Jamal and Siffeen, these troubles started 
from the east. Then Kharjities emerged from the land of najdjraq and it's 
regions . [AllStadhkaar 8/519] 

First of all Asim and Abdullah both cleverly did not translate small word "WA" present 
between Najd and Iraq, plus this complete quote itself destroys Wahabism. Let me tell 
in simple words. 

a) Imam Ibn Abdul Barr (rah) first accepts that he does not know the reason why 
Prophet pointed towards east. Howcome Wahabis found out when the Scholar himself 
accepts he does not know? 

b) The Key and fundamental fitnah of Khawarij started with martyrdom of Sayyidna 
Uthman bin Affan (RA). 

Answer: First of all root cause of Fitnah started from Dhul Khuwaisira at-Tameemi 
"AND HIS COMPANIONS" as proven from Marfu hadiths of Sahih Bukhari and 
Muslim, hence qawl of scholars will not be accepted unless they mention the root cause, 
secondly Sayyidna Umar (RA) was martyred before Sayyidna Uthman (RA) and it is 
proven that Bani Tameemis were involved in martyrdom of Sayyida Umar (RA). You will 

read in due course that Bani Tameemis were involved in martyrdom of Imam Hussain 
(RA) and also Sayid wa Mawla Ali (Karam Allahu Wajahu). 

Thirdly the Wahabis are challenged that Sayyidna Uthman was martyred in Iraq by 
Iraqis. The Challenge is to present the names of people who entered Uthman (RA)'s 
house and finally martyred him, name them O wobblers with authentic chains!! 

It was Khawarij from "EGYPT NOT IRAQ" who were main culprits and hence the root 
cause of Fitnah reamins "KHARJ'ITE IDEOLOGY" which had spread due to people like 
Dhul Khuwaisira from Bani Tameem. Plus history books even mention name of Ibn Abu 
Bakr (RA) in bad light in this regard (Ibn Katheer Rahimahullah has filled pages on this 
issue and has gone towards accepting that Ibn Abu Bakr did grasp the beard of Sayyidna 
Uthman in arrogance, however when Sayyidna Uthman admonished him he turned 

However Ahlus Sunnah strongly disagree with all these reports due to presenece of 
narrator "SAYF BIN UMAR AT-TAMEEMI who tried to put Ibn Abu Bakr (RA) in bad 
light and by trying to prove as if he killed Uthman (RA) directly (Naudhobillah). It is due 
to people like him that Abu'l Ala Mawdudi who had Wahabi aqaid has blackned history 
and confused people in regards to Sayyidna Uthman (RA) and Ameer Muawiya (RA) by 
writing a pathetic book called "Khilafat-o-Mulookiyat"... Remember O Muslims the real 
culprits were always Khawarij who were so vicious that they even made Sahaba to fight 
one another (Y es Ahlus Sunnah accepts that Sayyidna Ali RA was on Haqq in Jamal and 

Note on Sayf bin Umar at-Tameemi: It is important to mention about this person Sayf 
bin Umar regarding whom Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani (Rahimahullah) said in at-Taqreeb: 

He was "Weak in Hadith, (but) "SUPPORTED" in History [Taqrib ut Tahdhib, 
Narrator # 2724] 

So what to do now? The Ahlus Sunnah with their emphatic and genuine research (unlike 
Wahabis who do picking and choosing) have come to conclusion that History has to be 
checked according to Usool of history itself. Sayf the Tameemi fraud will be rejected 
when he bashes Sahaba or if his historical reports go against other authentic historical 
reports, but he could be accepted in history on general historical reports which do not 
sideline with either Khawarij or Rawafidh. 

c) The Khawarij fought against Sayyidna Ali (RA) in Jamal and Sifeen too. Many Bani 
Ummayad were present as well so putting blame solely on Iraqis is Wahabi blunder, the 
Bani Tameemi Khawarij and beduoins from Najd which is in Saudi Arabia today were 
involved in Jamal and Sifeen. 

In Battle of Siffen amongst the first to create Fitnah was also " Abu Bilal Mirdas, a 
member of the tribe of Bani Tamim (you will understand this from an Athar 
shown in our article under Hadith # 14 & 15 in the first section) 

Imam Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi gives an account of Dhu'l-Khuwaysira's later Kharijite 

dJ JlSj 5^1 jljJlj dill terj *i\ dJUlsij Joy *i dillj eJli? ^1 jj b Jlij JIp Jl jJSj jj jjJJ 
jtJSj LJjJl 3L*Jl ^9 jt^ju- Jj? jjJUl "ifUPl jJj-^-Slb Jjs} Jjtj JP dill Jli US'jtiUia Jj J* 

Translation: Harqoos bin Zuhayr (That is original name of Dhul Khuwisira) came to Imam Ali 
(Karam Allahu Wajahu) and said: O Ibn Abi Talib! By Allah we do not want to kill you except 
J ANN AH)" to which Imam Ali replied: 'No but rather you are like those regarding whom Allah 
says, " Say, [O Muhammad], "Shall we [believers] inform you of the greatest losers as to [their] 
deeds? [They are] those whose effort is lost in worldly life, while they think that they are doing 
well in work."" [Surah al-Kahf (18), Verses: 103-104].' [Imam Abdul Qahir al-Baghdadi, al-Farq 
bayn al-Firaaq Page # 80, also see the note to p. 76 for the full identification of Dhu'l- 

Clarification on who was Harqoos bin Zuhayr from Umdat ul Qari of Imam Badr ud-din Ayni 

£jl (_>ulj JJ* j JJ (J-*a I jA (_JLaj C(J.ic] (Jjjoij Lj |(Jla3 cjjlill o^)j-aJjiJI jj 

Translation: Dhul Khuwaisira the one who said: O Messenger of Allah do justice, he is called: 
"HARQOOS BIN ZUHAYR" the leader of Khawarij [Umdat ul Qari, Sharh Sahih ul Bukhari 

Imam al-Zarqani (rah) also clarified this in his Sharh of Muwata Imam Malik by saying: 

Translation: Dhul Khuwaisira at-Tameemi and at-Tameemi is Harqoos bin Zuhayr. After him 
came leaders (heads) of Khawarij. [Sharh al Zarqani ala Muwata Imam Malik (1/130)] 

As Imam Abd al-Qahir also gives his account of the early Kharijite rebellions, replete with 
appalling massacres of innocent Muslim civilians, he makes it clear that the leaders of each of 
the significant Kharijite movements hailed from Najd. 

For instance, the Azariqa, one of the most vicious and widespread Khariji movements, were led 
by Nafi' ibn al-Azraq, who was from the Central Arabian tribe of Banu Hanifa (Abd al-Qahir, 

As the Imam records, 'Nafi and his followers considered the territory of those who opposed them 
to be Dar al-Kufr, in which one could slaughter their women and children. [. . .] They used to 
say: "Our opponents are mushriks, and hence we are not obliged to return anything we hold in 
trust to them.' (Abd al-Qahir, 84.) 

After his death in battle, 'the Azariqa pledged their allegiance to Ubaydallah ibn Ma'mun al- 
Tamimi. Al-Muhallab then fought them at Ahwaz, where Ubaidallah ibn Ma'mun himself died, 
along with his brother Uthman ibn Ma'mun and three hundred of the most fanatical of the 
Azariqa. The remainder retreated to Aydaj, where they pledged their allegiance to Qatari ibn al- 
Fuja'a, whom they called Amir al-Mu'minin.' (Abd al-Qahir, 85-6.) The commentator to Abd al- 
Qahir's text reminds us that Ibn Fuja'a was also of Tamim (p. 86). 

Now it stands proven that Fitnah creators even in Jamal and Sifeen were "BANI TAMEEMI" 
including Dhul Khuwaisira being present along with others like Abu Bilal Mirdas and company. 

Even the person who agreed to martyr Sayyidna Umar bin Khattab (ra) was Amr ibn 
Bakr al-Tamimi [Ibn Jawzi in Talbees Iblees, Page No. 91] 

It is important to write something about Ibn Jawzi (rah) over here as the same book 
Talbees Iblees is misused grossly by Wahabis to defame Sufis. We know Wahabis make 
180 degree turns and go off tangents when they see names like Ibn Jawzi (rah) in our 
articles. Ibn Jawzi (rah) was a scholar who went through phases in his life, he was 
initially against Sufis and used to be very strict in hadith classification and had even 
declared many Sahih Hadiths to be forged. However it is a historical fact that Ibn Jawzi 
(rah) repented when he was grabbed by many Ahlus Sunnah after he had said wrong 
words to Ghawth al Azam Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Rahimahullah). 

The same Ibn Jawzi has destroyed the Mujasmi aqaid of Wahabism forever as he wrote 
a wonderful book called "Daf Shubah al Tashbih bi akaf al Tanzih" in which he rejects 
literal interpretation emphatically and even takes many Hanabila to account let alone 
fully blown Mujasmiyyah. Same Ibn Jawzi (rah) wrote Sifat as-Safwa where he praised 

Sufis and turns back from his false opinion against Sufi Imam wal Muhadith Hafidh Abu 
Nu'aym Isfihani (rah). Same Ibn Jawzi (rah) wrote the magnificent book called Al-Wafa 
which destroys whole Wahabism and it's ilk right in the first chapter of it (let alone 
others like whole chapter with title: Istisqa through the grave of Prophet Peace be upon 

Wahabis only mention Ibn Muljim whereas there was also a Kharj'ite 
woman Qutam bint 'Alqama, a member of the Tamimite tribe who was behind 
planning to martyr Sayyinda Ali (RA) too. She was wife of Ibn Muljim who had married 
Ibn Muljim on the condition that he would give her dowry by martyring Sayyidna Ali 
(RA). Hence Even the fitnah creating Khawarij during and after Jamal/Sifeen were 
Khawarij from Bani Tameem or you can say Najd within Saudi Arabia in general. 

d) This is most important part, Imam Ibn Abdul Barr differentiates between Najd and 
Iraq himself by saying: 

Translation: ...Then Khawarij emerged from the land of Najd "AND (j)" Iraq and 
those (areas) beyond. 

Look at clever deception of Asim and Abdullah or their guru whom they are blindly 
following, they did not translate the important small letter "j" just to put dust in eyes of 
people. This proves that Najd is separate and Iraq is separate. Yes the Khawarij did 
"REVOLT" in Iraq too but the root cause of Fitnah remains territory within present day 
Saudi Arabia. 

Abdullah and Muhsin Khan's forgery to Sahih Bukhari 


S»l»n 6u»nan volum« I Sc*> 93 Mjmo«r6f1 

* — " Ji f ." ~r~ " Ji .U'-— It 

Hamate DM Sa ID «*do3n Ttv* Piccfm mi] "llwtt «* tmrgt Irom M!M km people Mo una note aw Out ** M I vail no< notl Own mraats and avt» mil 
•o M o» (rMOonc*) (he f«*«on OMOa) « en arrow pa.»! through nv- »TI nil iliiii tVli ■ Lii" jj 11 MiSiii L"il HViii .. ■ ■ . i .tiii 

sow <ni «*««; n » iTiposslsla) Tl»e paopts MIM *>Muc *iu oiotr signs oa' -n sua "Tnav sign *•) oattarusft of sharing iof«*r Mams) {Fatah *i<Ban p»ga 322 vol 


Haaan it 

This is also important to note, look at Dajl of Wahabi Muhsin Khan whom Abdullah is 
blindly following. Muhsin Khan adds in brackets that their sign would be shaving of 
"BEARDS" Even if Ibn Hajr said that in commentary the wording "CANNOT BE ADDED 
IN BRACKETS OF HADITH ITSELF" because the sign of Khawarij as proven from other 
hadiths was shaving of heads not shaving of beards. The Khawarij rather had "THICK 
WILD BEARDS" and claimed to be ultra religious so they could not have shaved beards. 
This proves 2 important points. 

a) Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (Rahimahullah) with his brilliance could still err in some of his 
judgments, so no matter Wahabis come up with distorted statements of certain scholars 
claiming Najd to be Iraq that will not be Hujjah. 

b) Wahabis are forgers of Sahih Bukhari and people like Abdullah blindly follow them. 
Let's see the hadiths about Khurasan which Wahabi Abdullah showed. 


UaflU MAOrth iSaping ol Proehet eeac* te uocn hin Thaw tan ua, «lian m cieasec *«i hinj narrated. The PtoeheaiSal Hah nu alaiha *aja»ams sua 
( *ji Aik » >ji >&. JX! Jt» j*- J-!' ■^'■l 1 jl" ^-a. * . j j— »; V » . <LL» Jf h- 4 a£*I _* JJL ) 

j— — A VJ jUl ji» 1 jt» jlj • jiy'J >J*Vj '"J _"J> *aaian V ji^ k ^^^^^^ 
-Three wi will be i-jaed at the plac e where your treasure n Cacti of mem wW M Die ton of * KMttMi. am) nan* of them «M del HoM 04 ate treasui f_The<i tuacn 

lunncf. will comn out c< me .am 

Pen M*.an Haciih aMa; 

N |Ou see lam. go and give him your allegiance, even it rou have to crawl ovor ice because he is me KhaMah ot Allan the Mahdi." 

Source: http i/hadith aM» aipx?pageid=192eUOCID=1534a\BooklD=35&PID=7508 ) 

I Mai ■: 

Uo qui Pout (taping ot Co"xanK>n:Tt4ewban mm: 

£ ^ <|| , Ujil JL_ i ja> ^ -^*> *>al ^ijl' fit' j Wf ' 

It row see the Mack Bags coming from Khurasan men go mere even * you nave to crawl because there is me KhaUah ol A*ah. the Mah«.":UustaOiat atHsHrn hadttat 
no 8578 Benagi in OHM antfisuttwanSAISI 

Here Mr Abdullah accepts that East when mentioned by Prophet (Peace be upon him) in 
reference to "KHURASAN" can never refer to Iraq. Abdullah himself knows for sure that 
East referring to Khurasaan is towards Iranian province called Khurasan which can 
include areas of Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and even Pakistan but never Iraq. Afghanistan 
and Pakistan are towards East of Madina not North. Abdullah is just doing Dajl and 
cut/copy/pasting wildly just to gain fame. 

Here is another Lie of Abdullah right in the first sentence of his pseudo article. 

iou it* nut Hom« • »nci#i > 

Reply to Najd Hadith: East refers to IRAQ Not Saudi Arabia 

UiwRWifl ——oin 

Pcot • 6.11 Rant 

C/Mfderifrelay MDect***2011 IT 33 

* Twexrt 11 

• BAtl (Mcomtlo Htost 3uaHiB*t*i«si arto inhxikonali, accusing tit vil* Sutmih >\ al-jj-uan of Mi. aaaSaua *r j-.-a *5u$*»o »« exxScnotaii ot 
fWS^tTfrllwAiDrijli, Wang th« Hjtjffi rolaiad » Baa and Mil -van 5 tt>Mt *Jiao**ln 10 PwpW Of Hi|uc *rth inttnacn of naligrang »tn ntMlaft w« »AaH 

It was not a brief article Mr Kharji. Plus Abdullah has done deception in numbering of 
hadiths, he has repeated same hadiths over and over again and claimed to have quoted 
43 hadiths (Naudhobillah) 

First hadith he showed is from Sahabi Ibn Umar (RA) [Note I will prove from Ibn Umar 
RA himself that actual wording used was Najd/East/From where sun rises, whereas 
word Iraq is "MUDHTARIB" Plus Abdullah has done severe alterations in both English 
and Urdu translation of this hadith] 

Second hadith again from same Ibn Umar (RA) and most of the references which 
Abdullah gave "ARE WEAK CHAINS" as I will prove. He tried to spread deceit by 
showing off as if there are too many refernces although most of them are weak. 

Third Hadith from son of Ibn Umar i.e. Salim bin Abdullah bin Umar who was a Tabi'i 
[He deleted last part of this hadith cleverly because this hadith goes against Wahabis 
and they do not realize] 

Fourth Hadith again from Ibn Umar (RA) [Ibn Umar RA himself refutes the Wahabi 
interpretation in this hadith] 

Fifth Hadith again from Ibn Umar (RA) [Again Ibn Umar RA himself refutes the Wahabi 
interpretation in this hadith] 

Sixth Hadith is from Sahl bin Hunaif (RA) [Abdullah has repeated this hadith many 
times under different hadith numbering i.e. done Dajl. He has cunningly not shown 
same hadiths from Sahih Muslim in order to put dust in eyes of people. I will tell you 
why he has hidden the Hadiths from Sahih Muslim] 

Seventh hadith has no mention of Najd and is an irrelevant hadith, it was trick of 
Abdullah to show it "PARTIALLY TOO" The Dajjal coming from east is proven from 
some "SAHIH" hadiths that he will come from Khurasaan whereas generally it is not 

exactly known from where he will emerge [I shall show them later, first let's expose this 
cunning cheater Abdullah] 

Eight hadith says: He(Dajjal) would appear on the way between Syria and Iraq.[End 
Quote]. This does not put Iraq in bad light. If Iraq is put in bad light due to this then 
Naudhobillah Shaam is too. 

Ninth hadith again from Ibn Umar (RA) [No mention of Iraq] 

Tenth hadith again from Ibn Umar (RA) [Again no mention of Iraq] 

Eleventh hadith again from Ibn Umar (RA) [Yet again no mention of Iraq] 

Twelfth hadith is from Abu S'aeed al Khudri (RA) but is not mentioning Najd as Iraq 
rather refuting Khawarij i.e. Wahabis in general. (Wahabi Abdullah just showed 
irrelevant hadith without realzing they are going against him) 

Thirteenth hadith also from Abu Sa'eed al Khudri (RA) and not mentioning Najd to be 
Iraq at all. 

Fourteenth hadith again same as above and irrelevant. 

Fifteenth hadith again repetition of hadith from Sahl bin Hunaif (RA) from Bukhari only 
but not from Sahih Muslim, this is Dajl of Abdullah to give it a separate numbering. 

Sixteenth hadith again from Abu Sa'eed al Khudri (RA) and no mention of Najd being 

Seventeenth hadith is about Black flags from Khurasaan and Abdullah gets caught yet 
again because it is not referring to Iraq but "EAST OF MADINA COULD BE 

Eighteenth hadith again about Khurasaan, so Abdullah Wahabi had no clue what he was 
copy pasting. 

Ninteenth hadith Abdullah cleverly hid the chain from Hiliya as it is weak, plus again it 
is from Ibn Umar (RA) with "SHAADH" wording of Iraq [100% hadiths in Bukhari and 
Muslim mentioning same wording uses word Najd or East but not Iraq] 

Twentieth hadith Abdullah cleverly quoted this time without any reference because 
he knew this hadith is "WEAK". Do not worry we Ahlus Sunnah know hadiths very well 
and we will provide accurate reference along with "WEAK CHAIN". Plus It is again from 
Ibn Umar (RA). 

Twenty-first hadith is quoted partially by Wahabi Abdullah as: And he (the 'Iraqi) 
has told a lie in this matter. (Reference :-Sahih Muslim Book 7, Number 2850) which 
only refutes "ONE PERSON FROM IRAQ" and by no means prove that Najd is Iraq. 

What on earth does this prove you Kharji? There were many people who lied from 
different areas of world. Even some people from Madina were Munafiqeen who 
disguised themselves while living with Prophet (Peace be upon him), so would you start 
bashing Madina? We Sunnis do expect Wahabis to bash Madina too because they hate 
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). 

Twenty-second hadith is about sorcery being in Iraq, no mention of Iraq being Najd. 
The Wahabi is doing Baatil Qiyaas and Taweel just to prove Iraq as Najd. [Actually this 
reminds us of Babylonian magic which was started by Jews and became prevelent in 
Babylon, it does not bash Iraq as a whole] 

Twenty-third hadith is a long hadith about Sahabi Sa'd (rah) having dispute with certain 
people of Kufa. By no means it proves that Najd is Iraq. Many times Sahaba had 
disputes even within themselves inside Makkah and Madina, so would Wahabis start 
using those hadiths to satisfy their Zionist masters in Israel and USA WHO ARE 

Twenty-fourth hadith from Abu Hurraira (RA) has no mention of Najd being Iraq. 

Twenty fifth hadith also has no proof of Najd being Iraq and Wahabi Abdullah is just 
going bonkers by quoting irrelevant hadiths. 

Twenty-sixth hadith is about Tribe of Bani Tameem which Abu Hurraira (RA) praised 
after hearing from Prophet, again no proof of Najd being Iraq [I have already shed some 
light in regards to Bani Tameem above but I will explain this specific hadith in more 
detail to expose Wahabism completely. We Sunnis agree that people like Sulayman bin 
Abdul Wahab Rahimahullah who refuted Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab came from Bani 
Tameem too, but the point is Khawarij movements coming from Bani Tameem which 
are refuted] 

Twenty-seventh hadith again from same Abu Hurraira (RA) and same as what I said 
above applies. 

Twenty- Eighth hadith again same hadith asserting same point. 

Twenty-Ninth hadith proves about Sahabi practicing Sawm al Wisaal (i.e. uninterrupted 
fasting), this has no link to Najd being Iraq. Rather such hadiths prove that "PROPHET 
Wahabis call Prophet as a man like us but in other same hadiths Prophet (Peace be upon 
him) said in a challenging term: WHO AMONGST YOU IS LIKE ME ! ! This hadith 
destroys Wahabi vulgar belief of comparing Prophet to ordinary human beings. 

Thirtieth hadith is about how many days should one complete the Qur'an. Wahabi is 
cleverly using this hadith in regards to "SOME" Muslims who recite Qur'an quickly and 
in fast tone. Ahlus Sunnah has given verdict that Qur'an should be recited slowly so that 
people can understand, this hadith has nothing to do with Najd being Iraq. 

Thirty-first hadith again has same issue and nothing to do with Iraq being Najd. 

Thirty-second hadith again on same issue (Wahabi Abdullah had just gone bonkers) 

Thirty-third hadith is again about "In how many days Qur'an should be completed" 
nothing to do with Iraq being Najd. 

Thirty-fourth hadith again same (HUH) 

Thirty-fifth hadith is about a person not bowing or prostrating properly. Again nothing 
to do with issue. 

Thirty-sixth hadith again repetition of hadith from Sahl bin Hunaif (RA). Now three 
times this cheater Abdullah repeated the same hadith under separate numbering and 
that too without showing the hadiths from Sahih Muslim, (clear cheating) 

Thirty-seventh hadith mentions: There would arise from my Ummah a people who 
would recite the Qur'an, and your recital would seem insignificant as compared with 
their recital... 

So it has nothing to do with Iraq but is talking about Khawarij coming from "UMMAH" 
in general so would Wahabis call whole Ummah as cursed (Naudhobillah). 

Thirty-eight hadith is yet again repetition of hadith from Sahl bin Hunaif (RA), fourth 
time Wahabi Abdullah did Dajl to mention it under separate numbering and that too 
without showing the hadiths from Sahih Muslim (Absolute cheating) 

Thirty-ninth hadith again from Ibn Umar (RA) which Wahabi Abdullah had repeated 
many times as shown above. It itself refutes Wahabis and does not mention Najd to be 

Fortieth hadith is about Khawarij i.e. Wahabis and nowhere it mentions Iraq. 

Forty-first hadith is partial hadith and again nowhere mentions Iraq. 

Wahabi Abdullah jumped with joy by hypocritically saying: SubhanAllah even the above 
Hadith proves that Saudi Arabia is not referred as "East" but it's a blessed Land i.e 

This person in blind following of Wahabism does not even know the fact that blessed 
lands in Hijaaz are Makkah and Madina not others, the adjecent areas could be called 
Najd within Saudi Arabia. Above all Abdullah quoted a Mukhtasar hadith cleverly 
whereas the actual and complete hadith proves Najd to be inside Saudi Arabia. 

See this hadith and Wahabism gets busted!! 

Volume 4, Book 54, Number 521: (Sahih Bukhari) 
Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Umar and Abu Mas'ud: 

Allah's Apostle pointed with his hand towards Yemen and said, "True Belief is 
Yemenite yonder (i.e. the Yemenite, had True Belief and embraced Islam readily^ 
but sternness and mercilessness are the qualities of those who are busy 
with their camels and pay no attention to the Religion where the two sides of the 
head of Satan will appear. Such qualities belong to the tribe of Rabi'a and 

Forty-second hadith mentions man from Najd not Iraq and this man was from within 
present day Saudi Arabia. 

Forty-third hadith is again about a man from Najd and the last wording of Prophet 
(Peace be upon him) states: The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and 
grant him peace, said, 'That man will be successful, if he is telling the truth.' 

So is Najd proven to be blessed land in Mutlaqqan terms? The answer is No! 

He did not show more than 43 hadiths. Now this is the state of their so called champion 
author and he has been totally proven as a liar and cheat. 

He actually showed only 3 Marfu hadiths to claim that Najd is Iraq (and all three of 
them have "SHAADH" word of Iraq, 2 are from Ibn Umar RA and 1 is from Sahl bin 
Hunaif RA. This will be proven like bright sun once you have completely read this article 
In shaa'Allah) 

We shall start from the hadith of Sahl bin Hunaif (RA) which Wahabis 
misuse and in deceit they never quote Sahih Muslim. 

Sahih Bukhari Volume 9 : Book 84 : Hadith 68 : 

A jlSl t"w an) (3a 1 Llja (Jj (J^-uJ Cilia (Jla l JJ^C J.!"'.! ^ *" 'i^j^'} ^i^- 'il^ljll UiiAa. C(JjC-LaluJ (jj ( _ r ui jJi Uiiik 
V (jl Jill UJ* , 3^i f-J^ **"^ 0 C^ 4 "^ " J*^ <-fc^ <_S 3*1 J - (Jj^J Aj*ajlii tJU Uau! J7 jl j^JI (JjSj jJjJ j Ajlt jill t^Jj-a 

Narrated by Yusair bin Amr:I asked Sahl bin Hunaif, "Did you hear the Prophet 
saying anything about Al-Khawarij?" He said, "I heard him saying while 
pointing his hand towards Iraq. "There will appear in it (i.e, Iraq) some 
people who will recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats,and 
they will go out from (leave) Islam as an arrow darts through the game's 
body.' " 

This is the biggest proof which Wahabis can misuse but bad luck for them as true Sunnis 
know Bukhari and Muslim better than Wahabi imaginations 

Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah) said under this hadith 

Translation: The saying of Sahl bin Hunaif (RA) that I heard him saying while 
pointing his hand towards Iraq. (Ibn Hajr explains): This means towards that direction, 
which is in Muslim (it says) "TOWARDS EAST" [Fath ul Bari, Sharh Sahih ul 
Bukhari, under Hadith from Sahl bin Hunaif] 

This proves that even the same narrator "ASH-SHAYBANI" as in this hadith narrated 
the word "EAST" instead of Iraq. 

Let's see hadith from Sahih Muslim 

j^xj ^ ^jLJIj (jl jail Ji) £j3 " (jj i* all O-llJ jLilj - 4 'it n i ii (JlaS ^jl^ill jSiij j»i^J ^Jc- jIll ^1' "» (_jjjil 

Translation: Yusair b. 'Amr reported that he inquired of Sahl b. Hunaif: Did you 
hear the Messenger of Allah (jusfe) making a mention of the Khwarij? He 
said: I heard him say and he pointed with his hand towards the east that 

these would be a people who would recite the Qur'an with their tongues and it would not 
go beyond their collar bones. They would pass clean through their religion just as the 
arrow passes through the prey. [Sahih Muslim, Hadith # 2336] 

Note: 1 Narrator in Bukhari has narrated this from Ash-Shaybani who is Abdul Wajid, 
but 2 more narrators have narrated it from same Ash-Shaybani in Sahih Muslim 

1. Ali bin Mushar (In Sahih Muslim) 

2. Abdul Wahid. (Both in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim but with different wordings) 

3. Al-Awwam bin Hushab (In Sahih Muslim) 

The hadith from Ali bin Mushar mentiones "EAST" whereas the hadith from Abdul 
Wahid mentions "IRAQ" . The point arises which to take? The answer is the hadith 
which corresponds to 100% other Marfu Hadiths in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim which 
only mention Najd or East. The word "IRAQ" is Shaadh. 

Even the chain with Abdul Wahid in Sahih Muslim says a different wording: 

Translation: This hadith had been transmitted by Sulaiman Shaibani with the same 
chain of narrators (and the words are)," There would arise out of (this group) 
many groups" [Sahih Muslim Hadith # 2337] 

Things do not just stop here, there is also another hadith with different chain saying: 

(jj uiall (Jj3 " (Jll j»l^J ^Jc- u^' ^* llr^ L) c ' " "..'^ j^ ' J^)-aC (jj Jjiuii (jc i^Loill (jjlajjl _jJI 

Translation: Sahl b. Hunaif reported Allah's Apostle as saying: There would 

arise from the "EAST" a people with shaven heads. [Sahih Muslim Hadith # 2337] 

Now it stands proven from yet another Mutabiyaat from Al-Awaam bin Hushab (rah) 
from Ash-Shaybani that word used was "MASHRIQ (EAST)" not Iraq. 

Hence without a shadow of doubt the word "IRAQ" in hadith of Bukhari is a "SHAADH" 
word. Wahabis are toally ignorant in Hadith sciences and Ilm ur Rijaal and I know they 
might jump off their seats that howcome a "WORD" in Bukhari be "SHAADH". 
Remember if every word of Bukhari been accurate then it would have been like Qur'an 
(Naudhobillah) but Ulama accept the fact that "Shadh (odd words) can occour even in 
Bukhari. I take an oath that Wahabis themselves consider many hadiths in Bukhari itself 
to be "SHAADH" and all people who know Ilm ur Rijaal and science of Jarh wa't Ta'deel 
know for sure that "SHAADH" word (s) could be present even in Bukhari. 

Note: Having a single Shaadh word in hadith does not effect the chain. However the 
word itself does effect the Matn therefore Matn has to be understood from 
overwhelming others hadiths "NARRATED WITH DIFFERENT ROUTES" 

It is indeed us genuine Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamm'ah (followers of schools of 
jurisprudence, Ash'ari/Maturidi, followers of Tassawuf) who uphold Bukhari and 
Muslim strongly and Wahabis have nothing to do with these two noble sources. All they 
have is misquotation and cheating. 

The hadith in Bukhari also goes against Wahabis because it proves that Prophet (Peace 
be upon him) was referring to "KHAWARIJ IN GENERAL" and we have already 
explained through many hadiths that root cause of Khawarij Fitnah was Bani Tameemi 
Dhul Khawisira and "REGARDING HIS COMPANIONS" did Prophet (Peace be upon 
him) say that they will recite Qur'an but it will not go beyond their throats. 

So the root cause remains Area "WITHIN SAUDI ARABIA WITHOUT DOUBT" as 
proven from many Marfu hadiths narrated with "DIFFERENT TURAQ" 

Now no matter where these Khawarij move or emerge from the same Najdi Fitnah will 
be referred to. Even Pakistani born Khawarij will be called followers of "Najdi fitnah" as 
they have same ideology. Similarly the Bani Tameemis in predominantly Bani Ummayd 
Army of Yazeed are to be blamed even if Imam Hussain (RA) was martryed in Iraq 

Time to come towards the "SINGULAR" hadith of Ibn Umar (RA) which mentions that 
Ibn Umar (RA) saw the Prophet (Peace be upon him) pointing towards Iraq. It is 
essential to prove from same Ibn Umar (RA) that he himself mentioned that Prophet 
(Peace be upon him) pointed towards "EAST OR WHERE SUN RISES" not Iraq (hence 
word Iraq which contradicts 100% hadiths of Bukhari and Muslim in same exact 
wording of hadith will be null and void) 

Note: I am talking about the hadith in Hiliya tul Awliya of Sufi Abu Nu'aym al-Isfihani 
(rah) [Hadith #2 & 19 in Wahabi reference], Mu'jam al Awsat (hadith # 20 in Wahabi 
reference) and hadith of Musnad Ahmed (Hadith # 1 in Wahabi reference) 

The hadiths in Hiliya and Mu'jam al-Awsat are Weak and I will prove this 
comprehensively. But let's concentrate on hadith from Musnad Ahmed which has 
seemingly authentic chain. The hadith of Musnad Ahmed comes via route of "Hanzalah 
(<ilkk)" Here I will mention list of all narrators who narrate the word Iraq from Salim 
bin Abdullah (RA) or Nafi (rah) and then from Ibn Umar (RA) 

1. Hanzalah (But even this hadith in Musnad Ahmed is mistranslated by Wahabi 
Abdullah as it is by itself referring to east due to word "Ya'umul Iraq" which was 
hypocritically not translated by Abdullah. Secondly Ibn Numayr narrates directly from 
Hanzalah over here whereas in Sahih Muslim Ibn Numayr narrates this hadith from 
Ishaq bin Suliman first and then Hanzalah and that authentic hadith in Sahih Muslim 
does not contain the word "IRAQ"] 

2. Abdullah bin Awn in Tabrani's al-Kabeer (but Matn has Idhtirab due to "Al-Hasan 
bin Ali bin al-Mamari as same narrator elsewhere narrates the word "NAJD" therefore 

the wording Iraq becomes "ODD" from him, plus Ja'far al-Razi called him "Kadhaab" 
and some other Muhaditheen also did Jarh upon him, plus from Ibn Awn word Najd is 
conclusively proven from Bukhari hence no need to turn towards low ranking hadith 

Hadith by Tarsosi in Musnad Ibn Umar has Yazeed bin Sinaan and Muhammad bin 
Yazid bin Sinan who are weak, it also contains Abu Razin al Falastini who is Mujhool. 

Hadith in Hiliya has Hasan bin Raf i al-Ramli who is Mujhool, also Zamrah who is weak 
and also Tawba an-Anbari who is Thiqa with slight criticism. The other chain in 
Hiliya has Abdullah bin Jami al Halwani who is Mujhool and also contains 

3. Tawba al-Anbari (Thiqa but criticized narrator, plus chains leading unto him are very 
long and weak. Imam Muslim only narrated from him in form of Mutabiyat i.e. did not 
consider him reliable enough to be quoted without Shawahid) 

4. Ziyad bin Biyan (Criticized narrator. Imam al-Bukhari even said of his authentic 
hadith regarding Mahdi which is present in Abu Dawud: " Ju uu J" which is a severe 

Jarh, other Muhaditheen went to the extent of calling him "MAJROOH" and some 
called him "Weak" too. Neither Bukhari nor Muslim narrate from him. Plus chains 
leading unto him are very long and weak) 

Only one narrator i.e. Hanzalah is confirmed to have narrated with seemingly Authentic 
chain but remaining chains have weakness which make the hadiths not capable of being 
on criteria of Bukhari and Muslim and thus in presence of Sahih ones in Bukhari and 
Muslim the Shadh ones shall stand rejected. 

Let's see picture of hadith from Hanzalah with Urdu translation of Musnad Ahmed bin 
Habal. Abdullah and his Wahabi ilk hypocritically hid the translation from public. 

Rendering into English the Urdu Translation of Musnad Ahmed Hadith # 6302: It is 

narrated from Hadrat Ibn Umar (Radhi Allaho Anho) that once I saw that the Prophet (Peace be 
upon him) pointed with his hand towads "EAST" and said three times: Fitnah will be from here, 
from here rises the horn of Satan [Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal Urdu Translation, Volume # 3, 
Page #451] 

On the other hand the Wahabi translated "Jijji ?jj ^ j^" in English as: Prophet showing 'Iraq 
with his hand 

And in Urdu as: 

The Wahabi has not only shown pathetic translations but also contradicted himself grossly. In 
English one Wahabi is saying "Prophet showed Iraq (HUH)" whereas in Urdu one Wahabi is 
claiming: Sahabi narrates from Abdullah Ibn Umar Radhi Allaho Anhuma that I Allah's 
Messenger Peace be upon him saw him pointing with his hand towards Iraq. 

I know Wahabi will claim to know Arabic more than deobandi translator here. But the point is 
that "Yushero bi Yaddihi Ya'umul Iraq" does not mean straightaway that "He showed Iraq with 
his hand" as contradictory English translation of Abdullah says. The literal word by word 
translation could be: Pointed (Yushero) with (bi) his hand (Yaddihi) "LEADING TOWARDS 
(YA'UMUL)" Iraq. 

The word "Ya'umul" present in-between proves that pointing was towards East not Iraq itself 
because it means "LEADING TOWARDS" Iraq not Iraq itself. The deobandi translater in 
correspondence to hadiths of Sahih Muslim and others from same narrator Hanzalah translated it 
rightly as "EAST" 

Above all Ya'umul Iraq wording is not of Prophet (Peace be upon him) rather Fahm of narrator 
and in this regard overwhelming other hadiths will be taken in account which conclusively prove 
that actual wording was "EAST AND FROM WHERE SUN RISES" which could never refer to 

Now let us see those narrators who narrate the wordings "a) Najd or b) East or c)From 
where Sun Rises" all this decisively prove that Najd cannot be Iraq because Najd 
linguistically means highland whereas Iraq is Lowland than Madina, plus East is 

towards Riyaadh, Bani Tameem and such areas whereas Iraq is towards Northern side. 
Finally Sun never rises from the side of Iraq in Madina. 

1. Abdullah bin Awn (Twice in Sahih Bukhari without word Iraq, hence low ranking 
books like Tarikh Ibn Asakir, Tarikh Dimishq, Mu'jam of at-Tabrani, Tarsosi, and others 
do not stand a chance) 

2. Akrama bin Ammar (In Sahih Muslim) 

3. Juwayria (In Sahih Bukhari) 

4. Abdullah bin Dinar (In Sahih Bukhari and shortest chain is present in Muwatta Imam 
Malik. Remember according to Usool ul Hadith the shorter the chian the more accurate 
hadith will be. Due to short chain in Muwatta Imam Malik no doubt is now left that Iraq 
word was not used) 

5. Imam al-Zuhri (In Sahih Bukhari) 

6. Imam al-Layth (In Sahih Bukhari) 

7. Ubayd Ullah bin Umar (In Sahih Muslim) 

8. Ibn Awf (Authentic chain in Fadhail as-Sahaba of Imam Ahmed) 

9. Aqba bin Abi Sahba (In Musnad Ahmed) 

10. Abdur Rahman bin Ata (In Musnad Ahmed, weak narrator but authentic Mutabiyat 
is present) 

11. Bashr bin Harb (In Musnad Ahmed, criticized narrator but authentic Mutabiyat is 

12. From another Sahabi Abu Masu'd al-Ansari (RA) [Now 2 Sahaba narrate with 
authentic and different chains, therefore no doubt is left that Najd cannot be Iraq] 

13. Yahya bin Sa'eed [Al-Awsat with wording o^Jl ^l^i.e. from Where Sun rises) 

14. Musa bin Uqba with Mutabiyat of Salih bin Kisan [Musnad Bazzar 5522 & 5523] 

More hadiths which prove Najd to be inside Saudi Arabia including hadiths 
mentioning Bani Tameem, Rabi'a and Mudar, different Miqaat for Iraq and 
Na jd and Prophet (Peace be upon him) never going to Iraq for Ghazwa but 
went to Najd inside (present day) Saudi Arabia's territory. 

15. Sayyidna Abu Sa'eed al Khudri (In Sahih Bukhari and others) 

16. Sayyidna Ali bin Abi Talib (In Sahih Bukhari and others) 

17. Sayyidna Ibn Abbas (In Sahih Bukhari and others) 

18. Sayyidna Abu Mas'ud (In Sahih Bukhari and others, Note this is different hadith to 
the one having wording of Blessing upon Yemen, Sham, Makkah and Madina but Najd 
being devoid) 

19. Sayyidna Anas bin Malik (In Sahih Bukhari and others) 

20. Sayyidna Imran bin Hussain (In Sahih Bukhari and others) 

21. Sayyidna Abu Bakra (In Sahih Bukhari and others) 

22. Sayyidna Abu Dhar (In Sunnan Ibn Majah and others) 

23. Sayyidna Abu Umama (In Ibn Majah and others) 

24. Sayyidna Jabir bin Abdullah (In Sahih Bukhari and others) 

25. Sayyidah Aisha (In Sunnan Nasai'i with authentic chain) 

26. Sayyidna Sahl bin Hunaif (In Sahih Muslim and others) 

27. Sayyidna Hudhaifa bin al Yaman (In Sahih Bukhari and others) 

28. Syyidna Abu Hurraira (In Sahih Bukhari and others) 

29. Sa'eed bin Juhman (In Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah with authentic chain) 

30. Ash'aat bin Qays (By Ibn Atheer) 

31. Anas bin Sireen (In Mu'jam al-Awsat at-Tabrani) 
and others! 

Hence 29 great narrators (I excluded the 2 weak ones). This includes Jayyid Sahaba as 
mentioned above, hence it proves beyond shadow of doubt that Najd is within Saudi 
Arabia and cannot be Iraq by any means. 

The hadiths with Wahabi reference of #19 and #20 are decevingly quoted by Abdullah 
like this: 


The hadeeth of ibn Umar Reported by Abu Nu'aym in al-Hilya (6/133) 

"O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Madeenah, and bestow your blessings on our Mecca, 
and bestow your blessings on our Shaam, and bestow your blessings on our Yemen, and bestow 
your blessings in our measuring (fee saa'inaa wa muddinaa)." A person said, " O Messenger of 

Allaah and in our Iraaq" and so he turned away from him and said, "there will occur 
earthquakes, trials and tribulations and there will appear the horn of Satan." 

(Shu'ayb al-Arna'ut declares it's isnaad to be saheeh as in his footnotes to 'Sharh as-Sunnah' 
(14/206-207 fn. 2) and he too endorses the words of al-Khattaabee quoted above. 



The hadeeth of ibn Umar reported in at-Tabaraanee in 'al-Awsat'that the Messenger of Allaah, 
sallallaahu alayhiwa sallam prayed Fajr and then faced the people and said, "O Allaah bestow 
your blessings on our Madeenah, O Allaah bestow your blessings in our measuring, O Allaah 
bestow your blessings in our Shaam and our Yemen." A person said, "And Iraq O Messenger 
of Allah?" He said, "from there arises the horn of Satan and the trials and tribulations would 
come like mounting waves." 

Do you wonder why he did not show Arabic this time? I will tell you why. 

The Arabic of hadith from Hiliya states (Look at red highlighted narrators): 

Lii* j Uc-L-a (J Li! liljljj tliloj Ul lioLi Li! tllii-o yi Li! liljLij tliiijAA Li! liljb ^ill. JLaa 

(_L>j; JLaa c<Ge (_pajcLa iLia! jc ^ji j Jh\ J Lj; jl jjja ^!U, Lgjj jjja!! j JjV jll L$ja 

Due to two narrators this hadith is weak. 

l) Abdullah bin Jami'i al-Halwani - He is Mujhool (unknown) narrator. 

2) Tawba bin Kisaan (who is thiqa but also considered weak according to some 

Wahabis are asked to show "TA'DEEL" of Abdullah bin Jami'i al-Halwani from classical 

Regarding Tawba who is Thiqa but some Muhaditheen said: 

Translation: And Imam Abu Hatim and not only (who) said: He is Thiqa and It is 
narrated from Ibn Mu'aeen. He said: "HE HAS WEAKNESS" [al-Dhahabi in Meezan ul 
Aitidal (2/80)] 

Ibn Hajr says: 

Translation: He is Thiqa. Al-Azdi made mistake (to mention him in) "DU'AFA" [at- 
Taqreeb, Narrator # 908] 

Imam al-Azdi actually called him "MUNKAR UL HADITH" [This specific qawl is taken 
from islamweb wahabi website] 

Now coming towards Hadith in at-Tabrani al-Awsat. 
It contains 

1. Ali bin Sa'eed bin Basheer 

2. Ziyad bin Biyan. 

Regarding Ali bin Sa'eed bin Basheer Muhaditheen said: 

eXjuLi jjii .cSllij lu'^'j 1 ^ 

lillij jjjJ ; Jlia <Gc ^<USjl ill cAjj> 

Translation: Imam at-Daraqutni said: "HE IS NOT APPROVED" in anything in which 
he is alone. 

Imam Ibn Yunus said: He had fahm and memory. He died in 299 AH. Ibn Yunus said: 
"THERE IS KALAAM OVER HIM" I say: In regards to what he "INSERTED FROM THE 

Imam al-Daraqutni was asked regarding him and he said: "HIS HADITHS ARE NOT 
APPROVED" [Lisaan ul Meezan (4/265-266)] 

Ibn Adi mentioned in him is "Du'afa" [Al-Kamil fi al-Du'afa (1/238)] 

Now remember he inserted Amaal of leaders which proves that he was on payroll false 
leaders. Such scholars have always been thrashed in history as they were on payroll of 
governments and inserted things which government asked them to. This actually takes 
them to the level of "LIARS" hence wording Iraq must have come due to pressure from 

Albani also "CUNNINGLY ALTERED" the chain of al-Awsat by lying in his Silsilat ul 
Ahadith as-Sahiha where he said: 

215/1)" WVI V 

/ 1 / 3851 ) uj^ ^ ^ •^ c ' ^-L>f^' "■ ^j'-''"^ oi <J^ c -^- A4jj ] ijo^ 3 Cy 

.lis. jliuij li& j ; dilS . "Uc- (jc 

Translation: And in al-Awsat (1/215/1/3851) with the route of Isma'eel 
bin Mas'ud who narrated from Ubayd Ullah bin Abdullah bin Awn from 
his father. "I SAY THIS CHAIN IS STRONG" [Albani Liar in Silsilat ul 
Ahadith as-Sahiha # 2246] 

Look at lie and deception of Albani how he cooks up a hadith himself by 
attributing it to Mu'jam al-Awsat even by giving wrong reference. None of these 
narrators are present in al-Awsat in regards to this hadith. Yes they are present in 
al-Kabeer but not in al-Awsat as Albani lied. Even hadith in al-Kabeer has "ODD" 
wording due to "Hasan bin Ali bin al-Mamri" as proven above. 

This also proves that Albani was a pseudo muhadith and often lied to prove his 
Baatil viewpoints. 

Let us also see the scan link which Abdullah gave and it has link of worst Kafir website 
called "ahnafexpose" which calls Imam Abu Hanifa a Kafir (Naudhobillah) 

4:42 AM 

I will prove this hadith weak shortly but let's see a screenshot of a book which ahnafexpose 
website has uploaded. 


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Translation for English readers: From this blessed hadith it is known that whosoever 
leaves Qur'an and Hadith "BECOMES MISGUIDED". Abu Hanifa is considered to be 
"AMONGST THESE PEOPLE TOO" who left Qur'an and Hadith. Abu Hanifa while leaving 
Qur'an and Hadith gained high expertise in Qiyaas [ahnafexpose website] 

AstaghfirUllah!! Now in this same pathetic book on Page # 19 they say "MUJIYYAH AND 
JAHMIYYAH ARE KAFIR" and then they literally try to prove Abu Hanifa (rah) as "MURJI'I" 
We Muslims of subcontinent have defeated Wahabis many times on their Buhtaan upon Imam 
al-Adham Abu Hanifa (Rahimahullah) and Wallahi most of the Wahabis are very stern against 
this Imam of 4 schools. I have debated Wahabis who call him "DAJJAL, KADHAAB, MURJI, 
JAHMI, ASS (NAUDHOBILLAH)" and many such disgusting names. 

This Wahabi Abdullah is following Kafir Takfirists who follow false and inauthentic statements 
cooked up to defame Imam Abu Hanifa (Rahimahullah), he is following kufaar of ahnafexpose 
website who keep disgusting & pathetic aqaid in regards to Imam wal Arif bil Qur'an wal Hafidh 
ul Hadith al-Nauman bin Thabit Abi Hanifa (Rahimahullah). The co-author of sol website Asim 
has himself hypocritically written a whole article on defense of Imam Abu Hanifa and proven 
him "THIQA" in hadith but now it stands proven that these people at the same time take proof 
from such extremist Kafir Wahabis. This proves that Ghaali Salafis, Tawhidi, Jamaat al 
Muslimeen, and rather all Wahabis are same in roots. The cults like Munkarieen of Hadith, 
Parvaize, are outcome of Wahabism as they carry same vulgar beliefs . 

Coming to the scan which these Juhala uploaded from Mu'jam Ibn al Muqri. It also contains 
narrator Ziyad bin Biyan 

Imam al-Uqayli mentioned him in his Du'afa [2/76] 
Ibn Adi also mentioned him in his Du'afa [4/144] 

Imam Bukhari (rah) after naming him and narrating one hadith from him said: 

which is extreme Jarh according to Imam Bukhari [Refer to Tarikh ul Kabeer (3/346)] 
In Meezan ul Aitidal it says: 

Translation: Ziyad bin Biyan "HIS HADITHS ARE NOT SAHIH" and Imam al-Bukhari said: In 
chain of his hadiths there is "NAZAR (SHADEED JARH)" [Meezan ul Aitidal (3/126)] 

Although Muhaditheen did do Ta'deel of him but he is not narrator of Sahihayn and only 1 
hadith is narrated from him in remaining 4 books of Sihah Sitta. Hence chain from him will 
become weak due to glaring proofs of Bukhari and Muslim which were shown before. 

Now let's turn towards hadith from Musnad Ahmed and how there is "MUDHTARIB" 
wording in Ahmed which is to be rejected but the wording in Sahih Muslim has to be 
taken from same narrator Hanzalah (rah) 

It states in Sahih Muslim: 

q\ Wu1\\\ lij§ ^H=aJ i"\]"> gj^iLal! ^Likl! L_lL 

Chapter: Tribulation From The East, From Where The Horns Of The Shaitan Appear 

Translation: Ibn Numayr narrates from Ishaq i.e. Ibn Suliman "WHO NARRATES 
FROM HANZALAH" who said that he heard Salim saying that Ibn Umar reported: I 
heard Allah's Messenger as saying "WHILE POINTING HIS HANDS TOWARDS THE 

EAST" The turmoil would appear from this side; verily, the turmoil would appear from this side 
(he repeated it thrice) where appear the horns of Satan. [Sahih Muslim Online Hadith # 6942] 

Firstly: Actual wording used in narration of Hanzalah was "EAST" not "YA'UMAL IRAQ" by 
any means. 

Secondly: The Wahabi Abdullah has shown altered scan proofs to hide the wording 
"YA'UMUL" from in between.. The first scan proof uses the wording: " (jj^JI fjj a-iu " 

whereas the second scan proof with same publication uses the word "<jjl j*i j^Aj" which is quite 

strange. Maybe they did not scan second time properly but remember we can never trust 
Wahabis anyway as they are renowned forgers of Islamic literature. 

Thirdly: In Takhreej it says: (4751) jlal j which means "LOOK AT HADITH # 4751" now 
when we look at hadith # 4751 it states: 

jl kli^ll (Jj3 jilaJ lilla (J-a 4 UaIa (J-o (JjjIj " ; cjlsa 

Translation: Ibn Umar (RA) said: The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) came out from 
the house of Aisha (RA), (and) said: The height of disbelief is from here and from here will 
appear the horn of Satan. [Musnad Ahmed, Hadith # 4751 with Tehqeeq of Shu'ayb Arna'oot] 

Now why it says look at hadith #4751 in the footnote? 

Answer: Just like Wahabis jump with joy looking at word Iraq the Rawafidh who are brothers 
of Wahabism also jump off their seats and say: Look look, the house of Aisha (RA) is directly 
mentioned and it is said "HEIGHT OF DISBELIEF WILL COME FROM THERE" i.e. 
Naudhobillah Aisha (RA) was a disbeliever. Both these extremist sects are extremely heretical in 
their judgments. The Ghaali Shi'ites are insulters of Sahaba whereas Ghaali Salafis are insulters 
of Allah and his Apostle (I consider the latter more heretical). 

Plus this hadith clearly proves that Iraq cannot be Najd and it is established beyond doubt from 
Hadiths of Bukhari, Muslim and others that Prophet (Peace be upon him) while coming out of 
Sayyidah Aisha (RA)'s house pointed towards "EAST" and even from pulpit he pointed towards 
this house and by no means Iraq is towards that direction. I will establish more proofs in this 
regard In shaa Allah. 

Fourthly and very importantly: There is yet another Mutabiyat from same Hanzalah which 


JjI J_^ljj C ulj ; Jla (jc i <iiil jjc (jj jsJLoi jc i (jUiij ^jI (jj "Uiaja Uii ;Jla ^jjJI <jj jJb Uii ;Jta ^!iUJI (jj jUaJI -ijc lilii. 

t(jU=Uiill (jj5 ^ikj (j-o tdllj^i CLx^u tU& lA <jjall jj Vi» :JjSJ jUilj tli& l& Lajli j*L«j 4jlc Alii Ls l^-a 

Translation: Abdul Jabbar bin al'Ala (Thiqa) narrates from Bashr bin al-Sariy (La Ba'sa bihi) 
who said he heard from Hanzalah bin Abi Sufyan, from Salim bin Abdullah from Ibn Umar (RA) 
who said: I saw the Prophet (Peace be upon him) standing (and saying): "From here, while 

pointing towards bench of Zamzam; The Fitnah is from here, (he said it) thrice. 

From here will emerge the Horn of Satan "MEANING FROM EAST" [Akhbar al 
Makkah by Al-Fakihi, Hadith # 1123] 

Now this chain is absolutely authentic but a problem arises that is Fitnah Zamzam itself as 
Rawafidh should now perceive (come on Rawafidh use same logic here too like you use on the 
hadiths of pointing towards house of Aisha) or is the Fitnah Makkah as Wahabi emotional fools 
jump to conclusions by looking ar "DHAHIR WORDING" ?? The Wahabis with their quick 
judgments and looking for literal words can assume so but the answer is obviously: None of the 

Now there remains no doubt that Hanzalah (rah) did not narrate word Iraq for sure rather East 
is the word which is conclusively proven from him as well. 

Now I will narrate 10 Hadiths including many from Ibn Umar (RA) that too with different 
routes. None of them contains the word "IRAQ" This is perfect example of hadith in lower 
ranking books to be "SHAADH" as compared to the ones present in Sihah Sitta (including 
Bukhari/Muslim) and also many others. 

The hadiths are presented in Arabic along with respective chains. 

Hadith # 1 from Imam al-Layth the great predecessor (Also note the chapter title of Sahih 

(jUajjjJI Ljjij JlaJ '"'J - *- j-a (jj (j-a 

Chapter: The Fitnah is from East and from there will rise horns of Satan. 

(Jjil (jj .a II (JjaiuiA jA j; «(jUaj!i!l jj3 ^ilaJ ''"''^ (ja ill^A <uia]l jl J ^ & Aiijll (jj 

[With wording that Prophet Peace be upon him "TURNED (tSffc**)" towards East which proves 
beyond doubt that it was cardinal east. Sahih Muslim, Hadith # 7241, Dar ul Kutb al Ilmiyyah, 

Hadith # 2 From seemingly two different Sahaba in Sahih Bukhari i.e. Uqba bin 'Amr and 
Abu Mas'ud as Muhsin Khan ignorant wahabi have us believe. We sunnis could have easily 
gotten away by saying that look they are two different Sahaba, however honesty is bread 
and butter of us Ahlus Sunnah, the letter "Waw" here in Sahih Bukhari is not denoting 
"AND" but is continuation of name of Uqba bin 'Amr because Uqba bin Amr's Kuniya 
was Abu Mas'ud. This hadith proves directly from Prophet (Peace be upon him) that Najd 
is in (present day) Saudi Arabia. 

4j1c jlll ^jJ-k-a <&l (3 jiuj jl2ul (Jla j4 m« ^1 JJ^- Oi AjSC (jt 1(Jju5 ^ '"*'>-»■ (Jll njjfcl a'n) jC- '^J^'; V..'« Ujik 

(JUj (jijJI J^Lj oJjj j" ^iiaJ '(J^V' S- 1 ^' J JJ-al -^ic- (JJ^Iiall ^ji jM\ Ur-.j jjl^W (jj ^| 4UA IA jl-aJ (jLaJ^/l 

j ' '— j AjLuj /ji Uj';,\l ljja"_ 

[Hadith with clear proof that Najd is in Rabi'a and Mudar 4jujj ^) the Saudi areas. Proven 

from different Sahabi than Ibn Umar now i.e. Uqba bin Amr (not Umar as Muhsin Khan 
Wahabi said in ignorance as well). See: Sahih Bukhari: Vol. 4, Book 54, Hadith 521] 

Note: I shall soon publish a whole booklet on forgeries of Salafis and this Muhsin Khan Sahab 
along with "DROP OUT" from al-Azhar university Mr Taqi ud din al-Hilali shall be at forefront. 
Remember Muhsin Khan was a nobody in Islamic knowledge and Hilali just uses his name to 
bring him some fame! 

Hilali himself was a rebel against Ihsaan & Zuhd (i.e. Tassawuf) which is part and parcel of 
Islam as taught in the world renowned multiply narrated and Sahih hadith of Jibreel (alayh 
salam) mentioned in Sahih Bukhari (See: Vol. 6, Book 60, Hadith 300 or read longer version of it 
from here: ). It is a fact that whosoever rebels 
against Islamic science of Tassawuf after being part of it is definitely taught by his whims and 
desires because Ihsan is part and parcel of Islam as proven from Hadith of Jibreel (alayh 
salam). Hilali also studied in Deobandi Nadwatul Uloom in Lackhnow and also in Saudi Arabia, 
thereofore we do not wonder why he became misguided (as he did not meet genuine people of 

Hadith # 3 from Juwayria in Sahih Bukhari 

/jl Uj.'MI ijjik ^Uaj (j^i - . hilali UaIa ijlaa 4 *nlc. j^u»i 

[Hadith with wording that Prophet stood up, delivered the Khutba, pointing towards the house of 
Aisha (RA) (<^le tjL*^ J=J jLiii luk* ^ j <uk. M ls L^ ^ull ^li). This is directly towards east from 
pulpit hence Najd cannot be Iraq. Sahih Bukhari: Vol. 4, Book 53, Hadith 336] 

Hadith # 4 from Abdullah bin Dinar with shortest Authentic chain of Muwatta Imam 

(jjS ^iiaJ t *n-% (j-o .UgA Ailiall (jj .U$A 

[Shortest Chain of Muwatta from Abdullah bin Dinar who narrates from Abdullah bin Umar 
(RA), hence there remains no doubt that actual word was East which cannot be Iraq. Reference: 
Muwatta Imam Malik: Book 54, Hadith 1794] 

Hadith # 5 with Great chain of Imam al-Zuhri in Sahih Bukhari 

jjl ( xi]aj lilja. (j-a . ^jj^el] ^J) jjAi - LiA U (j) Vl» ijfi-JI (^It jA j Jjl) ( aluij <Lilc ( _ s i-a». 

[Great chain of al-Zuhri from Salim bin Abdullah in Sahih Bukhari: Vol. 4, Book 56, Hadith 

Hadith # 6 from Akrama bin Amaar in Sahih Muslim 

[Sareeh description by Prophet when he came out of Sayyidah Aisha's house and then pointed 
towards it i.e. east: Sahih Muslim: Book 41, Hadith 6941] 

Hadith # 7 from Ubayd Ullah in Musnad Ahmed with Authentic chain 

4jl ^alui j Aalc t^Jj-a erf^ (jc- t ^ac ^jj! jjc i ^sLi ^^iil t dill (jt t J ^ 'c,^' y " w ' ^ •^ c " ^ w 

/jl Up;,ll ^ilaj '''.:^ ^ A ; Jlaa t Jjj i* «ll '< a-iu jLila t ^uiilc- t—iL Ait Lajli». 

[Again about Sayyidah Aisha's house but with different Rawi i.e. Ubayd Ullah. Reference: 
Musnad Ahmed, Hadith # 4679. It is Sahih on the critera of Bukhari and Muslim] 

Hadith # 8 from Uqba bin Abi Sahba in Musnad Ahmed with Authentic chain 

[Hadith mentioning "FROM WHERE SUN RISES" which proves beyond doubt yet again that 
Sun does not rise form the side of Iraq hence Najd is in Saudi Arabia. Reference: Musnad 
Ahmed, Hadith # 5410. The chain is "STRONG" as said by Shu'ayb Arn'aoot] 

See these following pictures of Sun rising in Madina Shareef. It is towards East not towards Iraq. 

Hadith # 9 From Ibn Awn whom Wahabis quote from low ranking books. This following 
hadith is however from Bukhari 

iilUA» Jli ; Jla .lli=J ^ j ;l jlli ; Jli «Uioj ^ j liaLi ^ Ul liljL j»gl3l» ; Jli ; Jla ^ j ;l jlli ; Jli .Lull ^ j 

jUWill (Jj3 jUaJ Igjj cJjjV 

[Hadith from Ibn Awn from Bukhari. Note Ibn Awn has narrated twice in Bukhari on same topic 
and has nowhere mentioned Iraq. This proves beyond doubt that books like Tabrani, Hiliya and 

others will not be considered in presense of Sahihayn. Reference: Sahih Bukhari Vol. 2, Book 
17, Hadith 147] 

Hadith # 10 From another Sahabi Anas bin Malik in regards to Najd being "RABI'A AND 

(je j»JJj (jjl S jjC (jc J^-$-« <jj( ' A ^ A Uj ^ir^Mtlt (jibe ^Jc Lu ^^JajiJl »JaJ <jj| t_iU jJl JjC £jjt Xo&i Uiiia. 

[Authentic chain from Anas bin Malik, hence from three Sahaba now it stands established that 
Prophet (Peace be upon him) praised Yemen but bashed Najd inside Saudi Arabia i.e. Rabi'a and 
Mudar: see Musnad al-Shamiyeen of at-Tabrani (1/297), Hadith # 520] 

I can show many more hadiths but due to brevity issue these should suffice. Hence Sahihayn plus 
Muwatta of Imam Malik plus Sahih chains in other books prove beyond doubt that NAJD 
CANNOT BE IRAQ but is rather inside Saudi Arabia from main Tree of "RABIA AND 
MUDAR" Remember Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab was from Bani Tamim which is sub tribe of 

And Yes we must see Muqadma of Hiliya tul Awliya by Imam al Hafidh Abu Nu'aym al 
Isfihani as-Sufi (rah) 

It states: 

t _pa*Jj "LcLoi. ^j-oLuil (j-ajJail <_jLS 

-s ■ ijjfi ^_ya ' ~* "J lilLuijl! j-o -3 "A a^U (_1JJJJj tafrLajjj 4ijj_aia]| j-o Jjiaq-s'iall j-a ij^-ai-lS j -j'j ^ 

Translation: Ama Ba'd: (O concerned) May Allah grant you good, I ask for help from 
Allah and write this book fulfilling your proposal. The compilation of this book deals 
with the sayings and conditions of an eminent group (amongst Muslims). This group 
is of Sufis and A'ima, their merits shall be mentioned in order of their Tabaqat i.e. 
starting from the era of Sahaba, then Tabiyeen and then those who followed them. These 
are the people who knew well the proofs and realities. [Abu Nu'aym Isfihani as-Sufi in 
Hiliya tul Awliya (Volume l, Page No 32)] 

Note: The first Hadith which al-hafidh narrates is the beautiful Hadith al Qudsi saying: 
Whosoever nurses a grudge against a friend of mine (i.e. Wali Ullah) I declare war on 
him [Also narrated by Imam Bukhari in his Sahih: Volume 8, Page No. 131) 

So he destroyed Wahabism right in the Muqadma of al-Hiliya itself as the great Sufi has 
dedicated the whole work to A'ima and Sufis. 

Still we would like to conclusively establish yet again that Najd cannot be Iraq. The 
answer comes from same Ibn Umar (RA) who said: 

Translation: Ibn Umar (RA) narrates from Prophet (Peace be upon him) who said: O 
Allah bestow blessings in Syria, O Allah bestow blessings in Yemen. It was asked: And 
in Najd? The Prophet said: That is a place of earthquakes and tribulation and from it 
will emerge "HORN OF SATAN" [Mukhtasar Tarikh al Dimisqh, also proven from Sahih 
Bukhari as was established above] 

Another hadith states: 

Ul ^-^^ *<-]j^3 ^Ijujj 4_ilc. Jh\ cJ^jujj <un J(Jj5j j-ac ^jj! t ** <ft > o 

* f at 

Translation: Ibn Umar (RA) said that he heard the Prophet (Peace be upon him) saying: 
O Allah bestow blessings in Madina, in our measuring (fee saa'inaa wa muddinaa) and 
Yemen and Syria. Then he turned towards "WHERE SUN RISES" and said: From there 
will emerge "HORN OF SATAN" and from there come earthquakes and tribulation. 
[Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal (2/281)] 

There is one narrator Bashr bin Harb in it, Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani (rah) gave overall 
analysis on him as: 

Translation: Truthful but is soft (slight weakness) [Taqreeb ut Tahdbeeb, Narrator # 

We Sunnis never practise deceit by hiding other authentic chains (like Abdullah does), 
this hadith is also authentic and proven from many routes. 

Here is another one: 

Translation: Saalim bin Abdullah narrates from his father (Ibn Umar RA) who said: The 
Prophet (Peace be upon him) prayed the morning prayer, after he said salutation he 
"TURNED TOWARDS WHERE SUN RISES" and said: Indeed The Fitnah is from 
there, The fitnah is from there, from there will rise "HORN OF SATAN" [Musnad 
Ahmed bin Hanbal (2/187)] 

Shaykh Shu'ayb al Arna'oot said after this hadith: 

Translation: (It is) Sahih and this Sanad is "STRONG" [ibid] 

This hadith is strong proof that Prophet (Peace be upon him) did not turn towards Iraq 
because Sun never rises from Iraq's side in Madina. Plus It is now proven from Ibn 
Umar (RA) that NAJD, EAST, RISING OF SUN are all same things and without doubt 
East refered to is Najd within Saudi Arabia. I challenge whole Wahabi cult to prove that 
Sun rises from Iraq's side in Madina. Now not even misusing of verses like "2 EASTS 
AND 2 WESTS" are going to work O Wahabis as it stands confirmed from this hadith 
that Mashriq is Cardinal East which Prophet (Peace be upon him) talked about. 

Sun rises in Madina from the Side of Riyaadh, Bani Tamim, Banu Hanifa and those 
areas and never rises from the side of Iraq. 

If Wahabis follow Shu'ayb Arna'oot the Muhaqiq of Musnad Ahmed blindly then "HE 
HAS AUTHENTICATED" this hadith too. Remember Shu'ayb Arna'oot is not "ultimate" 
Hujjah for us as he has erred many times in Tehqeeq of Musnad Ahmed (all scholars 
err), however the Wahabis magically make him a Hujjah in spite of his strict refutation 
of Albani. 

It is also important to mention here that according to Salafis themselves Shaykh Shu'ayb 
al-Arna'oot does not hold the Mujasmi Aqida on Sifaat of Allah and he takes the Ash'ari 
approach Alhamdolillah. He praises the wonderful book Mukashafatul Quloob of Hujjat 
ul Islam al-Ghazzali (Rahimahullah) which according to Wahabis is filled with Shirk 
(Naudhobillah). Plus he has stripped Albani a part over here 

t(jL, jj J-^Lwl L'jb- :JU t j,b ^ ju-4 L'ju*- _ YYAY 

» * > 

Uj'Jb- :JU t iijj- ^il L?jb- :Jli <.j~>^\ j> UiJb - :JU 

-17, . J .-w JIW 

£J» lili :M A! J^-y JU :JU 4>l ^1 ^ 

.o>ijij j*f i»UJi cjuj 

. VHJ ni>Jl»»J jl <J| k_uSL ijui |JL» ilAU |JL>-I 

ol^Jli ^» US' WJl I* trt i)l ^» iK :Ui,t JLfj 

^U-^-JI ajb ^1 fUyi :nr/Y 1(0*31 jl* ^U-i Jj = 
Ijjji Ji j,*. ^JJlj J JiJ*Jlj c ^Ji M» 

Translation: 2282: Ahmad bin Dawud - Isma'il bin Salim - Muhammad bin al-Hasan- Abu Hanifa - 7\ta 
bin Abi Rabah - Abu Huraira: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "When the star (Pleiades) appears 
blight is raised from all lands. "[1] 

[1] Its isnaad is sahih and narrators are reliable 

HADITH AS WEAK in al-Da'ifa (397)" due to Abu Hanifa - the Imam by accusing him of bad 
memory. I do not know how al-Albani was tempted to assert for weakness of Imam's memory 
while one who speaks about it is the Imam of the science of al-Jarh wal Ta'dil, Yahya bin Ma'in who as 
stated in "al-Tahdhib" said: "Abu Hanifa was trustworthy (thiqah) in Hadith." And in another report he 
said, "Abu Hanifa is trustworthy (thiqah) and he does not narrate a hadith except that he has memorized, 
and he does not narrate what he has not memorized." 

And in al-Intiqa of Ibn Abd al-Barr (p. 127): It is likewise narrated from Ibn Ma'in: "(Abu Hanifa is) 
trustworthy (thiqah). I have not heard anyone grade him weak. This is Shu'bah who wrote to him that he 
should narrate hadith and instructed him to do it. And Shu'bah is Shu'bah (i.e. his stature in the sciences 
of hadith is established)" 

And likewise Shu'bah said: "By Allah he was good in understanding and excellent in memory"as stated in 
"al-Khayrat al-Hisaan" of Ibn Hajr al-Makki p.34 

And in "Jami' Bayan al-'Ilm 2/163 it is narrated from Imam Abu Dawud al-Sajistani the author of as- 
Sunan: "May Allah have mercy on Malik, he was an Imam. May Allah have mercy on al-Shafi'i, he was an 
Imam. May Allah have mercy on Abu Hanifa, he was an Imam." 

And the Imams of the science of al-Jarh wal Ta'dil from the later generations e.g. al-Mizzi, adh-Dhahabi 
and Ibn Hajr have compiled detailed accounts of the imam in their works and have recorded therein of 
what is known of his greatness in fiqh, and his grand stature in retention, reliability and leadership (in the 
field of knowledge). We have not found even a single one of them accuse him of weakness neither on 
the account of reliability nor that of retention. They did not pay any attention to those heinous narrations 
about the imam that have come from people with specific background because the departure of those 
accounts from standards of rightful criticism had become clear to them 

[Shu'ayb Al-Arna'ut (Muhaqiq) of at-Tahawi's Sharh Mushkil al-Athar, (Beirut: Mo'assasat ar-Resalah, 
1994) vol.6 pp.53-54] 

Albani is blown into pieces, literally blown into pieces and It stands proven that 
Wahabis are haters of Salaf as-Saliheen and their name Salafi is a bogus name kept to 
misguide unaware Muslims. 

It is crucial to see one hadith from Sahih Ibn Hibban now along with comment of Imam 
Ibn Hibban which is faboulous. 

AjI i jaC jjjl jj£ « jlijJ (jJ Alii OJC. (jc. i iiU!_o ^jt t jfiii ^1 (jj XaL.\ : (j^ ' (j^" tlW \] T ' " (jJ J- a£ " ^3^^ 

i UaIa jjoj ' UaIa q I t Ia " : cJj^jj ' (jjjjISill 3^ _3^*% ^■"j ^^i^" u 3>"i3 **- y!3 • 

3jl (jl^ A^jjaj v AjJluJaj jjjJ^JI jA Ajjoiill Jj^iia I Ait aJ]I ^-k^aj f^^" 3^ ' " (jUajIill (jjS yiaJ ' " 

Translation: Ibn Umar (RA) who said: I saw the Prophet (Peace be upon him) 
"POINTING TOWARDS EAST" and the Prophet said: From here is the Fitnah, from 
here is the Fitnah and from here will rise horn of Satan. Imam Abu Hatim (Radhi 
Allaho Anho) said: The east of Madina is "BAHRAIN" and Musaylma was 
from there. His Khurooj was the first mishap (or innovation) which 
happened in Islam [Sahih Ibn Hibban, Hadith # 6804] 

Now let us see where Bahrain is on world Map 

It is towards"CARDINAL EAST OF MADINA" hence by no means Iraq could have been 
meant by Prophet (Peace be upon him). Also remember that Musaylma Kadhaab was 
from Banu Hanifa tribe of Najd inside Saudi Arabia and Bahrain at that time was part of 
Najd as tribes spread wide back in history. Bani Tameem is also a big tribe and is located 

Another Sahih hadith (according to Salafi criteria) states: 

' J>*& C$ CP ' £^ CP ' (3 *y ' " 4^"^ ^P Lfi^ CP ' Oijj -S^ UjA^ 4 Ajjj Lui^ 4 <jLj^ (jj JjJj (jj Lta a 1 jjia 

Translation: Ibn Umar (RA) narrates from Prophet (Peace be upon him) who said: O 
Allah send Blessings in Makkah, O Allah bestow Blessings in Madina, O Allah bestow 
Blessings in Syria, O Allah bestow Blessings in Yemen and Blessings in our saa'inaa and 
blessings in muddinaa. A man asked: O Messenger of Allah (what about ) "IRAQ AND 
EGYPT" The Prophet said: From there Horn of Satan will grow and these are (lands) of 
earthquakes and tribulation! [Musnad Ibn Umar li Tarsosi, Hadith # 68] 

This hadith is weak but it is authentic according to critera of Wahabis as they have used 
this weak chain from Tarsosi to justify their point , so what now "EGYPT IS NAJD 

The point is that words like Iraq and Egypt are "SHADH" , whereas Ibn Umar (RA) 
confirmed to have narrated words Najd, East and "From where Sun Rises" (All of these 
prove that Najd cannot be Iraq). 

Here is undeniable proof from Sihah Sitta (we have already shown many from Bukhari) 
from same Ibn Umar (RA) 

In Sunnan Tirmidhi Hadith #3979 same Ibn Umar narrates: 

US diljU f^ll " Jli . U jaJ <J j t jfol . " lilaj ^ lii ^3 jU f^Jll llii ^ liS ^jU f^ll " Jla aJc A\ Jl^ 
" J Uy;,\\ fr'J £jL l^L Jl jt l^j (fpallj DjVjll ^Ua " Jll . UjaJ <Jj t jill . " tnij ^ US ^jUj tfii 

Translation: Ibn Umar (R.A) narrated; Allah's Messenger (PBUH) prayed, "O Allah, 
bless us in our Syria. O Allah, bless us in our Yemen". They (Sahaba) said, "And in 
our Najd". He then prayed, "O Allah, bless us in our Syria, and bless us in our Yemen". 
They said, "And in our Najd". He said, "there will be earthquakes and dissensions and 
with it" - or, he said, "in it will arise the horn of the devil". 

Imam at-Tirmidhi (rah) said: This hadith is "HASAN SAHIH GHARIB" through this 
way as hadith of Ibn Awn. This hadith is also reported on the authority of Saalim ibn 
Abdullah ibn Umar, form his father, from the Prophet (Peace be upon him). 

Hence it stands proven from same Ibn Umar (RA) from both Saalim (rah) and Nafi (rah) 
that actual area asked about was "NAJD" and by no means Iraq. The Wahabis have no 
clue about definition of word "SHAADH" 

It has to be believed that Prophet (Peace be upon him) was asked with specific wording 
whether Najd, east, from where sun rises, or Iraq. There cannot be possibility that in 
same incident the same people asked about Najd (East and from where Sun rises also 
mean the same) as proven from most authentic hadiths whereas "SHAADH" hadith 
mentions "IRAQ" (none of these are present in Sahihayn and Sihah Sitta via the route of 
Ibn Umar RA). 

100% of the hadiths in Bukhari, Muslim, Sihah Sitta (with above wording) do not 
mention "IRAQ" at all. Hence the word "IRAQ" is a Shaadh word which is rejected. 

Now let's see screenshot of Abdullah's references and he tried to fool people as if all 
those chains are Sahih (Naudhobillah) although they are weak and cannot supercede 
Sihah Sitta as I have proven above. 


.Ibn Umar reported: Trie Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. said, "O Allah, bless us in our Syria. O Allah, bless us in our Yemen." He repeated it and on the 
third or fourth time, they said, "O Messenger of Allah, and in our Iraq." The Prophet said, "Verily, from there will appear upheavals and tribulations and from there 
will rise the horn of Satan." 

, 3j»J»<Jfi":«>*.>*> VM> f *&j>yt\in, *'Jjf*&l,"tif4JXjl& , uoi ^ ia a >j ■• : Jul , flvj&itju^ jl , 

^jUa£ll ^liaj l^j ( jSiilj" . 

~ W-Mujjam Awasaat Tibraani. Hadith-4230 

► .lusnad-e-Bazzar.Abu-Bakr Bazzar Pg.292 

► .iusnad Abdullah-bin-Umar Trososa pg 273 

► >ilsllah Sahiha of Shaikh Al-Bani. Hadith number: 2246 

► -iilya-Awliya of Abu-Nu'aym pg. 1/144 

► Haythami - Source: Zawaa'id - Page or number:3/308 

► dundhiri in At-Tarqeeb wa-Tarhib - Page or number 2/214 

► areekh Baghdad of Khatib al-Baghdadi 1:321 

► 'areekh Damishiq of Ibn-Asakir pg.571 

Look closely Abdullah starts the chain in Arabic as "AN IBN UMAR" as he knows that chains 
leading unto him have problems. Abdullah played big trick over here, thinking that we will not 
check all those references. This was a big trick in which he thought would not be caught but 

Alhamdolillah we Ahlus Sunnah are people of verification who teach Wahabis some good 

Important clarification: All the hadiths which mention Iraq only come via the route of 
Ibn Umar (RA) thus they become "AHAAD" narrations. Whereas the hadiths which 
mention Najd, East, Rising of Sun, hadiths regarding Dhul Khuwisira, hadiths regarding 
Najd being inside present day Saudi Arabia, and hadiths which "PRAISE IRAQ", hadiths 
which mention different Miqaat for Najd and Iraq, they come from many Sahaba like 
Sayyidna Ali (RA), Abu Sa'eed al Khudri (RA), Abi Umama (RA), Ibn Umar (RA), Sahl 
bin Hunaif (RA), Abu Hurraira (RA), Sayyidah Aisha (RA), Anas Bin Malik (RA) and 
others. They all combined together reach the stage of "MUTAWATTIR" and denying the 
meaning of Mutawatir hadith is equivilent to denying Qur'an, hence there remains no 
doubt that Najd is inside present day Saudi Arabia whereas Iraq is towards Northern 
side and is also praised. 

Now let us come towards the other hadith from Hadrat Salim (rah) which wahabis 
misuse and also deleted last part of it 

Wahabi Abdullah quoted this hadith like this: 


Sahih Muslim Book 041, Hadith Number 6943. 

^uija ijia Lajlj < 1^ . ) i < j < ja j ^ij^J . " (jUajlill lijS ^laJ ' " Jg^)lLall j-- j oAlj LajljlLa Li (j^ f ^t*' 4^!iall <jl " (J^aSJ f^-^J 

' " * — <_)L ^] alLui ^JC. AjjIjj ^ ^aC <jj .LaA.1 (Jla 4i jiC. iill (JLs3 Uai. (jjC. j3 (Jl {_yb (JliS 

Ibn Fudail reported on the authority of his father that he heard Salim b. 'Abdullah b. 'Umar as saying: O 
people of Iraq, how strange it is that you ask about the minor sins but commit major sins? I heard 
from my father 'Abdullah b. 'Umar, narrating that he heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon 
him) as saying while pointing his hand towards the east: Verily, the turmoil would come from this 
side, from where appear the horns of Satan and you would strike the necks of one another. 


First of all Abdullah has cleverly hidden the last part of hadith in English translation. 
Actual translation says in the same reference of Muslim, Hadith : 

and Moses killed a person from among the people of Pharaoh unintentionally and Allah, the Exalted and 
Glorious, said:" You killed a person but We relieved you from the grief and tried you with (many a) trial" 
(xx. 40). Ahmad b. Umar reported this hadith from Salim, but he did not make a mention of the 
words:" I heard". 

This hadith is very important to understand because Wahabis can say that they have 
found different hadith from Ibn Umar (RA) which proves that Najd is Iraq. 

Answer # l: This hadith mentions that Prophet (Peace be upon him) pointed his hand 
towards "EAST" and that is the "MARFU" part of hadith from Ibn Umar (RA) and it 
does not mention Iraq. Remember the other hadith is added into former and this is 
called Idraaj which I will explain soon. 

Look closely it states: I heard from my father 'Abdullah b. 'Umar, narrating 
that he heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying while 
pointing his hand towards the east.. .[then in end it says]... Ahmad b. Umar 
reported this hadith from Salim, but he did not make a mention of the words:" I heard". 

This mentions East so from Prophetic Hukm Iraq is saved, secondly this is called 
"IDRAAJ" in hadith and by no means this hadith is linked to what Ibn Umar (RA) 
actually said himself in relevence to Iraqis. 

Note: This is a technical point which might go over the heads of Wahabis as they are ill 
in hadith sciences. I want to give one example in regards to Idraaj over here and it has to 
be understood properly otherwise we would not understand even Sahih Bukhari and 
Sahih Muslim proplery (We Sunnis believe in studying Bukhari Shareef under qualified 

scholars who love the Prophet not Juhala and haters of Prophet like Zubayr Zai who 
Alhamdolillah is dead now, nor do we prescribe to read pathetic books of people like 
Albani who was nothing but a self proclaimed Muhadith and had accumulated loose 
knowledge by studying from here to there in Dhahriyyah Library of Damuscus) 

Here is first of all a hadith from Sahih Bukhari: 

Volume 7, Book 64, Number 268: (Sahih Bukhari) 

Narrated Abu Huraira: "The Prophet said, 'The best alms is that which is given when 
one is rich, and a giving hand is better than a taking one, and you should start first to 
support your dependents.' A wife says, 'You should either provide me with food or 
divorce me.' A slave says, 'Give me food and enjoy my service." A son says, "Give me 
food; to whom do you leave me?" The people said, "O Abu Huraira! Did you hear 
that from Allah's Apostle ?" He said, "No, it is from my own self." 

Wahabis are hasty in deducing self cooked up conclusions just like Shi'ites. The Shi'ites 
jump off their seats after seeing this hadith and they say: Look Look Abu Hurraira (RA) 
himself accepted that he was a liar (Naudhobillah), first he says that "PROPHET SAID 
THIS HADITH" but in the end when many people hold him accountable he says: "No It 
is from my own self 

Now an ordinary mind who does not know science of hadith well could be easily baffled 
and confused. This is why we Ahlus Sunnah say that Khawarij -Wahabis and Rawafidh- 
Shi'ites have similar approach against Islam. Only the middle path of Ahlus Sunnah wal 
Jamm'ah i.e. followers of Tassawuf are on Haqq whereas both extremes (Khawarij- 
Wahabis & Rawafidh-Shi'ites) are a disgrace for Muslims and have caused many non- 
Muslim people to hate Islam (Naudhobillah). Due to both these sects majority of people 
are actually distracted from peaceful teachings of Islam. 

The hadith is perfect example of "IDRAAJ" and Abu Hurraira (RA) is actually saved 
when he clarifies "NO IT IS FROM MY OWN SELF" Had he said that It is saying of 
Prophet then indeed he could have been accused, or even if he had remained silent still 
his Idraaj would have been considered false upon inspection. Shi'ites do not realize that 
actually they are defending Abu Hurraira (RA) and proving him truthful by using this 
hadith. Similarly Wahabis do not realize that they are proving Najd to be inside Saudi 
Arabia by misusing hadith from Sahih Muslim which has Idraaj of Saalim bin Abdullah 

In the hadith from Abu Hurraira (RA) the wording of Prophet (Peace be upon him) is 

'The best alms is that which is given when one is rich, and a giving hand is better than a 
taking one, and you should start first to support your dependents" 

Whereas the next wording i.e. 

" A wife says, 'You should either provide me with food or divorce me.' A slave says, 'Give 
me food and enjoy my service." A son says, "Give me food; to whom do you leave me?" 

is wording of Abu Hurraira (RA). Regarding this "WORDING ONLY" he says " No, it is 
from my own self " 

An ordinary person reading Sahih Bukhari directly (as Wahabis always shout to read on 
your own) can get misguided from not just this hadith but many many more. Albani 
Mubtadi was of the view that many Muslims do not even understand the very first 
hadith of Bukhari [silsilat ul-hudaa wa noor, 340/8 & nudhum al-faraaid, 21] then how 
can we expect ignorant Wahabis to understand deep and complicated hadiths? 
(Provided they come to us genuine Ahlus Sunnah and learn). 

I would like to give one more example that even different wordings mentioned in hadith 
can refer to one thing (even if they seem to contradict), therefore If some narrator adds 
word Iraq through him Fahm of hadith then it does not mean Iraq is towards East of 

Madina [Note the narrator will not be blamed because such things happen many times 
while narrating hadith] 

In Sahih Bukhari and Muslim there are many hadiths in regards to Prophet 
Solomon (alayh salam) going onto his wives and these hadiths are narrated 
by Abu Hurraira (RA). 

One hadith mentions he slept with 90 of his wives [See: Sahih Bukhari: 
Volume 8, Book 78, Number 634] 

One hadith mentions he slept with 100 [See: Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 
62, Number 169] 

Another hadith mentions he slept with 70 [See: Sahih Muslim: Book 15 : 
Hadith 4069] 

Now a person who does not understand Usool ul Hadith and also has not studied under 
proper scholarship can get confused . There are many answers to this but the best is by 
Shah Wali Ullah Muhadith Dhelvi (Rahimahullah). 

Shah Wali Ullah (rah) said: 

The wording of the hadiths may vary due to variations in the manner of transmission, 
and this is due to the process of transmitting the hadith according to its meanings , 

so if a hadith is brought forward and the reliable scholars are unanimous regarding its wording, 
then these are manifestly the words of the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be 
upon him ... If the transmitters differ with a plausible difference and they were of nearly equal 
status in legal acumen, memory, and number, then the obviousness (that these are the 
Prophet's words) collapses, and only that meaning upon which they all concur can be 
deduced. [Hujjat Ullah al-Baligha. English translation by Marcia K. Hermansen, Page # 411- 

Hence even if some hadith has "SHAADH" wording of Iraq instead of Najd/East/From Where 
sun rises, then we will look at hadiths comprihensively to deduce without doubt that word Iraq 
collapses to be used because: 

a) Sun never rises over Madina from Iraq's side (conclusive proof established from many 

b) Iraq is towards northern side whereas Prophet was talking about Cardinal East as established 
from hadiths about pointing towards Aisha (RA)'s house from his pulpit and hadith even uses 
word East. 

c) Word Najd is used which linguistically means "HIGH-LAND" whereas Iraq is low-land than 

d) Prophet (Peace be upon him) set diferrent Mawaqeet, hence if we say Iraq and Najd are same 
then we are saying Prophet (Peace be upon him) did not know how to set Mawaqeet 

e) Iraqis testified that they cannot go past Qarn Miqat of Najd as it is not on their route. 

f) Hadiths about Bani Tameemi Dhul Khuwisira and his companions prove root cause of Fitnah 
to be Najd in Saudi Arabia. 

g) More than 15 Sahaba prove that Najd cannot be Iraq as mentioned above so even if assuming 
Ibn Umar (RA) did mention word Iraq (just assuming) then he cannot be taken as proof as 
compared to so many other Sahaba and Marfu hadiths. 

There are many more reasons as you must have read in this article and shall read further In 

Wahabis are more rigid in approach than Rawafidh because their ideology is far more 
"un-principled and illogical" than the latter. They only outwardly boast to be following 
"Qur'an and Sunnah" although they have nothing to do with the essence of these 2 noble 
sources. I have never heard Wahabis quoting the fundamental hadith from Sahih 
Muslim which talks about following "Qur'an and Ahlul Bayt" . O People of Sunnah have 
you ever wondered why? The reason why they hide that hadith from general masses and 
do not mention it frequently in lectures is to keep us Sunnis away from love of Ahlul 
Bayt, Wahabis wrongly perceive that love of Ahlul Bayt is some sort of Shi'ite domain. 

Write it down O Muslims love of Ahlul Bayt is "FARDH" upon Sunnis and no Sunni is 
Sunni till he distinguishes the haters of Ahlul Bayt like Yazeed from the lovers of Ahlul 
Bayt like Imam an-Nasai'i (rah). 

Answer # 2: Linking Iraq to the cursed area is not even proven as 
"INTERPRETATION" of Tabi'i Saalim (rah) let alone Ibn Umar (RA). Even if we assume 
it is proven to be his interpretation, then we are not like Rawafidh that we consider 
people other than Prophets are infallible (Naudhobillah). When a matter is proven 
direcrtly from Prophet (Peace be upon him) then we will follow the Marfu hadiths not 
wordings of latter people no matter who they are. It is a fundamental principle that 
Prophetic wording can be made "AAM (GENERAL)" or "KHAAS (SPECIFIC)" by Allah 
or Prophet himself, nobody else even the Sahaba have the authority to do so, if some 
Sahabi did so anywhere then we will turn back to Marfu hadiths not qawl/interpretation 
of Sahabi, let alone Tabi'i. 

The Wahabis themselves use (rather misuse) this usool whenever they have to pick and 
choose things in their own favour (For example on the issue of divorce and Tarawih they 
even consider Sayyidna Umar bin Khattab to be mistaken, although both issues are 
actually proven from Marfu hadiths) 

The important point is that another hadith from same Ibn Umar (RA) uses different 
wording against Iraqis, rather he just praises Hasnayn Kareemayn (Ridhwan Allaho 
Ajmain) instead and does not insert the hadith about Fitnah from east at all. 
Here is the hadith used by Wahabis themselves (But they have no clue that actually it is 
refuting wahabism itself) 

Narrated Ibn Abi Na'm:I was present when a man asked Ibn v Umar about the blood of 
mosquitoes. Ibn 'Umar said, "From where are you?" The man replied. "From 
Iraq." Ibn v Umar said, "Look at that! he is asking me about the blood of Mosquitoes 
while they (the Iraqis ) have killed the (grand) son of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) . 
I have heard the Prophet (Peace be upon him) saying, "They (Hasan and 
Husain) are my two sweet-smelling flowers in this world." [Reference :Sahih 
al-Bukhari 5994;Sahih Bukhari(English) reference : Vol. 8, Book 73, Hadith 23)] 

Another hadith from Ibn Umar (RA) 

Narrated Ibn Abi Nu'm:A person asked "Abdullah bin v Umar whether a Muslim could 
kill flies. I heard him saying (in reply). " The people of Iraq are asking about the killing of 
flies while they themselves murdered the son of the daughter of Allah's Messenger 
(Peace be upon him) The Prophet(Peace be upon him) said, They (i.e. Hasan 
and Husain) are my two sweet basils in this world." 

ijjsC (jj Alii Juc i "»»-.. i t £*j ^jl LliaLAui ci—ijixj ^ji jjj Ixa a jo iA'n uj Ujik i jAlc. l^^a . jUij ,jj i^a a ^ Vi ' 

► Reference :Sahih al-Bukhari 3753;Sahih Bukhari(English) reference : Vol. 5, Book 57, 
Hadith 96; : 

► Reference :A1-Adab Al-Mufrad 85;In-book reference :Book 5, Hadith 2) 

Taken from same Wahabi website Hadith # 5. 

Look closely the marfu hadith Ibn Umar (RA) showed in actual, which has no mention 
of Iraq being the place of Qarn ash-Shaytan (Horn of Satan). 

What about hadiths from Abu Hurraira (RA) in praise of Bani Tameem 



a) First of all Wahabis do accept that Bani Tameem is from Mudar (The cursed area of 
Najd as proven from Sahih Bukhari above) so they try their their level best to somehow 
prove merit of Bani Tameem. 

b) The Hadith if looked deeply does not prove "SPECIAL MERIT OF BANI TAMEEM 
TRIBE" Let us look at hadith with a magnifying glass of spirituality and wisdom. 

The Wahabi Abdullah got baffled and compared Bani Tameem to Yuhudi Bani Israel by 

Quran mentions Evil of Bani Israel and Some times their Virtue but we cannot say every 
Children of Israel was a Sinner in the Same way we have wrecked Banu Tamim as 
well as Pious Banu Tamim. 

Here is screen shot: 

He calls Bani Tamim as "WRECKED BANU TAMIM" and accepts our stance that Fitnah 
indeed emerged from Banu Tameem. We also agree that pious people like Sayyidna Abu 
Bakr (RA), Shabeeb bin Sa'eed at-Tameemi (rah) the "THIQA" narrator of hadith which 
is proof of Tawassul , Sulayman bin Abdul Wahab (rah) the brother of Kharj'ite 
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab who refuted the latter, and many Sufis also came from 
same tribe. However the Sufis did not do Qitaal of Muslims by falsely calling majority of 
Muslims as Mushrikeen and Wajib ul Qatl, nor did they wage Jihaad on Haramayn 
Shareefayn. Hence the Fitnah creators like Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab, Dhul 
Khawasira's ilk and such Bani Tameemis are the ones who are to be refuted. 

The Hadith in praise of Bani Tameem states: 

Sahih Bukhari Volume 3 : Book 46 : Hadith 7i9;Sahih Muslim Book 31 : Hadith 6133 

Quran mentions Evil of Bani Israel and Some times their Virtue but we cannot 
it say every Children of Israel was a Sinner in the Same way we have wrecked Banu Tamim as well as 
Pious Banu Tamim. 


Narrated by Abu Huraira: I have loved the people of the tribe of Bani Tamim 
ever since I heard, three things, Allah's Apostle said about them. I heard 
him saying, These people (of the tribe of Bani Tamim) would stand firm 
against Ad-Dajjal." When the Sadaqat (gifts of charity) from that tribe 
came, Allah's Apostle said, "These are them Sadaqat (i.e. charitable gifts) of 
our folk." 'Aisha had a slave-girl from that tribe, and the Prophet said to 
'Aisha, "Manumit her as she is a descendant of Ishmael (the Prophet)." 

We sacrifice our parents on Sayyidna Muhammad (Peace be upon him) not that we call 
his own parents to be disbelievers like Wahabis believe (again by misusing hadiths and 
doing taqlid of some scholars). We accept this hadith but even this hadith refutes 
Wahabism in an emphatic manner. 

a) Bani Tameem "WILL BE" stern against Dajjal "WHEN HE COMES" but before that 
this tribe has caused havoc. In shaa'Allah the (Sufi) Abdaal with Imam Mahdi (alayh 
salam) as proven from Sahih hadith of Abu Dawood will nurture and correct the 
stubborn people everywhere in the world even Bani Tameem. We also love the Wahabis 
who abandon their cult and turn towards Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamm'ah. I was myself a 
Wahabi in early parts of my research but I left the barbaric cult for good Alhamdolillah. 
A great Bani Tameemi i.e. Sulayman bin Abdul Wahab (rah) was already stern against 
one horn of Shaytan i.e. Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab. 

b) Those in Bani Tameem giving Sadaqat and Prophet accepted them, the Prophet 
(Peace be upon him) was generous with all kinds of people, even those who used to 
insult him. 

But with Capital B this glad tiding to Bani Tameemis was short lived as proven from this 

Wahabis hide the following hadith cunningly: 

Volume 4, Book 54, Number 413: (Sahih Bukhari) 
Narrated 'Imran bin Husain: 

Some people of Bani Tamim came to the Prophet and he said (to them), "0 Bani 
Tamim! rejoice with glad tidings." They said, "You have given us glad tidings, 
now give us something." On hearing that the color of his face changed then 
the people of Yemen came to him and he said, "0 people of Yemen ! Accept the good 
tidings, as Bani Tamim has refused them." The Yemenites said, "We accept them. 
Then the Prophet started taking about the beginning of creation and about Allah's 
Throne. In the mean time a man came saying, "0 'Imran! Your she-camel has run 
away!" (I got up and went away), but 1 wish I had not left that place (for I missed what 
Allah's Apostle had said). 

c) Bani Tameem being descendant of Isma'eel (alayh salam) is no special quality. All 
Arabs are descendants of Ism'aael (alayh salam). It was generosity of Prophet (Peace be 
upon him) that he freed slaves. He even freed the Mushrikeen of Makkah after battle 
many times and we know that Arab Mushrikeen are also descendants of Ism'aael (alayh 
salam) too. 

Hence Wahabis are left with no excuses whatsoever. 

Over here I would like to add a marvelous hadith from Musnad Ahmed which has come 
with Sahih Chain. That hadith will absolutely clarify that Prophet (Peace be upon him) 
categorcially called person who praised Najd as "LIAR" and he included Najd Bani 
Tameem tribe to be amongst losers. Here is the hadith: 

A]jxjijj aC 4jj-aC |(Jl3 aJ 4(jj!i^o -j^ 1 "- duL a3 jlc ,_L-a1 (ji (^jjj^lj jjjj^a (j*^ (jl ci^J ts^J 

Sic (j ^jA j ^jlilaC. j aJ aJ j .IxJ ^jj ^j-o ^ ^ 7- (j-a la^Alj ^)lic.j ^L^iV itj^ ^ ^ J j C-H^ 

Translation (Long hadith but translation of important part is this): 

Amr ibn Abasa (RA) said: Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) was one day reviewing the 
horses, in the company of Uyayna ibn Hisn ibn Badr al-Fazari. [. . .] Uyayna remarked: "The 
best of men are those who bear their swords on their shoulders, and carry their lances in 
the woven stocks of their horses, wearing cloaks, and are the people of the Na.jd ." But 
Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) replied: "You lie! Rather, the best of men are the 
men of the Yemen. Faith is a Yemeni, the Yemen of [the tribes of] Lakhm and Judham and 
Amila. [. . .] Hadramawt is better than the tribe of Harith; one tribe is better than another; another 
is worse [. . .] My Lord commanded me to curse Quraysh, and I cursed them, but he then 
commanded me to bless them twice, and I did so \. . .1 Aslam and Ghifar, and their 
associates of Juhaina, are better than Asad and Tamim and Ghatafan and Hawazin, in the 
sight of Allah on the Day of Rising . [. . .] The most numerous tribe in the Garden shall be [the 
Yemeni tribes of] Madhhij and Ma'kul.' (Ahmad ibn Hanbal and al-Tabarani, by sound 
narrators. Cited in Ali ibn Abu Bakr al-Haythami, Majma al-zawa'id wa manba' al-fawa'id 
[Cairo, 1352], X, 43). 

Four important points are proven from this hadith like bright sun. 

a) A Sahabi tried to praise Najd by saying they carry swords (i.e. claim to be 
Mujahideen) and also mentioned other traits. 

b) The Prophet of Mercy (Peace be upon him) got angry and said : "YOU LIE" .. Now 
remember our parents be sacrifised on Prophet, why did he get so angry although the 
traits which that Sahabi mentioned were good traits and can even denote strong resolve 
for doing Jihad? The answer is given in hadith itself. 

c) The Prophet was ordered by Allah to curse Quraysh but then Allah told him to bless 
them twice (this includes Makkah, Madina and all Qurayshi people who are upright) 

d) However The Prophet made it "KHAAS" and whatever he made Khaas cannot ever be 
overruled, the Prophet said: Aslam and Ghifar, and their associates of Juhaina, are better 
than Asad and Tamim and Ghatafan and Hawazin, in the sight of Allah on the Day of 
Rising (end quote) Now remember the Prophet said "IN THE SIGHT OF ALLAH ON 
THE DAY OF RISING" which proves beyong doubt that Tamim is not praised in 
Mutlaqan terms as Wahabis derive wrongly from Hadith of Abu Hurraira (RA). 

e) This completes the hadith in regards to Faith being Yeminite and arrogrance being in tribes of 
Rabi'a and Mudar (which are in Saudi Arabi. Bani Tamim is sub tribe of Mudar) 

If still Salafis/Wahabis are not satisfied then here is Divine sword on the necks of Wahabiyyah. 
Yes Divine sword upon their necks from Qur'an. 

Qur'an states: Verily! Those who call you from behind the dwellings, most of them have 
no sense.[49:4] 

The Tafser of this verse is clear as follows: 

^_La ^-^J (jj^- 0 - 1 Jj\ ^-^J (jj* ; i n j ^aJ-aj -j9j !(J^-9 1 jIll ^jJa^ (JjjUc (jjl ^jC A^j^^y* (jjl j ■ "j (jjl ^^)j^lj 

4-llc Alii (J JJ-aj es"^ ^-ip-all pJAl (jj J^)-aC- j ClljLiJI (jj (JJiia j jU-alt ^ (JJilS j \l» ^ (jj .JjUaC-j __pj (jj (jlii^>jj]l 

^aLolj Alii (_3-lj-a (Jj^J cJ3^° ' ts^ UJ-^i J (£J>^-j^^ J"^ L)^ LJ ' (j^ d 'JJ r - ' " (jliljls C^alulj 

L_aLi. Cll jj-aj ■ "'^ J7- ^ *^JJ (j- 0 a J-^^: ^ (J J^J (*^! 2-^^ '^"^! ^"~ > " " ^ " Lj liill ''""^ " 

l^luij AjIc- auI ( _ s -li-a auI (Jjjjj (Jlaa t(_i^)»Jl (j^-j 'lH^ ^ ' *>' (j]j u^j ^ ' " u! N "~* " W t^Laij 4j1c auI 

a^jia lilLiili! Ul ; I ^llaa ^jaI^j) (jj (jj^-ui) (jJ S-Ls^; ' *^ ' " j uj* 1 ^ ^ >* j *^ (Jj -'Z^ 

Jli j clijjJai. (j-a i_jjai.l (jl£a <Jjiii. ^15 Oal i<] ^ y- ~ ^ (J^jJI lj* (jj <il j ; I jMa c j jjaj-oj] I ^laS \i>ji.\ JU j <U jJaJ 
|(Jla ^(jjlaxj V j»A jli^ij ^aJ-oJ (_jjj (j^i J' "'J7- ^ *-^JJ (j* ^ J"^-\i LiJ^' (j)} J_>j^ *3J at I(J^ UjcLui (j-a jajjl (jlSa o^)tLii 

Translation: Imam Ibn Ishaq (rah) and Imam Ibn Mardawy (rah) narrate from Ibn 
Abbas (RA) that once a deligation from Bani Tamim comprising of 70 or 8 o personnel 

came to Prophet (Peace be upon him) in Madina. It included Zabarqan bin Badr, 
Attarad bin Ma'bd, Qays bin Asim, Qais bin Harith and Amr bin Ahtam. With them 
Uyayna bin Hasan bin Badr al-Fazari also started walking. This deligation travelled 
through every valley until they reached the Prophet (Peace be upon him)'s chamber 
(Hujra) and they started to call out the Prophet in "RUDE WAY" from outside the 
chambers : O Muhammad come out to us, O Muhammad come out to us, O Muhammad 
come out to us (Naudhobillah). When the Prophet (Peace be upon him) came to them, 
they said in arrogance: Whosoever we praise then it is Zeenat for him and whosoever we 
ridicule then it becomes his defect and "WE ARE SUPERIOR MOST AMONGST ALL 

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) replied: YOU HAVE LIED because it is Allah's praise 
which is Zeenat and to accuse Allah is reason for one being degraded. Yusuf bin Ya'qub 
bin Ishaaq bin Ibrahim is deserving to be more superior than you. (They said): We have 
come to you so that we can discuss with you, this kept on happening till a long time and 
in the end the Bani Tameemi rose up and said: By Allah for this man (everything) is 
created. One of his lecturers is more superior in (knowledge) than ours and his poet was 
more skillful in the art than ours. The narrator says: This wording of verse {Verily! Those 
who call you from behind the dwellings}_was revealed tregarding Bani Tamim and 
regarding {Most of them have no sense.} he said this was in first Qiraat [Tafsir Dur ul 
Munthoor under 49:4] 

There are many more hadiths and Athaar in this regard and I consider it important to 
mention one more which proves why Prophet (Peace be upon him) spared Bani Tameem 
otherwise he would have prayed for their total destruction. It states: 

jjt!>U Vlja (jjjll -iJul (j-a ^gil V j\ jj «'i (j-o »1 to SI " { jjj'°*J V jaA ji&l Clll^^JI f-\jj lilj jAUj (jjill q\ 

j^S^j (jl j^jlc auI di jt J (JL^.a1I 

Translation: Imam Ibn Mandah (rah) and Ibn Mardawy (rah) narrate from sanad of 
Ya'la bin Ashdaq (rah) from Sa'd bin Abdullah (RA) that Prophet (Peace be upon him) 
was asked regarding { Verily! Those who call you from behind the dwellings, most of 

them have no sense} he said: These were the "ILL MANNERED/STUBBORN" people 
from Bani Tameem. If these people out of all people were not more strong and strict to 
Kill one eyed Dajjal (as compared to others) "THEN I WOULD HAVE PRAYED TO 
ALLAH THAT HE SHOULD DESTROY THEM" [Tafseer Dur ul Munthoor under 49:4] 

This proves that only 1 merit of Bani Tameem was considered by Prophet (Peace be 
upon him) and I have explained above that Sufi Abdaal of Syria and best men of Iraq 
shall be in Army of Imam Mahdi (alayh salam) and due to this even Bani Tameemites 
will become righteous and shall turn back to actual teachings of Ahlus Sunnah. But 
remember this will happen when Dajjal comes not that vulgar cults could not emerge 
from Bani Tameem before that . 

Imam at-Tabri (rah) narrates: 

(jjl (jc- tlxjxi. s-liijj Uii icjli < Uii ; Jlij tCiijliJI vi •*■». j ( _ r uije Uii t^i^ilc jjI Uii ; JUa t j^ac (jj ' — «■ ■* ^ ^ 

Translation: Imam Mujahid (rah) says regarding Allah's wording { Verily! Those who call you 
from behind the dwellings } is regarding Bedoiuns from Bani Tameem. [Tafseer at-Tabri 
under 49:4] 

This is authentic Tafseer of the verse. If Wahabis say that some Tafaseer mention one 
person calling out and it does not refer to "BEDOUINS" of Banu Tameem then that 
Tafseer will not be considered authentic because the wording of verse 49:4 is in 
"PLURALITY" i.e. Verse starts with { ^ ^Uj £}} i. e . Verily! Those who call and in the 
end it says { oj&* V i.e. "MOST OF THEM HAVE NO SENSE" .. hence this cannot 
apply to one person according to verse of Qur'an itself. 

Now Wahabis are left with no excuses whatsoever and such racisim is found in Wahabi 
arrogant people till today and I have experienced this myself when I was on Hajj, the 
Saudi Bedoiuns were experienced to think highly of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab and 
considered him most wise person to the extent that he magically got to know Shariah 
better than scholarship of mainstream Ahlus Sunnah (like Shaykh Zayni Dahlan the 

Imam of Makkah who had refuted Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab and Shaykh al Alawi al 
Maliki al Makki whom they called bad names). 

Hadith # 21 

Imran ibn Husayn (R.A) reported that the Prophet (PBUH) died while he detested 
three tribes : Thaqif, Banu Hanifah and Banu Umayyah. [Sunnan Tirmidhi, Hadith # 

This proves that Prophet (Peace be upon him) detested Najdi tribes called Thaqif (from 
where Marwan bin al Hakkam came and he was equally responsible for martyrdom of 
Sayyidna Uthman and then creating fitnah in Madina), Banu Hanifa from where 
Musaylma Kadhaab came and hence Prophet (Peace be upon him) whenever pointing 
towards fitnah of Najd referred to such people and self proclaimed champions of deen 
(Musaylma claimed to be Prophet, whereas the Kharj'ite Ibn Abdul Wahab claimed to be 
reviver who asked for killing more Muslims than even Musaylma could have imagined) 

Also look closely the Prophet (Peace be upon him) went angry with Banu Ummaiyah and 
hence Saalim bin Abdullah (rah) judging Iraqis in general to be culprits for martyrdom 
of Imam Hussain (RA) was his personal opinion (as I will shed more light on this) 
whereas from Marfu hadiths the blame lies upon Banu Ummaiyah i.e. people like 
Yazeed bin Mu'awiya. Wahabis always shout Iraq Iraq but hide the atrocities of their 
Ameer ul momineen Yazeed (Lanat Ullah alayh). The blame of Imam Hussain (RA)'s 
martyrdom lies firmly on the "TYRANT AND BARBARIC LEADERS LIKE YAZEED, 

I would like to share an extract from Ibn Kathir (rah)'s al-Bidayah wan 
Nihayah over here in regards to brutality from a man from "BANI 


It states: Zuhayr (ra) along with companions of Imam Hussain (RA) attacked on Shimr 
and killed one of his close companions, however when one of Imam Hussain (RA)'s 

companion got martyred there seemed to be a big space between them, but when one of 

Shimr's companion died, his army seemed even bigger. At that time Dhuhr's time 
arrived, Imam Hussain (RA) asked to stop everything so that they can pray, one of the 
Yazidis said Your order will not be accepted, at this Habib bin Mazhar (ra) said; 
May you perish, Aaal of Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wasalamVs order is to 
be accepted not yours, and Habib fought severly till he killed the same 


Then a person from Bani Tamim attacked Habib (ra) and struck him with a 
spear which made him fall, when he tried to rise Ibn Nubayr struck him 
with his sword and finally the Bani Tamimi separated his head from the 
body (Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun), When Habib's son saw his fathers head 
he started to cry and said give me my fathers head so that I can bury it. The historians 
say that the kid stayed alive till he grew old and waited to see the murderer of his father 
(i.e. the cursed Bani Tamimi) until one day he found him doing Qalula and he killed 


When Imam Hussain (RA) found out about martyrdom of Habib (ra), this 
made Imam Hussain (ra) weak and he said: I have lost myself, Hurr (from 
Kufa) said By Allah I shall not let you die until I am killed, Today I will come in front of 
them and fight them severely and inflict pain upon them. 

[Taken from detailed extracts from Imam Ibn Kathir (Rahimuhullah)'s 
famous Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah - Volume 8 Pages 195-250 Urdu Version] 

Now look at role of a person from tribe of Bani Tameem even in martyrdom of Imam 
Hussain (RA). 

Ibn Katheer (rah) narrates: Imam Hussain (RA) attacked them one by one and nobody 
had the courage to attack you in groups, Imam Hussain (RA) started to kill many 
enemies, until he stood alone for sometime in which they could have easily killed you, 
Shimr (LA) shouted WHAT IS STOPPING YOU FROM KILLING HIM? Hearing this 

Zara bin Sharik At-Tamimi (LA) went towards you and struck your 
shoulders , then Sinan bin Anas bin Umro Naji (Lanat Ullah) attacked you with his 
spear and finally brought you down from your horse and separated your 
head from the body I Al Bidayah wan Nihayah, ibidl 

O Wahabis, this proves that persons from Banu Tamim were even involved in 
martyrdom of Imam al-Hussain (RA) and his companions like Habib bin Mazhar (rah) 

But hold onto your eyeballs people from Banu Tameem were even behind martyrdom of 
Sayyidna Umar (RA) and also waging War on Sayyidna Ali (RA), hence they were 
Khawarij with ideology and that is primary proof of us Sunnis against Wahabis of today, 
no matter what area these barbarians come from. 

Now let us come towards the hadiths which Wahabis misuse and I would like to refute 
their so called internet debater Mr Abdullah. 

Hadith # 22 

(Sunnan Tirmidhi: 2244) Abu Bakr (R.A) reported that Allah's Messenger (Peace be 
upon him) said, "The dajjal will emerge from a land of the east called Khurasan. There 
will be people with him, their faces flat like shields". 

Imam at-Tirmidhi (rah) said: Other ahadith in this chapter are narrated by Abu 
Hurayrah (RA) and Sayyidah Ayshah (RA). 

Now scroll up and see how I refuted Abdullah on his Seventeeth (17th) and Eighteenth 
(18th) hadiths which he hypocritically showed. Although they prove East (in this case 
Khurasaan) to be a great place 

Abdullah blindly quoted this hadith: 

Moquf Rout (saying of Companion)Thawban said: 

If you see the black flags coming from Khurasan then go there even if you 
have to crawl because there is the Khalifah of Allah, the Mahdi."[Mustadrak 

al Hakim hadeeth no: 8578, Behaqi in Dalail an-Nabuwwah 6/516]. 

and then Abdullah said blindly: It is crystal clear from above Ahadith that "East" 
refers to "IRAQ'Mf still Barelwi disagree 'East as Iraq',then they must go to 
Saudi Arabia(Hijaz) to Give Bayat to Imam Mehdi in Saudi Arabia not in 

The whole hadith is refuting Abdullah and he is not realizing (and It is also proven to be 

a) Black flags from "Khurasaan" will be of Muslim great Army from Khurasaan (not 
black flags of ISIS in Iraq, ISIS is a Wahabi organisation too which follows ideology of 
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab, hence root cause remains Najd within Saudi Arabia) 

b) It is proven from these reports that "WITH THEM IS KHALIFAH OF ALLAH THE 
MAHDI" .. ALLAH HU AKBAR!! The wahabis quoted his own death as mentioned in 
this hadith. The east in this case is Khurasaan not Iraq and Imam Mahdi will be with 
these great people. Abdullah maybe your blind following of Zubayr Zai al-Bakistani al- 
Mubtadi had misled you and you just read hadiths from outside without contemplating 
over them. 

c) One should laugh at brackets put by Abdullah i.e. "HIJAZ" in front of whole Dajjalic 
Mulookiyyah called Saudi Arabia. This person in his ignorance does not even know that 
Hijaaz will refer to Makkah, Madina and blessed areas, whereas on the other hand we 
know many hadiths where Prophet (Peace be upon him) blessed many areas but singled 
out Najd and cursed it. 

Plus Abdullah showed partial part of 7th hadith in his deceptive article as: 

jk^j °J\ ^lijl («i 4jI S/l AfLaj AjjAaII (jc-j Ait ^£ja=J ' - ilS ^a!I ^ ftJ^ ''"'j''*' ^j.'? 1 "-^ Ajli " ^iu ^Lill <JLia 

)AA dilaaai Clllla . Jjj uiall oAij La jIj " jA La (jjuiall JjS (j^> jA La (jjuiall (Jjiila jA La Jjjuiall (Jj3 (j^> (^J V (j"^ 
^l^j j <jic. jIll a jIll (J ^cj-u^) (J>a 

Behold he (Dajjal) is in the Syrian sea (Mediterranean) or the Yemen sea 
(Arabian sea). Nay, on the contrary, he As In the east, he is in the east, he is 
in the east, and he pointed with his hand towards the east. I (Fatima bint Qais) 
said: I preserved It In my mind (this narration from Allah's Messenger (may peace be 
upon him).(Sahih Muslim Book 41, Hadith 7028) 

Reply: First of all this is a very long hadith which ABDULLAH SHOWED PARTIALLY 
because this hadith proves that a Sahabi "EVEN MET DAJJAL" after visiting an Island 
in unknown place. This hadith is used as proof that Dajjal is alive eversince and we 
Ahlus Sunnah use this hadith as proof on Hayaat of Khidr (alayh salam) which Wahabis 
deny. We have many hadiths even from Bukhari and elsewhere which prove that Khidr 
(alayh salam) is alive and he meets people too, however this goes against Baatil tawheed 
of Wahabis who believe that Prophets and Awliya from past centuries cannot meet 
people now. We reply to Wahabis that when Dajjal can be alive since a long time and 
also meet people then how can you in your right minds consider Khidr (alayh salam) 
and Awliya to be lesser than even Dajjal (Naudhobillah)? 

Although we do consider brevity important but we would show this long hadith for the 
benifit of the public and we will highlight important parts which refute Wahabism along. 

Complete Arabic: 

i AajLall Alt QC. LaAbl£ 4^)tLk!iJI (jj ^ f ■>■ j iCjjIJll Alt (Jj AajLall Alt (jj (Jlljljl! Alt lIlAk- Alt (jj ClljIJJ! Al*J Jallil j 
A3 (JIAaA < t t^^gUxxull (Jjl^l^l (jj ^)-alt ^gjjA^. toAi^ ^jjl LliAa. ^jlJS^ c^jAui^JI ^jt c^A^ t^^l LijA^. - AajLall 
Ai\ ^li^i Jill (J jajiJ (jA AjiiLajj LllAi. ^^jjjAa. (Jlaa (J jVI Clll^i.Lj-aJI (_ya CAllfi j (JjijS (jj lilLLUl (_>uJ3 <-aiala (_]Lui 

jUi. |_^a jA j ojJa-aJI (jjl ■"'^• < " ' _ ''JJ^ (J^l IgJ tJlsS (jliaV '*'*«*■ (Jjl i itiai ojJt AaJ AjAiLii V ^iui j 4_ilt 

^jjt (^jj Alt ^jlja^i Cliajli Laia jjjj j 4jlt "» ^Sll (J^jjoij £a Alg^JI (J jl ^3 ' . " '/^ * ■^y' Ji C&jfi ^ j"' 

AS '""^ j A) j (jj "LaLuii j-a <_5it ^lui j Aalt ^III ^III (J jjjj u j.'^*^ J j A-ilt ^III ^ ^III (J jj^J i— lLa_k-al jij 

dila j 4alc *d)l t _ s ij-a <&l (J J^J u j^*^ . " 4-°LJ '^-fo ^ j;^! (j^i " (Jli ^iui j 4_ilc *d)l J""' *dll (J (ji 

<&l Jj.un ,^3 Saa'ill S ^jU>r. jl ' (j-a Ajjt alji' ^J>^ f'j . " f' <J) mffi''* " ^ tlliuj (j-a ^3 ^5 l^J" 0 ' 

Jl tiSjLai lilit Jailuj (jl sj^i ^jli jliiUl sjjj£ si jJal <^JJ^ f^ (j) i_s4*^ ^ " (JxslLi ' " (jlijjjaSI ^fr- iJ 

- . " ^ jjfLa ^1 (jjl J^)^ tlH ^ }."*- if ur. (jjl J] u j?''^ j tlyA j^i La (j ; £ Jail lSJ>£ 'fl. '" (jc- S- 1 JjJI ■ "y'^'.; 

4_La ^^A (.gill (j .'^ (j-? J* J U%J^ ->S^ _>$^ L5^ (j -0 3>J J " CS^- 0 (_S^U-a]l eljj t " 1» a i n ^jje. Lais 4j]J dllaiils 

dii^S ; ilm j 4_ilc <»&l ^jJj-a ^ll (J J-^J ' " '.^ ' '""N Jl '"'7- J*-* . 4t -ft sbLLall CJ - ?^ fi"' J A J^ 1 *" ^ cs^ 3 ^ 0 

JaJ jA j ^iLaJI Jt (__yAa. Aj!/lLa ^alu j Alii Jj-a *&l (Jj-^J ^ Lais j> jail j_a^Ia Jj s-llUll ' '«'^» 

^ j ui « (jc i'v'i^i ciijS t3^' j ^-y-^- Lr^^ j f i j ^jj^j 1 (ij^' lj*^ f j ^4*3^ 

I j^ji fj j'v^ tsl >* ^ fW ( . ' - i^ f j f ^ f ^^p^ t • " ls4 '5j ^i ^3'^ (jL^^il 

La (jjjij jiliill ' . ^4'-^ f u *Jd3?^i ' jiiis AjjiLill <^-lJ^i ts4 ' (J'i«'*il LJJ3U J'V^ LS^ ?J^_>?' 

I^A ^gJ! \ jfllLjl ^ Jail l^ji ClJls AjaillaaJI La j I jlls . <LiLL=JI Ui Cllllls Clljl La lilljj I jllis ji %\\ sji^ (J-a s^>JJl (ja 41jS 

Jll _ 3;l Uj,';, jji i;L UsjS blLj Ul ClilLi Ual Jls . jlJ^Vlj ^Sjia. -Uls jjlll (J (J^jll- (^Sa. Iclj^u UaUajls 

i2llij Uls Aj^aJLi (jil <J^J (JJJ l-a Aljc- sI5j <C- ja=Ji lIU j sikilj lllL iaS sUjIj (jUiul ^JaC-! <jS I jli jjlll UiLj 

Oir* J^,'^ UsjlLaS <J^p>-J ^ \;° ■ " ^gS Uj^j i— l^ 3 ^' L>* Cj-"^ L>*j ' f^j' La ^j^kli (J_)F>. Ls lc ^Jjjs JS (Jli Clljl La 
(_5jjj V jijill jjjS tLlUi 2j|j 1 vijali s^jjiJI UlLjs L^Jjsi ^ 1 ''^f < sjA liljjjja. Uiiji ^ l^fr^ 1 2 ^ f^' 
JjSll (J4j^ ' J-^-l slJLa 3 II Laj Uls . 3-uil ui-f.ll Ui CllJlls tlui La lilljj UlaS SjSS (^-a sjjJ (J-a 4ijS La 

^i (Jc- Uls ^1 \ (Jij (Jc. ^j^ja-i (Jlls SjUalJi (jjSli (ji (j-aU j L^ia Ut_)3 j liljjj i2lill UljsU (jl jxfyij Jl Ajli 

Uls . SJ^jjiall 'sjJaJ (Jc. ^jj^ia-i (Jls ^ali V (ji > Ji l ui jj 4j| Lai (Jli . ^xj Aj Uls J-^n D& LjiLj (j^- ^SiLLit (Jli j;*-''' "'' L^jUi 
(jjC (jt ^gjj^ji.! (Jli . L-lAjj (ji liL^JJ lA«.La (jl Lai (Jli . s-Lall 'sjjj£ Ls & I jlls s-La LjjS l]tt> (JU J.'*-"'' "'' UjjLui (jC 
l^ioi j S-Lall sjjj£ j^A <J Uls (jJaJI ?LaJ L^IaS ^JJJ cJ*J eLa (jJJtll ^ 3* (J^ J.'^"''""' l^-jLi cS? (jC- I jJll . JC. j 

^xj Uls tLijxli <liiii jii _ i—ijii 3jj j a^-o ' '-^* a u.i.i ^ ^ cs^j^f^' . ^4^-* uj^ jjd 

jji. i2ll j (jl Lai (Jli . ^xj Uis i2lJj (jl£ js ^jj (Jli s jC-Ualj ^jxil (j^ <Jj (j-a ^glc ^ js 4il sL^ikls jL^J ^iLa ffi (Jli 
AjjS ^ji bli (Jf=jVl JJ^ii ^ £ J^>aJI (_ji J (jjjJ (ji < j lui ji Jlj ^Juiall Ui Jj " Jlj sjxiiaJ (ji ^a^J 

^giljiluil Lag_La I ja.1 j ji 'sja.1 j (Ji.ji (ji dljji LaK LaAliK Jt (jl'^j^ ^ La^S Ajola j JJC 3Jj] (jjxjjl ^ 1 

4ili " ^xj (JjjUII (Jlls . " i2lJj ICSw CjiS J* Vi " ^Ui-^-all (jj^J . " <Jji> ?jA ^IlL ? jA 3^°,U ? j* " jilall ^Jj'^^ f.' 
(JjS (j-a (Jj V (j-aJI ^=»J jalijl ^p»J ^ Aj! j SjjjjJI (jc j <jc. »^'ii i'i'i^ j^jll (Jjsl J f iJ <i" '"''J)-~- tJ 3.'?' r '^ 

^ill (Jjajj (ja IjA I'lUii^a tlills _ (j^>2lLaJI Jl sA)J Lajlj . " Jik La (j^) in all (JjS (j-a jA La (jj^)jaLa]l (JjS (j^i J& La (jj^)2a-a]l 
^aiui j A-llc jIll (Jj-a. 

Translation: Amir b. Sharahil Sha'bi Sha'b Hamdan reported that he asked Fatima, 
daughter of Qais and sister of ad-Dahhak b. Qais and she was the first amongst the 
emigrant women: 

Narrate to me a hadith which you had heard directly from Allah's Messenger (XsiSO and 
there is no extra link in between them. She said: Very well, if you like, I am prepared to 
do that, and he said to her: Well, do It and narrate that to me. She said: I married the 
son of Mughira and he was a chosen young man of Quraish at that time, but he fell as a 
martyr in the first Jihad (fighting) on the side of Allah's Messenger (Afc). When I 
became a widow, Abd al-Rahman b. Auf, one amongst the group of the Companions of 
Allah's Messenger (Xs&)> sent me the proposal of marriage. Allah's Messenger (Afc) 
also sent me such a message for his freed slave Usama b. Zaid. And it had been conveyed 
to me that Allah's Messenger had said (about Usama): He who loves me should 

also love Usama. When Allah's Messenger talked to me (about this matter), I said: 
My affairs are in your hand. You may marry me to anyone whom you like. He said: You 
better shift now to the house of Umm Sharik, and Umm Sharik was a rich lady from 
amongst the Ansar. She spent generously for the cause of Allah and entertained guests 
very hospitably. I said: Well, I will do as you like. He said: Do not do that for Umm 
Sharik is a woman who is very frequently visited by guests and I do not like that your 
head may be uncovered or the cloth may be removed from your shank and the strangers 
may catch sight of them which you abhor. You better shift to the house of your cousin 
'Abdullah b. Amr b. Umm Maktum and he is a person of the Bani Fihr branch of the 
Quraish, and he belonged to that tribe (to which Fatima) belonged. So I shifted to that 
house, and when my period of waiting was over, I heard the voice of an announcer 
making an announcement that the prayer would be observed in the mosque (where) 
congregational prayer (is observed). So I set out towards that mosque and observed 
prayer along with Allah's Messenger and I was in the row of the women which 

was near the row of men. When Allah's Messenger had finished his 

prayer, he sat on the pulpit smiling and said; Every worshipper should keep 
sitting at his place. He then said: Do you know why I had asked you to 
assemble? They said: Allah and His Messenger know best. He said: By Allah. 

I have not made you assemble for exhortation or for a warning, but I have 
detained you here, for Tamim Pari, a Christian, who came and accepted 
Islam, told me something, which agrees with what I was telling, you about 
the Dajjal . He narrated to me that he had sailed in a ship along with thirty 
men of Bani Lakhm and Bani Judham and had been tossed by waves in the 
ocean for a month. Then these (waves) took them (near) the land within the 
ocean (island) at the time of sunset . They sat in a small side-boat and 
entered that island. There was a beast with long thick hair (and because of 
these) they could not distinguish his face from his back. They said: Woe to 
you, who can you be? Thereupon it said: I am al-Jassasa. They said: What is al- 
Jassasa? And it said: 0 people, go to this person in the monastery as he is very much 
eager to know about you. He (the narrator) said: When it named a person for us we were 
afraid of it lest it should be a devil. Then we hurriedly went on till we came to that 
monastery and found a well-built person there with his hands tied to his neck and 
having iron shackles between his two legs up to the ankles. We said: Woe be upon thee, 
who are you? And he said: You would soon come to know about me. but tell me who are 
you. We said: We are people from Arabia and we embarked upon a boat but 
the sea-waves had been driving us for one month and they brought as near this 
island. We got Into the side-boats and entered this island and here a beast met us with 
profusely thick hair and because of the thickness of his hair his face could not be 
distinguished from his back. We said: Woe be to thee, who are you? It said: I am al- 
Jassasa. We said: What is al-Jassasa? A nd it said: You go to this very person in the 
monastery for he is eagerly waiting for you to know about you. So we came to you in hot 
haste fearing that that might be the Devil. He (that chained person) said: Tell me about 
the date-palm trees of Baisan. We said: About what aspect of theirs do you seek 
information? He said: I ask you whether these trees bear fruit or not. We said: yes. 
Thereupon he said: I think these would not bear fruits. He said: Inform me about the 
lake of Tabariyya? We said: Which aspect of it do you want to know? He said: Is there 
water in it? They said: There is abundance of water in it. Thereupon he said: I think it 
would soon become dry. He again said: Inform me about the spring of Zughar. They 
said: Which aspect of it you want to know? He (the chained person) said: Is there water 
in it and does it irrigate (the land)? We said to him: Yes, there is abundance of water in 

it and the inhabitants (of Medina) irrigate (land) with the help of it, He said: Inform me 
about the unlettered Prophet; what has he done? We said: He has come out from Mecca 
and has settled In Yathrib (Medina). He said: Do the Arabs fight against him? We said: 
Yes. He said: How did he deal with them? We informed him that he had overcome those 
in his neighbourhood and they had submitted themselves before him. Thereupon he 
said to us: Has it actually happened? We said: Yes. Thereupon he said: If it is so that is 
better for them that they should show obedience to him . I am going to tell you about 
myself and I am Dajjal and would be soon permitted to get out and so I shall 
get out and travel in the land, and will not spare any town where I would not 
stay for forty nights except Mecca and Medina as these two (places) are 
prohibited (areas) for me and I would not make an attempt to enter any one of these 
two. An angel with a sword in his hand would confront me and would bar my way and 
there would be angels to guard every passage leading to it; then Allah's Messenger (Afe) 
striking the pulpit with the help of the end of his staff said: This implies Taiba meaning 
Medina. Have I not, told you an account (of the Dajjal) like this? 'The people said: Yes, 
and this account narrated by Tamim Dari was liked by me for it corroborates the 
account which I gave to you in regard to him (Dajjal) at Medina and Mecca . Behold he 
(Dajjal) is in the Syrian sea (Mediterranean) or the Yemen sea (Arabian 
sea). Nay, on the contrary, he is in the east, he is in the east, he is in the 
east, and he pointed with his hand towards the east. I (Fatima bint Qais) said: I 
preserved it in my mind (this narration from Allah's Messenger ( 

-End of Hadith 

This hadith proves wonderful incidents and Mukashafaat of Sahaba (Wahabis hate 
Mukashafaat of even Prophet let alone Sahaba). Now after having read the complete 
hadith, look at stupid comment of Abdullah. He said: Just take a glance at World 
Map,Saudi Arabia comes no where between Syria and Iraq and now read the below 

First of all Abdullah understood Jack from the above hadith and only quoted parial part 
of it, but even that partial part is going against him. Secondly these hadiths do not prove 
that Dajjal "WILL BE FROM IRAQ" hence Abdullah's trickery falls back on his face. 

Thirdly: Abdullah accepts that things should be known by looking at maps as he 
categorically said above. Mr Abdullah now pick up Map and tell us whether Iraq is 
towards "EAST" of Madina or towards "NORTH" Plus even picking up map proves that 
Dajjal will come from Khurasaan which is "EAST OF MADINA" hence your point is 
totally refuted. 

Let's look closely at the last part of above long hadith, first Prophet (Peace be upon him) 

Behold he (Dajjal) is in the Syrian sea (Mediterranean) or the Yemen sea 
(Arabian sea) 

But then Prophet (Peace be upon him) totally rejects that by saying: 

Nay, on the contrary, he is in the east, he is in the east, he is in the east, and 
he pointed with his hand towards the east. 

Now the Wahabis due to pea-sized brains do not understand ultimate wisdom of 
Prophet (Peace be upon him) 

a) Dajjal travels fast and lives somewhere hidden in ocean (There are many 
interpretations but it cannot be assertained where exactly he is) 

b) The Prophet (Peace be upon him) confirmed by saying it "THREE TIMES" that "NAY, 
This proves that he is not in Iraq but shall emerge from Khurasaan as I showed clear cut 
hadith above (But still there are many interpretations from scholars and it is a 
complicated matter, one thing is confirmed he will not emerge from Iraq as Abdullah 
indirectly tried to say) 

Dajjal could be in Syrian or Yemini seas but this does not mean he will come out from 
that area (Remember there are hadiths which prove technology which shall be used by 
Dajjal like for example his fast ride which was called a donkey with wings i.e. Airplane). 

These hadiths are of no benifit to Wahabi ideology. Also remember that Prophet (Peace 
be upon him) mentioned "QARN ASH-SHAYTAN" emerging from Najd Saudi Arabia. 
We all know that Shaytan (or you can say Dajjal over here) does not have only "l HORN" 
it has 2 horns. Hence one horn is indeed Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab al-Najdi at- 
Tameemi and the other horn will emerge with Dajjal and both these ideologies will kiss 
eachother. We all know by looking at atrocities by Wahabis and violence they spread 

Wahabi then misused another hadith which states: 

He(Dajjal) would appear on the way between Syria and Iraq and would spread 
mischief right and left. (Sahih Muslim Book 41, Number 70i5;Jami v at-TirmidhiEnglish 
reference : Vol. 4, Book 7, Hadith 2240;Tirmidhi Arabic reference : Book 29, Hadith 

Yes we can see ISIS Wahabi organisation doing it so this hadith is tied around necks of 
Wahabis themselves. Secondly this Wahabi has no clue what he is madly quoting. 
Maybe he has not read many hadiths about Dajjal (in fear that Wahabis have close 

resemblence) but there are some hadiths which prove that Dajjal will also roam in areas 
closer to Madina. 

Here is the hadith: 

Narrated by Anas bin Malik (ra) The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Ad-Dajjal will come and 
encamp at a place close to Madinah and then Madinah will shake thrice whereupon 
every Kafir (disbeliever) and hypocrite will go out (of Medina) towards him." (Sahih Al- 
Bukhari, 9.239) 

Saudi Kingdom has barred non-Muslims from entering Madina then howcome "EVERY 
KAFIR AND HYPOCRITE" will run toewards Dajjal? The answer is that puppets of 
Saudi Zionist Mulookiyyah and Wahabis shall be Munafiqeen who will run towards 
Dajjal whereas the great Sufi Army of Imam Mahdi (alayh salam) will come and fight 
Dajjalic Army. 

Another hadith states: 

Book 41, Hadith 7032: (Sahih Muslim) 

Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger ) said: 

There will be no land which would not be covered by the Dajjal but Mecca 
and Medina, and there would no passage out of the passages leading to them which 
would not be guarded by angels arranged in rows. Then he (the Dajjal) would appear in 
a barren place adjacent to Medina and it would rock three times that every unbeliever 
and hypocrite would get out of it towards him. 

This proves that Najd within Saudi Arabia shall come under territory of Dajjal, also 
remember that Riyaadh is made capital of this Baatil Mulookiyah by Wahabis. Why 
Wahabis made Riyadh a capital and not Makkah and Madina? Allah made them commit 
this blunder because we all know that Saud dynasty (which was established with help of 
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab and Ibn Saud) is tout of Israel/USA/UK. Hence these 

areas will be included in territory of Dajjal. Abdullah in his ignorance tried to defend 
Najd the Qarn ash-Shaytan as we know Wahabis love Dajjal very much and defend it's 
territory fanatically. 

Book 41, Hadith 7040 (Sahih Muslim) 

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger as saying: 

Hasten in performing these good deeds (before these) six things (happen): (the 
appearance) of tribe Dajjal, the smoke, the beast of the earth, the rising of the sun from 
the west, the general turmoil (leading to large-scale massacre) and death of 
masses and individuals. 

It is Wahabis paving the way for Dajjal by committing large massacre even of Muslims. 
Remember ISIS is in Iraq and is a Wahabi organisation. This destroys all pseudo 
interpretations of Wahabism even if they refer Najd to be Iraq because ISIS is following 
same sick ideology of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab al Kharji'i. 

Or does Abdullah believe that ISIS is Barelvi Sufi organisation as he calls Sufis as 

Hadith # 23 

Sunnan Ibn Majah Hadith # 4127. It was narrated from Khabbab, concerning the 
Verse: "And turn not away those who invoke their Lord, morning and afternoon..." up to 
His Saying: ". .. and thus become of the unjust."i[i] He said: " Agra' bin Habis At- 
Tamimi and 'Uyainah bin Hisn AI-Fazari came and found the Messenger of 
Allah (PBUH) with Suhaib, Bilal, 'Ammar and Khabbab, sitting with some of 
the believers who were weak (i.e., socially). When they saw them around the 
Prophet (PBUH) they looked down on them. They took him aside and said: 'We 
want you to sit with us alone, so that the Arabs will recognize our superiority. If the 
delegations of the Arabs come to you we will feel ashamed if the Arabs see us with these 

slaves. So, when we come to you, make them get up from your presence, then when we 
have finished, sit with them if you wish.' He said: 'Yes.' They said: 'Write a document for 
us (binding you to that).' So he called for a piece of paper and he called 'Ali to write, and 
we were sitting in a comer. Then Jibra'il, (A.S.), came down and said: "And turn not 
away those who invoke their Lord, morning and afternoon seeking His Face. You are 
accountable for them in nothing, and they are accountable for you in nothing, that you 
may turn them away, and thus become of the unjust."2[2] Then he mentioned Aqra' bin 
Habis and Uyaynah bin Hisn, then he said: "Thus We have tried some of them with 
others, that they might say: 'Is it these (poor believers) whom Allah has favored from 
amongst us?' Does not Allah know best those who are grateful. "3[3] Then he said: 
"When those who believe in Our Ay at come to you, say: Salamun 'Alaykum (peace be on 
you); your Lord has written (prescribed) mercy for Himself '."4U] He said: "Then we got 
so close to him that our knees were touching his, and the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) 
was sitting with us. When he wanted to get up, he stood up and left us. Then Allah 
revealed: "And keep yourself patiently with those who call on their Lord morning and 
afternoon, seeking His Face; and let not your eyes overlook them," - and do not sit with 
the nobles "desiring the pomp and glitter of the life of the world; and obey not him 
whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance," meaning 'Uyainah and Aqra' 
"and who follows his own lusts, and whose affair (deeds) has been losf'sfe] He said: 
'May they be doomed.' He said: 'May 'Uyaynah and Aqra' be doomed/ Then 
he made the parable for them of two men and the parable of this world. 
Khabbab said: "We used to sit with the Prophet (PBUH) and if the time came for him to 
leave, we would get up and leave him, then he would leave." 

There are many more proofs which could be shown. I would like to conclude with an 
important short discussion on Usool. 

The Wahabis want the world to believe that "IRAQ" is the cursed land regarding which 
Prophet (Peace be upon him) "COMPLETELY REJECTED TO PRAY" although we have 
proven above and Asim Wahabi also accepted that Prophet did indeed pray for Iraq, 
therefore the hadiths cannot contradict themselves. 

Having said that, the point I want to make is that if we believe that Iraq is the cursed 
area then roughly over 60% of hadiths including that of Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim 
will have to be rejected. Majority of the chains are from Kufi, Basri or Iraqi narrators in 
general. IF we belive Iraq to be absolutely cursed then whole hadith science is at stakes. 

The hadith rejectors would easily say that look Iraq is cursed by Prophet and "KUFA 
WAS HEADQUARTER OF KNOWLEDGE" thus hadiths are cooked up by cursed people 

Logically speaking few good people coming from Bani Tameem and they being present 
as narrators of hadith does not save the area from being cursed, however majority 
coming from Iraq and the area being cursed does indeed effect the hadith science. 
Because then we have to follow the rule of thumb that no matter how many 
Muhaditheen praised Iraqis the Prophet had cursed the area so Prophetic wording will 
supercede and we should not take knowledge from Iraqis at all (Naudhobillah). 

The greatest scholar i.e. Imam al Adham Abu Hanifa (al-Dhahabi and many more call 
him Imam al-Adham) came from Kufa Iraq. Sufyan ath-Thawri (rah) the prolific 
Muhadith was born in Kufa Iraq, Hasan Basri (rah) the top most righteous Muhadith 
was born in Madina but origin is from Iraq. Ibrahim al Nakha'i (rah) was from Kufa 
Iraq, Alqama bin Qais (rah) was from Kufa Iraq, Imam al-Aswad (rah) again from Kufa 
Iraq and many many more. 

The very first hadith of Sahih Bukhari which states: "Actions are judged by intentions..." 
has come via route of Sufyan bin Uyaynah(rah) who was yet again from Kufa, Iraq and 
we can go on and on! 

I have intentionally not used much Atlas yet, because Wahabis due to their ignorance 
believe that Prophet (Peace be upon him) did not know about exact cardinal points 
(Naudhobillah) and they also say that East refers to northern side (illogical and absurd 
of them) 

But now after overwehlming proofs from Qur'an and Sunnah we can see maps too and 
prove Wahabism as a joke that too a corny one. 

Map # l (Saudi Najd is towards east or where Sun rises, whereas Iraq is 

towards Northern side of Madina) 

©LOOKLEX 2009 

Also remember that Iraq is mostly a platue whereas Najd within Saudi Arabia is 
"RAISED LAND" and the word Najd by definition means a raised land. 

Map # 2 (Sun never rises in Madina from the side of Iraq, so indeed the 
Prophet Peace be upon him never pointed towards Iraq) 

I want people to observe the above photo closely. It is a map that shows you a graph of where the 
sun rises and sets over Madina throghout the year. We can clearly see that the sun never rises 
from the direction of Iraq, so Iraq cannot be al-Mashriq, and hence Najd is not Iraq. [The curve 
shows the trajectory of sun rise and set throughout the year] 

I have now concluded the 2nd point from table of contents. I ask all Ahlus Sunnah and 
honest people to make dua for me with the intercession of Sayyidna Muhammad (Peace 
be upon him) because indeed with the intercession of Sayyidna Muhammad (Peace be 
upon him) I say with certinity that Wahabism has been totally refuted. 

Mistakes (both grammatical and judgmental) are from me whereas Haqq is from Allah 
and his Apostle. 

3. The verdict of Islamic scholars whether Khawarij are disbelievers or not? 

1 would like to show 6 verdicts due to brevity issue, although there are many. 

Verdict # 1 (Fits perfectly on Wahabiyoon who have claimed false caliphate 
many times before and currently doing it too) 

jjj ( _ s ic Jii\ Lgijj V) -2=>3 <cLaaL £jl jii] C±s\S. La J5i\ j3 jailuiVI jAj-a CjSjJll J13 Jl <Uia jjj j Jlii j^LuiC (jj! jjC 

2 jl jiJI ^III (j^-a! J ^ jl jaJI (j^i Ja3 (Ja*J ( _ s -lt "LaVI <"'» "'-^ I La j <iic. <&! l_SjjJa V) JaS Ajlj - ' -laJ j; kl La j - 3 '^1 

jtAj jA j V] (J^lj lWJ^^ S^"^ (j-o ^! j aJaL^JI J I La£ (JLtaJ! o^jc-^w uj'l.*''"'.. 

^Jj-aJ ^^Ja* ^>3^Lj (_pa*J LS"^ * i ' '""** ■ ''S ''".)J ^ 1 *'*,' * 3 ' '•"**.' tjjLaj sjjit (j-o jiSI (J^J (J^ £-°J <jo»aj 

(j^i £a jl i-^.mj ^jjl ^ <ULaj <1aIj 4_uiaj Jt L4jLi jj.ojj.all (J^jl! 

69290 ' . J j' i— i__jak ^\ i «r. j^jjV (JjjIibaJ ^JjLi 

Translation: Ibn Asakir reported: Wahb ibn Munabbih (rah) said, "I knew the early period of 
Islam. By Allah, the Kharijites never had a group except that Allah caused it to split due to their 
evil condition. Never did one of them proclaim his opinion except that Allah caused his neck to 
be struck. Never did the Muslim nation unite upon a man from the Kharijites. If Allah had 
allowed the opinion of the Kharijites to take root, the earth would have been corrupted, the 
roadways would have been cut off, the Hajj pilgrimage to the sacred house of Allah would have 
been cut off, and the affair of Islam would have returned to ignorance until the people would 
seek refuge in the mountains as they had done in the time of ignorance. If there were to arise 
among them ten or twenty men, there would not be a man among them except that he would 
claim the Caliphate for himself. With each man among them would be ten thousand others, all of 
them fighting each other and charging each other with unbelief until even the believer would fear 
for himself, his religion, his life, his family, his wealth, and he would not know where to travel 
or with whom he should be." 

Source: Ta'reekh Dimshaq 69290 

This is an amazing verdict by Wahb bin Munabih (RA). Look at his amazing foresight. 

Verdict # 2 

Imam an-Nawawi (rah) who is called an Ash'ari by Salafi defeated scholar 
Dimishhqiyyah when was refuted by Shaykh Asrar Rashid of Uk. 

Imam an-Nawawi (rah) states: 

The Prophet (Peace be upon him)'s statement: Kill them when you meet them (i.e. 
Khawarij), for the one who kills them will be rewarded. (Imam Nawawi says): This is an 
explicit declarion of the obligation to fight the Kharj'ites and rebels "AND THIS IS A 

Qadhi [Ibn Arabi) said: The scholars have unanimously agreed that when the Kharji'ites 
and their ilk from the people of blameworthy innovation and rebellion revolt against the 
view of the "COUMMUNITY (JAMA AH]", split the unity [of Muslims] and take up arms 
against us, then it is obligatory to fight them after exhorting them and warning them. 

Now this applies so long as their innovation does not "ENTAIL DISBELIEF" If their 
innovations is one that makes them disbelievers, then the rules that pertain to apostates 
are applied to them. As for the rebels who do not disbelieve, they may inherit and others 
may inherit from them, althogh during times of fighting their blood is lawful, as is their 
wealth that is destroyed during the fighting [[Sharh Sahih Muslim (7/169-170)] 

Verdict # 3 

Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah) states: 

A large body of scholars have said that "KHARJI'ITES ARE TO BE CHARGED WITH 
DISBELIEF, SUCH AS AL-BUKHARI" who compared them to apostates and heretics, 
and only singled out individuals [among them] who were subject to faulty 
interpretations, mentioning them in a seperate chapter: On the one who refrains from 
fighting the Kharj'ites for the sake of drawing hearts near and so people will not flee 
[Fath ul Bari Sharh Sahih ul Bukhari (12/313)] 

Note: In the chapter mentioned by Ibn Hajr is the hadith from Sahl bin Hunayf (RA) 
which we have dealt with in detail above. Hence Imam Bukhari was himself of the 

opinion "TO CHARGE KHARJ'ITES WITH KUFR" and the chapter which is quoted was 
only to clarify on "CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS" 

The end result is that both opinions are strong 

a) Khawarij are apostates 

b) They are extreme innovaters who are to befought against but Takfir is to be withheld 
generally (but not if their disbelief is blunt and open like we see many times in Wahabis 
of today) 

Verdict # 4 

Imam Ahmed as-Sawi (Rahimuhullah) in his magnificent commentary over Tafsir 
al Jalalyn by Imam Jalal ud din Suyuti (rah) explains this verse : Truly, the Devil is an 
enemy to you, so take him as an enemy: he only calls his party to become of the 
inhabitants of the blaze" (Qur'an 35:6) as: 

■l&t ia« jA La£ jigJI j-o! j Q\ aL a a\\ lillij (jjl^ioijj A luill j ' ■ l\j£31 (JjjIj (jjS_)aj (JjjjJI £ jl jiJI ^ Clll^j A^y\ ojlA (JjS j 

Translation; It is said this verse was revealed about the Kharijites [foretelling their 
appearance], who altered the interpretation of the Qur'an and Sunnah, on the strength of which 
they declared it lawful to kill and take the property of Muslims as may now be seen in their 
modern counterparts; namely, a sect in the Hijaz called "Wahabiva, ( ^ J^j jW-^ 1 u^jW ^ J 
jit)" who "think they are on something, truly they are the liars (Kadhibeen). Satan has 
gained mastery over them and made them forget Allah's remembrance. Those are Satan's 
party, truly Satan's party, they are the losers" (Qur'an 58:18-19). We ask Allah Most Generous 
to extirpate them completely (Hashiya al-Sawi 'ala al-Jalalayn, 3.255). 

Verdict # 5 

Alia ma Ibn Abideen ash-Shami (Rahimuhullah) said; 

I jjl£ j (jj^^JI ( _ g I& I j.lU'i j ^ i (j^i I (jjill (—lift jll lj& ^W-^ <_S^ ^-""j (jj £^ j La£ i 4-lle I ji.ji. (j-a jj£ ~& ll'aV.I 

AjJI (JaI (Jj3 lillij I iLml j t (jj£jjJi-a aAjliiel L-illi. (j-a (jlj (JjaIuiaII aA a^jl I j^iitl i£3 I "LLliiJI t—lAJLa (jjlaJijj 
l_i]lj (jj!ijLa j (jjJ^Jliij Cl£/lj ale (JJaIuiaII j^LuiC- a£J jila j aA^!/lj <_J^ij i_5^*J ^1 ^xjS. ( ^A2l a^ M al& (Jj3 j 

(" ^^Ic jj("4/ 262) g^jjj 

Translation; (Ibn 'Abidin said): His words and who consider the Companions of our Prophet 
(Allah bless him and give him peace) to be disbelievers are not a condition for someone to be a 
Kharijite, but rather are a mere clarification of what those who revolted against 'Ali (Allah Most 
High be well pleased with him) in fact did. Otherwise, it is enough to be convinced of the 
unbelief of those they fight against , as happened in our own times with the followers 
of I Muhammad ibnl 'Abd al-Wahhab, who came out of the Najd in revolt, and took 
over the sanctuaries of Mecca and Medina. They followed the Hanbali madhhab, but believed 
that they were the Muslims, and that those who believed differently than they did were 
polytheists (mushrikin). On this basis, they held it lawful to kill Sunni Muslims (Ahl al-Sunna) 
and their religious scholars, until Allah Most High dispelled their forces, and the armies of the 
Muslims attacked their strongholds and subdued them in 1233 A.H. [Ibn Abideen - 
Rahimuhullah in Radd ul Muhtar ala Dur al Mukhtar, Volume N0.4, Page No. 262] 

The great Hanafi scholar Ibn Abideen ash-Shami (Rahimahullah) not only destroyed Wahabism 
in above quote but also proved that it emerged from "NAJD WITHIN SAUDI ARABIA" 

Verdict # 6 

It is also important to know reality of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab from a great Hanbli scholar 
and historian, this scholar was also from Najd. He wrote biography of his father Abdul Wahab 
who was a Sunni scholar but in that biography he refuted his son Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab 
in emphatic terms. 

Excerpted from: ' Al-Suhub al-Wabila 'ala Dara'ih al-Hanabila' [Torrential Rain-clouds over 

The Graves of the Hanbalis], page 275, published by the 'Imam Ahmad Bookshop '.This book 
was published originally by the Wahhabis in Arabic. There is a chapter in it about Shaykh 

'Abdul Wahhab and his son Muhammad ibn 'Abdul Wahhab. The Wahhabis did not realise 

that the text was critical of Muhammad ibn 'Abdul Wahhab and have subsequently altered it 

in a more recent edition. 

:275 AjLjw _ ^jkJ-l c£-b*Jl -L^ Jl Al)l J_P Jl X^A it-. ti\ Jli 

.l£Jl^tJl ^b-a^il Ju^t* jjjj ^i'jiS jl jl jU~Lv ji OlAjJl Jlp —415 

J_oj£ jjlj j-asj tJfc 1153 4^ ij^j Ajh5" a^ gall Jjl—^ll ^1p C~^Sj J-taj-j a^P j^tf- 1 *-^ <iXc~JL«Jl i^?-L^) .^Ip aJLsJI <j Iji 

Jjfcl ^j^jtj ^P Ai^aJ ^a j\^*j J^/p 1 ^ ca-^Jlj CJy VI a^P-lJlj yolikj \X^A- jl £_a 0^ l^VI J3 ^Lr^ ^Jl <s^P-l!l ^_^>-L^ 

jl aJ ^^ij 5^4^- J-*'_) Ai%^lS'AliJlj jl J>jj ji *ij>3 o-lSj ^jlp 'l)l~iP jlfiil IJla i_jL*jJI -Lp ^-iJl jvlp ^jp ^JUJl 

JijJ Aja^O j aJ LiljLa jlS""-La^£ ^jjl ^^1 jLa_-L« AJjl ^J]SSj Cjlwf jl Ail I jXii c yjJl ^ -Laj£ Jfi jjjJ La L jj^LjJ UJ^i jL^S t y> I Ala 

!L«_; js\ jj-Jl ^Sj ^iJl jiP jlS'j^ L5lS"j J 5-u2 jl La-LiJ |ilp Jl tL^dj V_j La 4 !^ 'JAj "i Ajlp iji^-l jj^J j^"^_3 ^IjVIj tSj Ajlp 

A~>-l L5 lp Sij jU_;La jt~ijl • f I 'i ^a Ji^ l _^- £i \-<*4*y£~ jlS" jlj ^Ul j^jlp Aj Jj-rf2J_J JijkJl ^Li V U-j-a^lS'f^ AjU j*_jljl ^jjl S-U<Jjj 

A~lp Sjj 1Aj-I A_jli lit jlS'ljli JlpUVI O-^Pjl ^1 AijUl aJ jXaJl dill £-a lO^Sv-aj O^i j-a 2)1 A^-LaJ "i_jl*ajl -Up ^jj ^^Ip ijil j i_jtUi-l 

Iks aJ">1^uvIj IsJl^ ^ jJ&si aJjiJ ">U Jy^Jl J _jl A-ily j aJUju ^ aJI ^J--aji syl-4 aL3 lj 1p jJlai Ij. <CoIp J*J 5-lL j jlS"U_aisi jl JJj 

I fllj LoJj A^ip Jj^^li tfl-^-J J_55e—«il ^ jLa^J-^a ^c_«iJl A^ I ^ip ^Jj^-Uj ^^i 2 *^ ^' -ta-^ J^lj ^*>l^Jlj jJj ^-^"^ ^ ^J^i ^ 

U^-aVl ^a ^Jj^ ^Jtj£- V jL^L*a lj :J_^aj J^fJ fl-^J ^ OLj^Jl j^L^?l ^ ^ AJLa ^3lj^ j ' ' U l^J I Jfi fljjo jl ^Jj^ ^j!/* ^Jj^J t- 

Translation: (415)' Abdul Wahhab Ibn Sulayman Ibn 'Ali Ibn Musharraf al-Tamimi al- 

He studied fiqh with his father, the author of the famous book al-Mansak, and he also studied 
with others. He gained religious knowledge, and also taught it. He wrote an Explanation of some 
religious issues and it was recognized as being well- written. He died in the year 1 153 A.H. 

He is the father of Muhammad (ibn 'Abdul Wahhab), who was founder of the mission whose 
evil has spread across the horizon. However, there is an enormous difference between father 
and son. Indeed Muhammad (ibn' Abdul Wahhab) did not reveal his mission until after the death 
of his father. 

Some of the people whom I met have related from some of the people of knowledge narrations 
from the contemporaries of Shaykh 'Abdul Wahhab that describe his anger with his son 
Muhammad (Ibn Abdul Wahab). This is because he had not agreed to study the Religious 
knowledge of his ancestors and the people of his area. His father had a presentiment that 
something would happen because of him, and so he frequently said to the people, "How much 
evil you are going to see from Muhammad (Ibn Abdul Wahab)." 

Subsequently, what Allah destined to happen came to pass. Similarly, his son Sulayman, the 
brother of Muhammad (ibn 'Abdul Wahhab), was also opposed to his mission. He refuted 
him emphatically with verses of the Holy Qur'an and Ahadith, since the refuted one 
(Muhammad ibn' Abdul Wahhab) would not accept other than these two sources. Nor would he 
consider the sayings of earlier or later scholars, whoever they may be, other than Ibn Taymiyya 
and his student Ibn al-Qayyim (al-Jawziyya). This is because Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul Wahhab 
considered their sayings to be explicit verses which do not accept interpretation and he used 
them in debate with the people, despite the fact that the sayings of these two figures contradicted 
what he understood. 

Shaykh Sulayman named his refutation against his brother 'al-Khitab fil Radd 'ala Muhammad 
ibn 'Abdul Wahhab' (The Empathic Speech on the Refutation of Muhammad ibn'Abdul 
Wahhab) However, Allah protected Sulayman from the evil And deception of his brother, whose 
great influence spread threat far and wide. This is because if one contradicted and refuted him, 
and he was unable to kill him openly, he Would send someone to assassinate him in their bed or 
in the market-place at night Since he judged whoever contradicted him to be a blasphemer and 
legalized their killing. 

It has been said that an insane person lived in the town and among his habits was to Strike 
whoever he came across, even with a weapon. Muhammad gave an order that This insane man 
was to be given a sword and admitted to the mosque where his Brother Shaykh Sulayman sat 
alone. When Shaykh Sulayman saw him, he was afraid. The insane man threw the sword from 
his hand and said,"0 Sulayman, do not be afraid; you are of those who are saved "He repeated 
this many times and this is without doubt among the karamat [Al-Suhub al-Wabila 'ala Dara'ih 
al-Hanabila, page 275] 

May Allah fill the grave of Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Humaid al-Najdi (rah) with Noor as he 
wrote the above wonderful biography. 

4. Terrorism taking place in our times is orchestrated by same 
Khawarij and their modern counterparts. 

It goes without saying (i.e. it is clear like bright sun) that only Wahabi and Wahabi 
influenceed people are involved in terrorism throughout the world. 

The biggest testimony of this comes from people like Arifi and other pseudo Wahabi 
scholars spread like snakes who ask Muslims to "WAGE JIHAD EVEN ON MUSLIM 

The ISIS terrorist organisation funded by Zionists and USA is also a Wahabi 
organisation. Look at the pathetic videos spread by ISIS themselves. 

5. Peaceful teachings of Islam Vs the Barbarism of Khawarij. 
Islam is aloof from their beliefs and even jurisprudential opinions. 

Please read our article "ON RIGHTS OF EVEN NON MUSLIMS" and look at barbarism 
of Wahabism. 

Here is the link: 

http : //www. ahlus- 


My article is concluded with the grant of Allah and intercession of Sayyidna Muhammad 
ur Rasool Allah (Salallaho alaihi wasalam). 

I say as the Sahaba used to say: Allah and his Apostle (Peace and Blessings be upon him) 
Know the best.